All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 128: Holy Ice Staff! The Second Level Research Institute (2Nd Update)

Demon Eye Erru is an evil god of the upper god level.

According to Qin Luo's memory.

Two years later, he tried to devour a genius of the Holy King Civilization, but was slapped to ashes by the Supreme God Gu Tiansheng.

"However... the question now is, why is the Church of the Evil Bell focusing on the world of corpse mist?"

Qin Luo was a little puzzled.

He scanned the environment of the institute.

There was a flash of inspiration in my mind.

"Could it be that the Church of the Evil Bell is also eyeing the corpse of the Chaos Calamity Beast?"

That's right.

This is the most likely reason.

Otherwise, the church will not easily enter this technology-side world.

"After completing the mission of the world of corpse mist, I will also search the world where the Boros Empire is located. I am sure to get the corpse of the calamity beast!"

Qin Luo's thoughts are extremely firm.

A corpse of the highest quality is worth as much as the Lord of Light.

How could he give up.


He glanced in front of his eyes, and the group of aberrations transformed by the researcher came... Their densely packed pupils suddenly lit up, emitting dozens of gray rays of light.


All the light bombarded Qin Luo.

No harm was done.

"Ding, a mental judgment is in progress, your mental value is 2.09 million, and you are exempt from the warm drama effect.

Because of the soul network.

When receiving mental judgment, all souls are regarded as a whole. 923

A level 55 silver boss monster, even if its attributes are doubled, its spirit cannot be higher than the sum of the spirit values ​​of all the people in the soul network.

after the enemy attack.

Qin Luo immediately summoned the Killing Angel and God Killer Hunter.

Affected by the power of killing gods, the monster's overall attributes were reduced by 10%, and the three of them and the avatar all shot together.

"Fire of Dragon Fury!"


"Frozen Scourge!"

The bright brilliance illuminated the training room, the monster figure was submerged by the torrent of magic, and a large number of damage numbers popped out.

The cumulative damage reaches 1100w.

Completely exceeded the maximum blood volume of the mutant of the evil god.

Dozens of monsters were wiped out.

"Ding, you killed the Evil God Aberration, and gained 490,000 experience points (+120%)|world reputation +200."


The kill notification kept ringing.

There were no bones of the monster left, and after death, it turned into gray mist and disappeared into the air.

"Qin Luo, those are mutants of evil gods, right? Doesn't it mean that the Church of the evil bell has set foot in this world?"

Wang Mengyu said with a worried face.

For the major forces of the heavens, they have studied in school.

Among them, the Evil Bell Church is known as a force that must not be provoked.

"do not worry."

Qin Luo said softly: "It's okay to simply kill the mutants, as long as you don't meet players from the Evil Bell Church.

Hearing this, Tian Mengyu felt a little relieved.

"Also, don't tell other people about this, so as not to expose it." He added.

"Well, Qin Luo, don't worry."

Wang Mengyu nodded seriously.

After killing the rest of the mobs.

They began to collect the dropped objects, and then followed the map instructions to find a space wormhole.

The three went straight into the wormhole.

【Current Location: Second Floor Institute of Biology】

Qin Luo arrived at a location 1,000 kilometers underground.


A violent roar sounded.

A gust of cold air blew in front of him.

[You have received a freezing effect, freezing resistance +20%]

[You have received a freezing effect, freezing resistance +17%]


Just for a second.

The resistance soared to 100%, and Qin Luo was out of the frozen state.

The number of talents increased is so exaggerated, it shows that the releaser of freezing cold air is very powerful in disguise!


The ground shook, and a giant monster whose body was made of ice bones exuded cold air.

Ice Skeletal Behemoth (Lord) (Enhanced)

Level: 55

Quality: gold


Attack: 26.3w

Skills: Furious Impact, Ice Chill, Icicle, Ice Shield, Ice Storm…………

Good guy.

On the second floor, there will be a golden boss guarding the gate.

Qin Luo is very skeptical that epic bosses may appear on the final floor.


The bone wings on the back of the giant ice skeleton spread out, and the cold air blanket (daaa) rolled around, and sharp icicles pierced out of the ground "shuashua".

At this moment, Qin Luo cast [Superstate] and [Titan Totem].



The attack broke the defense.

Finally, more than zero damage appeared above Qin Luo's head.


His blood bar remained motionless.

In the previous battle, Qin Luo obtained a 1000W real shield through [Blood Shield] protection.

"Mi Lin, release the god-controlling spell on the incarnation of killing intent!" he ordered.

"Okay, master!"

Milin recasts the spell.

The attack power of the killing intent incarnation suddenly increased to 91958 points.

Blood Sword lore!

A hundred blood-colored short swords condensed in the sky, and the next moment, killing intent bloomed.


The blood sword broke through the air strike to stab the boss.


A total of one hundred numbers emerged, and the battle on the first floor allowed the avatar to fully stack the frenzied killing, and the damage was tripled directly.

This created the scene in front of him.

Coupled with the divine incarnation to suppress the BOSS attribute, the blood volume of the giant beast was reduced to 4600w.

It's blood now.

This is the strength of the main god-level incarnation.



Qin Luo used the Golden Crow Spear to kill the monster boss.

"Ding, you killed the ice skeleton monster, gained 296w experience points (+120%), free attribute +16, and world reputation +1000."

The huge body of the BOSS crashed to the ground.

"Abstaining from God!"

Milin pulled out the soul of the ice-skeleton giant and sealed it into the blank eighth page.

All attributes of its own +825 points.

Now, if she casts the God Control Technique again, it will provide 33838 points of all attribute bonuses.

Very tough.

And the two women also gained enough experience.

Wang Mengyu was promoted to level 39, and Mi Lin was promoted to level 38.


The boss dropped dozens of pieces of equipment, ranging from level 35 to level 45. Among them, a level 40 staff attracted his attention.

Qin Luo took out the staff and evolved its quality.

"Ding! Yuanhan staff has evolved into epic equipment: Holy Ice Staff."

[Holy Ice Staff (Epic)]

Magic attack +2300

Additional: Constitution +400, Dexterity +400, Spirit +500

Special effect: cooldown reduction +10%

Skill: Frost Field (freezes enemies in the area for 5 seconds. Cooldown for 2 minutes)

Equipment requirements: 40-level legal profession

Equipment skills belong to the control system.

Useful in battle.


Qin Luo decisively equips a new staff.


Physique: 10653



Qin Luo is quite satisfied with his property panel. .

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