All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 136 Champion Reward! Flame Holy Robe (Part 2)

Seeing that the battle was over in a few seconds.

The audience couldn't help laughing mischievously:

"Is this the strength of the Tianjiao of the epic family? You have learned a lot."

"I feel like I can do it myself."

"It's fine if you can't beat the boss Qin Luo, but in the end, you can't survive the attack of Goddess Wang for a few seconds."

Because of the news that the Wang family inadvertently disclosed.

Students from all schools know Shen Feng's true identity.

Listening to the discussion in the auditorium, Shen Feng's face was extremely livid.

Wang Mengyu put away her staff and said coldly: "Shen Feng, I won this bet, please don't bother me with you and the Shen family in the future.

Say it.

She turned and left the ring.

'Qin Luo!!'

The resentment in Shen Feng's heart grew to the extreme, he glanced at Qin Luo on the player's bench ferociously, and immediately disappeared in place without saying a word.

Players bench.

"System prompt: The evil detection amulet has found a malicious target."

Props come into play.

The source of this malice is Shen Feng. 30

And Wang Mengyu also noticed the other party's expression.

She was a little worried and said: "I'm afraid Shen Feng won't let it go, he may contact the elders in the family to deal with you."

"do not worry."

"Even if the ancestors of the Shen family come here in person today, I can't move my heart!

Qin Luo smiled.

The cooldown of Heart of Despair has ended, this hole card can be used.

In addition, there are 22 Stones of Despair in his backpack, which can reduce the cooldown time by 22 days.

Moreover, the Despair Pool in the Magic Moon World can condense a Stone of Despair every day, which is equivalent to accelerating the cooling rate by 100%.

Not long after.

The battle for the first players is over.

The competition system announced the list of the second batch of personnel.

"Ring No. 1, Qin Luo and Zhou Lin."

His opponent is a member of the Linzhou Golden Family————— Zhou Family.

Come to the ring.

Zhou Lin held a longbow in his hand, and his fingers trembled a little. He said with a flattering smile, "Boss, I know that I am no match, so I hope you can show some mercy."

"Okay, I'll give you a trick, let's do it."

Qin Luo smiled slightly.

"Really? That would be great!"

Zhou Lin's face was full of joy.

Originally, he thought that he would be killed if he didn't even have a chance to attack, but he didn't expect Qin Luo to agree to let him make a move.

"Boss, I'm doing it."

Zhou Lin took the bow and drew the string, and shot out a flaming arrow.

call out--

The arrow hit Qin Luo's body.



He received zero damage, but a huge damage figure popped out above Zhou Lin's head, and his health bar instantly emptied.

This is the ability that comes from the bloodline—the blessing of the Holy Sun.

"I lost."

Zhou Lin said bitterly.

Afterwards, the two left the ring.

In the next two rounds, due to the astonishing performance of Qin Luo and Wang Mengyu, the opponents in the future would surrender directly when they encountered them.

until dusk.

The two easily advanced to the top ten.

However, the exact ranking order has not yet been determined, and they need to participate in tomorrow's final battle.


The most luxurious hotel in Linzhou base.

in a certain room.

Shen Feng and his two guardians are discussing countermeasures.

Shen Yi, the protector, said: "Young Master Shen, the elder of the Wu family has sent people to monitor him. We have no chance to attack Qin Luo."

"I know."

Shen Feng said coldly: "So I have already contacted the sixth master, he is an old man, and he will come to the state base tomorrow."

"That kid Qin Luo must die!"

"There is also the Wang family, a mere family of gold dares to touch my face, this time I want to teach them a lesson!"

The reason why Shen Feng values ​​the Wang family and Wang Mengyu is to compete for the place in the family secret realm.

To know.

He is not the only one in the new generation of the Shen family.

There are a few people whose strength is not inferior to him at all.

If Wang Mengyu's talent can be used to raise the upper limit of skills to level 15...or even level 20, Shen Feng will have full confidence in defeating the other talents of the Shen family.

Think here.

Shen Feng ordered: "You are responsible for monitoring Qin Luo's movements tomorrow, don't let this kid run away.


The two guardians of the legendary realm responded in unison.

the next day.

The final match was held at 8:00 a.m. Today's spectators were only students from various schools, and the number of people from the base was very small.

Among the ten players.

Except for Qin Luo who is a commoner, the others are from the four great families of the Linzhou Base.

In the game, he fully implemented the concept of quick battle and quick decision.

Facing any opponent, it is an instant kill with one move.

less than half an hour.

The top ten rankings are out.

There is no doubt that Qin Luo is the first and Wang Mengyu is the second.

The highest official in Linzhou, that is, the head of the base, personally awarded awards to the top ten.

The rewards for the first place include 1 epic, 2 diamonds and 4 gold quality rewards. The special reward is the college entrance examination +15 points.

Among them, the epic reward Nai 030 is a talent awakening crystal, and the diamond reward is skill books and mage equipment.

Great value.

Qin Luo looked at the crystal message.

【Talent Awakening Crystal】

Quality: Epic

Effect: Awaken an acquired talent according to your occupational characteristics, the quality is epic or diamond.

Limited to one use per person.

next moment.

Qin Luo used the crystal directly.

The lucky value of up to 12 points came into play, a purple halo melted into his body, and Qin Luo felt a cool air rushing to his limbs and veins.


"Ding! Player Qin Luo, congratulations on awakening the epic talent: Burning Box."

[Burning Armor Talent]

Effect: When you use fire skills to kill an enemy, defense + [enemy level] points for 30 seconds. The superimposed defense value cannot exceed self defense x200%.

This is a defensive talent.

Especially suitable for people like Qin Luo with high defense.


Qin Luo took out the diamond robe that was rewarded in the game, and immediately activated his talent.

Blessings of the ancient gods!

"Ding! The Flowing Fire Robe has evolved into legendary equipment: the Flame Saint Robe.

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