All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 130: The Devil Lord With Evil Eyes! Ring Of The Most Evil (Part 2)

Less than two minutes passed.

The evil god mutant transformed by the researcher was solved by Qin Luo and three people.

"The last target..."

Qin Luo looked at the training room.

There was an evil aura coming from this direction, as if there was a demon hiding in the room.

He walked over and opened the door.


The scene of the training room came into view.

Qin Luo first saw the huge scourge beast finger bone.


Only then did he see Dr. Yaen next to the Demon Seed with Thousand Eyes.

The other party said with a ferocious face:

"Stupid Outland player, you forced me to do this!"

"I will use the great power bestowed by His Majesty Uru to tear your body and soul apart!"

Ian reached out to touch the demon seed.

A black clock phantom flew out of him and merged into the minister of the demon seed.

Mark of the Evil Bell!

The other party really has something to do with the Evil Bell Church. "Zero Eight Three"



A storm of evil energy swept across the surroundings, blocking everyone's sight, and Qin Luo could no longer see the opponent's figure.

Extremely Cold Ice Spear!

He released his skills without hesitation.

An ice spear pierced through the air, but just as it flew to the edge of the storm, it was crushed by a powerful force.

"The opponent's evolution ceremony cannot be interrupted..." Qin Luo murmured.


A giant monster was born, covered in black bone armor, with a pupil composed of countless small eyes on its forehead.

Evil-eyed Lord Yaen (Lord) (Enhanced)

Level: 55

Quality: Epic

Life: 1.45e/1.45e

Attack: 70w

Skills: Calamity Eye, Evil Ray, Demon Claw, Dark Armor, Evil Thunder Charge

Evil God's Blessing: All attributes +100%

Good guy.

Life value exceeds 100 million!

Attack 700,000!

Even if he is suppressed by the divine incarnation and all attributes are reduced by 10%, his strength is still extremely powerful.

The epic boss at the same level is like a younger brother in front of Demon Lord Xietong.

at this time.

"Humans, prepare to face death!"

The evil-eyed devil sneered a few times.

"Boom boom!!!"

It took a step forward and rushed towards it at high speed.

The body exploded at an astonishing speed, spanning tens of meters in an instant, and massive black lightning emerged from the body surface, pointing directly at Qin Lu.

It is the BOSS skill: Evil Thunder Charge!

at this time--

Frost Visions!

When the equipment skill is activated, the god-level priority taunting effect acts on the boss, directly interrupting its attack.

Qin Luo easily dodged the blow.

super state!

Hunter Angel!

Mysterious Golden Body Art!

He opened all the boosting skills in one go and refreshed more than ten kinds of BUFF icons in the status bar.

During Setsuna, Qin Luo exuded a terrifying coercion.


Qin Luo snorted coldly.

Immediately rushed to the front of the boss, held the sword of silence, cut out dozens of sword shadows, and hit the evil-eyed demon king like a rainstorm.


A series of damage figures popped out from above the opponent's head.

The damage per second reached a staggering 1281w.

Qin Luo chose to be tough.

After all, he has more than 100 million shields on him, and there are so many life-saving means.

Naturally, I don't love an epic boss.

Because of the silence effect, all skills are sealed.

Xietong Demon Lord had no choice but to fight him in close combat.

"Damn it!"

Ian was so angry that he vomited blood.

This hand control is simply disgusting.

Due to its large size, its body flexibility is far inferior to Qin Luo's, and its own movement speed is lower than Qin Luo's.

From start to finish.....

The Demon Monarch Xietong has been being beaten all the time.

10 seconds later.

The BOSS blood volume is less than 10%, Yan feels the crisis of death.

It started to panic.

"I am a loyal believer of the God of Demonic Eyes, and a member of the Church of the Evil Bell!"

Yan yelled sharply: "You can't kill me! Otherwise, you will be hunted down endlessly by the church!"

"Oh. Why don't I dare to kill you."

Qin Luo sneered.

The other party is not a player. If you kill it in the eternal world, the Church of the Evil Bell will not be able to find the murderer.


Qin Luo swung his sword to end Yan's life.

"Ding, kill the Demon King Yaen, gain 1187w experience points (+120%), free attribute +64 | Shiquan reputation +5000."

"Ding, congratulations on clearing the hidden area: [Earth Core Research Institute]. Obtained: Corpse Mist Treasure Box Special."

The mission is over.

When he returns to the outside world, he can receive the task reward.

Milin stepped forward to take out Ion's soul, and sealed it on the ninth page of the book of souls... 0

The attribute bonus of [Royal God Technique] exceeds 40,000.


Qin Luo picked up the loot.

"You get: Evil Eye Ring·Epic, Silver Flash Pocket Watch·God Level, Boros Empire Map..."

Lost all pieces of epic equipment.

One piece of equipment at level 40 and level 45, and two pieces of equipment at level 55.

Qin Luo's eyes were attracted by two props.

【Silver Flash Pocket Watch】

Quality: god level

Effect: Transmit props across the world, record up to two world coordinates.

Current coordinates: ① Corpse fog world. ② Boros world.

"very good!"

A look of joy appeared on Qin Luo's face.

He didn't expect that Yann had a teleportation item leading to the Boros world.

Most importantly, the location of the remains of the Chaos Calamity Beast is carefully marked on the map.

"With these two items and the magic shadow technique, I can definitely get the corpse!"

Qin Luo secretly said.

According to some information found yesterday.

The world of Boros is an advanced world.

Afterwards, Qin Luo took out the ring expansion.

Blessings of the ancient gods!

"Ding! The ring of evil eyes has evolved into a god-level equipment: the ring of the most evil."

Qin Luo looked at the attributes of the new equipment.

Ring of the Most Evil (God Level)


HP +60000

Additional: All Attributes +1000, Spirit +600

Special effect: Spell blood sucking +20%

2.1 Skill: Dark Evil Power (Spell damage +20%, suffers blindness effect for 1 second every 30 seconds.)

Equipment requirements: 40-level legal profession

This is a very superb costume.

Naihe skills have negative effects.


This effect has a constant impact on Qin Luo, but it can help him increase his resistance.

Qin Luo immediately equipped the ring.

【You are affected by blindness, blindness resistance +5%】


The reminder beeps every half minute.


He looked at the only culture tank left in the room, and waved it and the scourge's phalanx into his backpack.

Another high-level corpse was obtained.


Qin Luo smiled.

"Let's go, let's get back to the ground." He said.


The two girls responded lightly.

The three stepped into the space wormhole. .

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