All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 135 Instant Kill Battle! Shen Feng Who Doubts Life (Part 1)

Qin Luo and Wang Mengyu came to the players' bench.

There are ten arenas in the arena, on which students will compete.


The head of the Linzhou base gave a speech that lasted half an hour, until the time came to 12 noon, and the game was ready to start.

The referee walked to the No. 1 ring and announced solemnly:

"The time has come."

"On behalf of the referee team, I would like to reiterate the rules of the game."

"The first stage is the qualifiers. Each person has one qualification for failure. If they fail twice, they will be relegated to the loser group. When there are 100 people left in the winner group, the official match will start

"This competition prohibits the use of any auxiliary props! Anyone who violates the rules will be judged to admit defeat directly. I hope that all players can show their true strength!"

"Not much nonsense, this month's novice league starts now!"

The voice just fell.

Each arena raises a virtual battle barrier.

Players can try their best to fight in it, even if they die, it will have no effect, and the enchantment will clear the buff effect on the player.

Avoid someone cheating.


The tournament system begins matching competitors with opponents.

Everyone stared straight at the screen.

"I'm so nervous! Don't let me match up with Qin Luo and Wang Mengyu."

"According to the rules of each competition, in the first round, the people who ranked before the points competition will be matched with the people at the end as opponents."

"Ah? Isn't it? Then if I rank 453, wouldn't it be possible to be ranked by Qin Luo?!"

"Hey! Fortunately, I rank more than one hundred, so don't worry."

The players are either happy or worried.

10 seconds later.

The player list for the first round is displayed on the screen.

Qin Luo's opponent is Shen Feng!

"No way? I actually got a bye?!" Someone exclaimed.

"Wait! Why is the number of players 501? One more person?"

"Never mind! Anyway, I didn't match with classmate Qin Luo."

"Haha... this man named Shen Feng is really unlucky. I don't think he can survive for 10 seconds."

Hear what the players have to say.

Shen Feng's face was ashen.

He forcibly held back his anger, and decided to use actions to show his strength to this group of damned civilians!

"The first round of the competition has begun, please invite the first batch of contestants to come on stage."

Ring 1, Qin Luo and Shen Feng. "


The system announces the list.

"I didn't expect that I would meet Shen Feng so soon."

A smile appeared in Qin Luo's eyes.

he is thinking,

Which method should be used to defeat the opponent? In the end, Qin Luo looked at the staff in his hand and made a plan in his heart.

Qin Luo teleported to the ring, causing cheers from the audience.

At this time.

Shen Feng stood opposite, and said coldly: "Boy, next, I will kill you instantly! Let you understand the gap between gold careers and epic careers!"

Qin Luo glanced at him and ignored him.


Shen Feng felt angry in his heart.

He was ignored again.

"The game starts in 5 seconds, get ready!"

The referee of Ring No. 1 interrupted Shen Feng without hesitation.!

When the time comes.

"Death!" Shen Feng shouted coldly.

Holding the epic long sword in his hand, he just made an attacking posture.

at this time.


Qin Luo flashed behind him in an instant, Shen Feng didn't react at all, his attributes were not as good as Qin Luo's, and Qin Luo also had the Kami-oka domain.


Qin Luo swung his staff and suddenly smashed it down. In Setsuna, the five sticks fell on Shen Feng's back, and the damage appeared.




Shen Feng's blood bar was emptied.


Qin Luo didn't use any boosting skills, just using his physical strength.

"..." The audience couldn't help but widen their eyes.

There was an eerie silence.

"Damn it! What happened?"

"Oh my God!"

"Boss Qin Luo actually smashed a soldier to death with a staff? And judging by the damage figures, the boss' strength value is probably higher than the sum of my four-dimensional attributes!"

"Look at that guy named Shen Feng, he actually has an epic career!"

The audience looked towards the ring one after another.

At this moment, Shen Feng stood stiffly on the ring.

His eyes glazed over.

"'s impossible! How can you, a level 40 mage, kill me in melee?!"

Shen Feng suddenly raised his head.

Qin Luo's figure had disappeared from the ring.

The referee said solemnly: "Student Shen Feng, the competition is over! You lost, please leave the ring immediately, and don't interfere with the next contestant's competition!"

' Qin Luo! I can't stop talking to you. ’ Shen Feng roared inwardly.

He gritted his teeth and left.

Players bench.

Qin Luo returned to his seat.

Wang Mengyu beside him said with a happy smile: "Haha, Shen Feng's face is almost dark, he must never have thought that you are so strong..."

"Qin Luo, do you think I will meet him in the second round?"

Seemingly thinking of something, Tian Mengyu asked curiously.

Qin Luo couldn't help laughing: "If Shen Feng is defeated by you in the second round, then he will be a disgrace to the epic family."

Once failed twice.

Shen Feng would be relegated to the loser group, missing the top ten.

As the pride of the epic family.

If you can't even enter the top ten in a junior base competition, you will definitely be ridiculed by other families in the future.


The two sat in the players' seats to watch the battle.

The first round lasted one hour, and after a half-hour break, the second round began.

The competition system announces the battle list.

"Ring No. 1, Tian Heng and Zhou Wu."

"Ring No. 2, Wang Mengyu and Shen Feng.

See list.

The expression on Qin Luo's face was a little weird.

Good guy.

This kind of thing actually happened.

Qin Luo couldn't help looking at the seat of Linzhou's official leaders and the principal, only to see Principal Wu gave him a meaningful look.

Seeing this, he understood.

It turned out to be a black box operation...

"Qin Luo, I'm going to participate in the competition." Wang Mengyu went to the ring with some excitement.

at the same time.

Shen Feng came to the ring again, and he didn't dare to speak harsh words again.

Following the referee's instructions, the game begins.

Wang Mengyu clenched her staff tightly, her face full of anticipation.

Seeing this movement, Shen Feng's heart tightened for 0.8 li, and he felt a dull pain in his back.

Could it be...

next moment.

His inner worries became reality.

Although Wang Mengyu's attributes are not as good as Qin Luo's, but she has full-level [super state] projection, once the skill is activated, attributes and movement speed increase by 100%!

Wang Mengyu also teleported there, moving quickly, raised her staff and smashed Shen Feng's face.

Boom! Boom! Boom!




Physical and magic damage intertwined.

The current flashed, and Shen Feng's body became stiff.

The paralysis effect of the legendary priority cannot be purified at all with the skills he has mastered.

The second time, he was smashed to death with a stick.

He lost.

Shen Feng stood where he was, with an unbelievable look on his face.

Are all mages at the Linzhou base so strong in melee combat?

He was a little skeptical.

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