All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 134: Lieyang Bloodline! Beginning Of The Rookie League! (Part 2)

Qin Luo took the medicine decisively.

A golden force surged in the limbs and veins, and the body and soul continued to absorb the power of the scorching sun, and the intensity of both rose rapidly.


The changes are gradually calming down.

The system prompt sounds:


"Congratulations on awakening the legendary bloodline: Lieyang bloodline."

At the same time, he also gained 200 points of four-dimensional attributes and 20,000 health points.

Qin Luo looked at the bloodline information.

【Fire Yang Bloodline】

quality; legend

Amplification: All attributes +150%, HP~value +20%

Additional skills: Power of the Sun · Legend, Sun Shield · Legend - Legend

Apotheosis progress: 5/10

The bonus is strong!

Now, he has obtained a bloodline.

After being promoted to a senior professional, Qin Luo was finally able to go to [Ancestral Dragon World] to obtain deified blood and original blood to evolve Lieyang bloodline.

Of course, this bloodline will not change Qin Luo's appearance.

His essence is still a human being.

It's just that all the characteristics of Lieyang's bloodline are integrated in the human bloodline.


He activates talent for two bloodline skills.

"Ding! The power of the blazing sun has evolved into the main god-level skill: Nine Heavens Blazing Sun."

"Ding! Sunshield has evolved into the main god-level skill: Sunshine Shield.

Jiutian Lieyang

Type: Passive

Effect: When attacking, reduce the enemy's blood recovery effect by 50% and reduce its defense by 70%.

Blessed by the sun

Type: Passive

Effect: Refresh a real shield of HP x 5% every second, and those who attack themselves will suffer [Physique x 100%] real damage.

In sunlight, the effect is doubled.

Although it is a skill of the main god quality.

But its effect is completely inferior to professional skills of the same quality.

Still, something is better than nothing.

Qin Luo is very satisfied with the attributes of Lieyang bloodline.

Think here.

He turned his head to look at Gong Qingyue, and said with a smile: "Qingyue, thank you for helping me refine the potion.

Gong Qingyue shook her head lightly, and said seriously: "My lord, please don't say that. These things are what you should do!"

Hearing this, Qin Luo smiled and hugged her.

But Wang Mengyu saw the movements of the two, and protested helplessly: "Sister Gong, you two are really enough!"

"Can you stop distributing dog food in front of me all day long! If this continues, I'm afraid I won't even be able to eat dinner!"

Her small face was a bit resentful.

"Puchi!" Gong Qingyue couldn't help laughing out loud.

She reached out and pinched Wang Mengyu's cheek, and said, "Sister Mengyu, do you want the young master to hug you too?"

"Of course not!"

Wang Mengyu said subconsciously.

However, just before she was about to express her true thoughts, she forcibly changed her words.


Gong Qingyue smiled slightly.

Feel her meaningful eyes.

Wang Mengyu couldn't help being defeated, turned her head and glanced in other directions, and her fair cheeks were quickly stained with a blush.

Seeing this, Gong Qingyue looked at Qin Luo.

However, Qin Luo just shook his head with a smile and said:

"Qingyue, stop teasing her, let's have dinner together."


Wang Mengyu nodded slightly.

The four sat around a square table for dinner.

After eating, I went to rest.

The ranking match of the Linzhou Novice League was held at noon on Saturday, so on Friday, they had a full day off.

the next day.

The ranking competition was held in the arena of the Linzhou base. Early in the morning, the residents and students of the base rushed to the venue to occupy their seats.

There are fifty to sixty thousand people.

"In this league, I don't know how many of the contestants from our three middle schools can enter the top ten."

"Needless to say, senior Qin Luo will definitely win the first place, there is no doubt about it."

"His performance in the points competition is too abnormal. The points are ten times higher than the third place! I am dumbfounded."

"Ahh!! Make sure I can meet the boss Qin Luo later, God bless!"

The audience talked a lot.

At this time, Qin Luo and Wang Mengyu came to the gate of the arena.

They meet an unexpected person.

Shen Feng, the son of the new generation of the Shen family!

Next to it are two legendary powerhouses of level 75.

Shen Feng saw the two of them at a glance, watching their intimate behavior, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes, but he didn't express it immediately.

He came over with a guardian, blocking the way of the two of them.

Wang Mengyu frowned slightly and said, "Shen Feng, what do you mean?"

"Miss Wang, can you tell me who this kid is?" Shen Feng said coldly.

"Leave him alone."

Qin Luo ignored him directly, took Wang Mengyu's hand and headed towards Tianmen.

And Shen Feng is the pride of the epic family.

No matter where he goes, he is always the target of attention, and he has never been ignored like this before.

Immediately, anger welled up in his heart.

He sternly said: "Boy, stop for me!"

Qin Luo still ignored it.

"you wanna die!"

Shen Feng immediately shouted angrily: "Shen Yi, Shen Er, catch this kid for me!"

…0 for flowers…………

The two legendary powerhouses are ready to fight.

Qin Luo is ready to kill.

at this time.

A great coercion struck, suppressing the legendary strong man in place.

"I'll see who dares to do it!"

An old and mid-spirited voice came into his ears.

Everyone looked around.

The figure of old principal Wu came into view.

"The great elder of the Wu family?!"

Shen Feng looked a little surprised and uncertain.

Except for the Liang family, the rest of the epic family thought that all members of the Wu family were dead.

Unexpectedly, Principal Wu was still alive.

"Why, is the kid from the Shen family surprised to see this old man?" Principal Wu said with a smile.

"Of course not."

Shen Feng faked a smile.

Principal Wu is a middle god.

Although he has an arrogant personality, he doesn't dare to provoke a real god without authorization.

"It's fine if you don't."

Principal Wu looked at him and said: "Qin Luo is a student of our school, if there is any problem, you can solve it in the ring.

"it is good."

Shen Feng agreed.

Afterwards, he looked at Qin Luo, and said coldly: "For Mr. Wu's sake this time, I will spare your life.

Qin Luo glanced at him and said calmly, "Have you finished your nonsense?"

"Very good!" Shen Feng smiled angrily: "Boy, you better hope not to see me in the ring! Otherwise, I will let you lose in the first round!"


Qin Luo said calmly.


Shen Feng was a little unbalanced by his words.

He took a deep breath, turned and left decisively.

"Hehe, another piece of trash."

There was a cold light in Qin Luo's eyes.


He thanked Principal Wu: "Principal, thank you for saving me.

"Ha ha."

Principal Wu smiled heartily: "Little friend Qin Luo, you don't need my help. With your trump card, I'm afraid you can slap the ancestor of the Shen family to death."

"No." Qin Luo shook his head and said, "it's a waste to use the cards on this kind of person."

Principal Wu smiled.

He said: "Okay, needless to say, as long as you can get the first place, it is the best thank you to this old man."

"Let's go."

Qin Luo nodded.


The two walked into the arena.

There are a total of 500 players in this league, and the top 100 can get rewards, and the rewards for the top 10 even include extra points for the college entrance examination.

Everyone worked hard.

Trying to compete for a good ranking gate. .

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