All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 129: Ten Thousand Eyed Demon Seeds! Immediate Death Resistance (Part 1)

Close the personal panel.

Qin Luo said: "Keep moving."

The giant ice skeletal beast was killed, and he went to the depths of the research institute with a staff in his hand, killing the monsters that came one after another.

The second level of customs clearance.

The third level clearance.

The fourth level clearance...

Every time they pass a level, they have to advance 500 kilometers to the bottom of the ground.

at this time.

Located in the core research institute 5,000 kilometers underground.

Hundreds of researchers are operating various high-tech instruments and devices to conduct some kind of experiment...

In the center of the room.

There is a ferocious sphere with a diameter of ten meters. There are thousands of dark eyes growing on its surface, and the whole body exudes a strange aura.

But... the researchers were not afraid at all, but were full of fanaticism.

The elegant middle-aged man stood by, admiring this masterpiece.

"Root, what is the resolution of Calamity Zeng's gene?" He asked the young man beside him.

The young man replied excitedly: "22%! And we have already instilled all the analyzed calamity beast genes into the Wantong Demon Seed!"

"It's not enough, 22% of the calamity beast's genes can produce SS-level life at most."

"If you want to defeat the biological army of the Boros Empire, you must have SSS-level life, so that we have enough strength to capture all the corpses of the Calamity Beast!"

The middle-aged man Yan said in a deep voice.

"Students understand!"

The young man nodded solemnly.

He added another sentence: "The analysis speed is getting slower and slower, and it may take us another month to achieve our goal."

"It's okay, I've been waiting for nine years, and I can afford to wait for this one month!"

Yan stared at the Wantong Demon Seed.

There was a hint of greed in his eyes.

At this time, a person ran into the room in a panic and said in a trembling voice: "Dr. Yan, it's bad! Those intruders have already broken into the ninth floor!"

"Did the S-rank guards stop them?"

Ian narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Yes, yes, the reformers of the guards were easily killed by them.

"Is this the player His Royal Highness said? Sure enough, he has some strength."

Yan smiled disdainfully: "Send that S-level king creature to kill him, this time I want to study their corpses myself."


The researcher hastily retreated.

The room became quiet again.

Ninth Floor Institute of Biology.

The three of Qin Luo rushed all the way to the training room.

The harvest is huge.

The experience value stored in his experience pool is as high as 270 million.

Wang Mengyu and Mi Lin's two daughters also rose to level 40.

Followers have no level cap, but the level cannot be higher than that of the master.

"I'm about to enter the tenth-floor research institute..."

Qin Luo looked at the space wormhole ahead.

It is just one step away from completing the world mission.


at this time.

There was a deafening crackling sound in the space.

A black shadow stepped out of the wormhole, like a black knight, wearing black biological heavy armor, standing in front of everyone with a gun in one hand.

"Master, I don't feel well, the breath on it seems to be able to tear apart the soul!"

Milin suddenly stretched out her small hand to grab the corner of Qin Luo's clothes.

"do not be afraid."

Qin Luo rubbed the little guy's hair.

He also sensed a mortal crisis.

This crisis stems from the sixth sense, and he has always believed in his own feelings.

Eyes of truth!

Qin Luo immediately activated his skills and stared at the black knight.

Death Transformer (Lord) (Enhanced)

Level: 55

Quality: Diamond


Attack: 39.4w

Skills: Dark Assault, Devil Thorn, Chain of Evil Cold, Return of Death...

Qin Luo looked at the last skill named "Death and Return".

I have hundreds of millions of shields on my body.

Even with this BOSS head-on.

Qin Luo is completely true.

Its damage can't even break his own shield, but it can make him feel the threat of death.

This means that the BOSS has the ability of mutual death or instant death curse.

Thinking of this, he became cautious.


The death reformer shouted coldly.

Turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Qin Luo, the spear blade spat out black cold light.

Frost Visions!

Activate the equipment skill, a phantom appeared on the left side, taunting the boss, it was forcibly turned, and a shot pierced the phantom.

Qin Luo thought.

The killing intent incarnate waved the blood wings behind him, and flew to the sky at high speed. In the middle of Setsuna, a hundred blood swords descended from the sky, stabbing the boss continuously.


The armor of the death reformer is a part of the body.

Its texture is as hard as steel.

Between the collisions, there was a metallic sound.



The dense damage rose, and the boss' blood volume plummeted by nearly 50 million, with less than 30% of his blood remaining.


A strange cry came from the boss's mouth.

0 looking for flowers......

Because the incarnation of killing intent was Qin Luo's summoning object, the opponent's hatred gathered on Qin Luo, and waved an energy chain, imprisoning Qin Luo's body.

[You have been imprisoned, imprison resistance +25%]


The resistance value quickly rose to 92%.

Qin Luo is out of control.

"God God Art!"

After the cooldown of the skill is over, Milin casts the skill again, providing Qin Luo with a bonus of 34222 points to all attributes.

The three attacked with all their strength.

The boss's blood volume plummeted.


"The intruder...………… buried with him"

The aura of the death reformer languished at the speed of light, forming huge black pupils, and a gray light shot out from the pupils, locking onto Qin Luo's body.


"Kill the Death Reformer, gain 593w points of experience (+120%), free attribute +32, world reputation +2000."

"You are affected by the death ray, and the judgment of instant death is passed.

The blood volume above Qin Luo's head suddenly emptied.

No amount of real shields can stop the instant death effect.


In the next moment!

A special force was born in Qin Luo's body.

[Trigger death compensation talent, the binding object "Player·Yan" has suffered this death]

[You have received the instant death effect, instant death resistance +100%]

Qin Luo's health bar instantly filled up.

have to say.

He really had a relationship with someone named "Ian".

The target of this world quest is Dr. Ian.

In addition, the instant death resistance has increased to 100%, and Qin Luo will no longer be affected by the instant death effect that is not higher than the god level in the future.

After the BOSS casts the skill, the soul dissipates directly.

Milin couldn't seal the opponent's soul.

It's a pity...

However, the BOSS corpse burst out many rare items.

Qin Luo reached out to pick up the spoils.


The three stepped into the space wormhole and came to the tenth-floor research institute.

At this time, a large group of people stood at the door.


"Intruder, you don't want to go any further!"

"For the great God of Magic Eyes! We will kill you!"

The researchers in white coats and the modified life guards blocked their progress.

"Just because you want to stop me?"

Qin Luo smiled slightly.


Waves unleash one spell after another.

Bomb the enemy to death.


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