All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 131 The World Mission Completed! Boros World (Part 1)

Qin Luo returned to the ground of the corpse mist world.

The system prompt sounds:

"Player Qin Luo, congratulations on completing the world quest.

"You get rewards: 3000w experience, world reputation +3w, free attribute +300, world authority."

The mission is over.

After the battle in the world of corpse fog.

The world reputation has risen to 241952 points, and Qin Luo can buy a batch of items he needs from the reputation store.

Immediately afterwards.

Qin Luo added the free attribute to the spirit value, and the magic attack directly increased to 32162 points.

Finally he took out another harvest.

Corpse Mist Treasure Chest!

Qin Luo opened the box decisively.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting an epic item: the formula for the ultimate ability awakening medicine."

"It's actually this thing! Not bad!"

Qin Luo laughed.

According to his understanding.

In the hands of humans in the corpse mist world, there is only the formula of the top-level ability awakening potion.

After taking it, only diamond skills can be awakened.

But the ultimate awakening potion can awaken epic skills.

"After going back, I handed over this formula to Thirty Gong Qingyue for her to study.

Qin Luo secretly said.

At this time, Wang Mengyu looked at him and asked, "Qin Luo, next, shall we explore the Red Shadow Desert as planned?"

"Do not."

Qin Luo shook his head: "We have more important things to do now."

"What's the matter?" Wang Mengyu was a little puzzled.

Qin Luo explained: "Go to a high-level world and take the bones of the disaster beast."

Dr. Ian was killed by him.

The Devil's Bell Church must take action.

So Qin Luo had to get the Chaos Calamity Beast corpse before teaching the players.

With the effect of the shadow technique.

He has full confidence in completing this task.

It is worth mentioning that the flow of time between eternal worlds is different.

Qin Luo doesn't know how long the world of Boros has passed.


As long as hundreds of years do not pass, it has little effect on operations.


Qin Luo took out the silver glitter pocket watch and opened a world teleportation array.

The figures of the three disappeared on the magic circle.

Evil Bell Church headquarters.

Inside the temple of Evil God Elu.

Pope Yeke was wearing a black robe, standing in front of the statue of the evil god, with his eyes slightly closed.

Because the Evil Bell Church is composed of many Evil God Churches, each branch has a pope.

At this time...

A black-haired young man ran over.

He hurriedly said: "My lord, I arranged for the believer Ian in the corpse mist world to be killed!"

Hearing this, Pope Yeke suddenly opened his eyes.

A cold look appeared in his eyes.

He asked quietly: "The aborigines killed it? Or the players?"


"Because of system protection, we cannot know the identity of the other party. However, he may have learned of the existence of the Chaos Calamity Beast, and the silver flash pocket watch has also fallen into his hands.

The dark-haired young man's tone was a little dignified.

The Pope said coldly: "Your Majesty Olu devours the corpse before he can be promoted to the main god. At that time, all believers will benefit.

"My religion is bound to get this corpse!"

"The Pope now orders you to immediately send elite believers to seize the corpse!"


The black-haired young man hesitated and said: "My lord, the senior professionals I teach are not strong enough to defeat the guardian of Boros.

"And this month, we haven't found a god-level stealth skill yet."

Because the Church of the Evil Bell is always wreaking havoc in the Eternal World.

They are already on the system blacklist.

Unable to trade in Zhutian City.

"Don't worry, His Majesty Erlu has already made arrangements."

The Pope took out a black pupil: "You give this darkest and evil pupil to the Son of God."

The black-haired young man said in a deep voice, "My lord Pope! This evil pupil has not been condensed, and if you use it without authorization, it may endanger the life of the Son of God."

"The Son of God is a sacrifice to His Majesty Uru."

The Pope said in a cold tone: "As long as he can exchange his life for the remains of the Calamity Beast, His Majesty Ulu will definitely not condemn him!"

"I understand."

The black-haired young man smiled fervently.

He acted immediately.


Boros world.

The three of Qin Luo appeared in a ruin.

He took out the map that Ian had dropped and took a closer look.

The team was a long way from the location where the Calamity Beast's corpse was kept, and it would take more than half an hour to advance at full speed.

Think about it.

Qin Luo consumes 4817w experience to upgrade the skill level.

"Ding! The subspace shuttle skill level has been raised to level 10."

Subspace Shuttle

Level: 10

Effect: Shuttle space, choose to teleport [spirit x2500%] meters away.

Go to an area you haven't been to, cool down for 4 hours.

Otherwise cool down for 40 seconds.

"Hold my hand tight."

Qin Luo said.

He stretched out his arms to hug the two women, and activated the [God Shadow Technique] skill.

Based on his own attributes, the enemy's spiritual value must exceed one million, and he must have a god-level detection ability to discover his existence.


Yakong Shuttle!

Qin Luo spanned a distance of 2,828 kilometers in an instant.

Soon, they came to the capital of the Boros Empire - the city of Meher.

A sky-high tower stands in the city center.


"Alien invaders were found on the 3rd street of A5 area, and the S-class guards are on their way." 943

The sirens sounded.

"Master, have we been discovered?"

Milin's face was filled with embarrassment.

"not at all."

Qin Luo said: "We are in Area A1. As for the intruders in Area A5, they should be players from the Evil Bell Church.

as predicted!

There was an explosion in the distance.

"Someone is attracting firepower outside, which is convenient for us to move."

Qin Luo smiled.

The three of them immediately went to the tower, and when they approached, they cast Blinking Shadow and teleported to the training room on the 100th floor underground of the tower.

Because of the use of space technology.

This makes the interior space of the cultivation room extremely large.

next moment.

The corpse of the calamity beast came into view, and the body of thousands of kilometers was chopped into tens of thousands of pieces, which were stored in special cultivation tanks.


Some bones were actually hitting the glass of the culture tank.

The Calamity Beast doesn't seem to be dead.

Qin Luo used the probing technique.

【Chaos Calamity Beast Carcass】

Quality: Highest

Description: These corpses come from a chaotic disaster beast in the realm of the main god, which contains a lot of disaster power and good fortune power, and is an immortal life.

Note: is in a state of suppression.

"He didn't die! Then his value may be higher than the main godhead!"

A look of joy reflected in Qin Luo's eyes. .

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