All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 137: The Bet Ends! Career Advancement Task (Part 1)

Qin Luo looked at the equipment panel.

[Flame Holy Robe (Legendary Level)]



Additional: Constitution +1000, Dexterity +700, Spirit +800

Special Effect: Fire Damage +15%

Skill: Flame Blessing (reduces fire damage by 30%)

Equipment Requirements: Level 40 Mage

Qin Luo was directly equipped with this new robe, and various attributes were improved, especially the health value, which broke through to 103w in one fell swoop.

Magic attack also rose to 52036 points.

Much better than players of the same level.

Looking at his attributes, Qin Luo was very satisfied.

As for the diamond skill book in the reward.

He has already learned it and evolved it into a legendary quality, so this skill book can only be used as a sacrifice material.


Qin Luo looked at Wang Mengyu beside him.

She stood there in a daze, her eyes fell on the game rewards in her hand, including 2 pieces of diamond equipment and 1 gold skill book.

"Dream jade?"

Qin Luo couldn't help shouting.

As a result, Wang Mengyu did not respond.

So, he stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek.

"Ah?" Wang Mengyu regained consciousness in an instant, and looked at Qin Luo who was close in front of her.


She secretly glanced at Qin Luo, just in time to meet his meaningful gaze, Wang Mengyu subconsciously shifted her gaze to the other side

"What are you thinking? So preoccupied?"

Qin Luo asked with a smile.

"No, no!"

"Then why are you in a daze?""

Wang Mengyu whispered: "I just didn't expect that I could get the second place in the Linzhou League."

"Three weeks ago, with my strength, I won the fifth place at most. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have been able to defeat Shen Feng and win the bet!"

As she talked... She got a little excited.

Be aware of changes in your emotions.

She took a deep breath to calm down.


Wang Mengyu raised her head, looked directly at Qin Luo with her beautiful eyes, and said with a very serious expression: "Qin Luo, thank you!"

"Then how are you going to thank me?"

The corners of Qin Luo's mouth curled up slightly.


Wang Mengyu's face collapsed.

After thinking about it, she made a certain decision in her heart, her face turned red and hot, Tian Mengyu leaned over and kissed Qin Luo on the face.

"Come on, let's go home.

Qin Luo smiled.

Launch props.

The two teleported to the home, and Gong Qingyue waited in the living room for a long time.

She bowed slightly and smiled gently: "My lord, congratulations on winning the championship.

At the same time, Milin came out of the kitchen and said with a happy smile, "Master, Sister Wang, welcome home!"

Qin Luo couldn't help asking: "Mi Lin, what are you doing in the kitchen?"

"Hey, I'm going to prepare a sumptuous celebration feast for the master! Today, Milin specially asked Sister Gong to buy a batch of high-quality ingredients!"

Milin waved the spatula in her hand.

Quite a cook's style.

"You little guy...."

He shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Wang Mengyu pulled Gong Qingyue into the workshop, closed the door, and did not know what they were discussing.

Qin Luo didn't care either.

He opened the Eternal World Forum and searched for information on "Evil Bell Church".

The textbook's introduction to the Evil Bell Church is limited to saying that it should not be provoked.

No further details were available.

Moreover, he rarely encountered the Evil Bell Church in his previous life.


He has already formed an enmity with the Xiezhong Church, so he must carefully understand the background of the other party...

half an hour later.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang.

"Liang Xue is finally here."

Qin Luo sensed a familiar aura.

He walked over to open the door, and Liang Xue stood outside the door with an uncontrollable expression of excitement on his face.

Liang Xue smiled sweetly: "Qin Luo, the bet is over, you have won."

Her student won the league championship, so this year's Linzhou base will be the first teacher in the assessment, and she is none other than her.

This means that she won the bet between herself and her family.

Freedom seemed within reach.

Liang Xue felt a lot lighter mentally.


Qin Luo responded without telling Liang Xue the cruel truth.

There is only one thing he has to do, to obtain the props to terminate the contract ———— "Spirit of Wishing", and give it to the old principal Wu.

"This is the reward I promise to give you."

Liang Xue smiled and said: "In addition, the school also asked me to hand over ten spirit pattern formulas and drawing materials to you."

"Thank you, Teacher Liang.

Qin Luo gave a thank you.

He takes the item.

The system prompt sounds:

"Ding! You have reached the system (getting good) contract with player Liang Xue."

He greeted Liang Xue to the living room.


Only then did Qin Luo check the props in his hand.

【Professional Advancement Mission Crystal】

Quality: Epic

Effect: According to the characteristics of the player's original occupation, an advanced task of an epic occupation is randomly selected.

Note: You can refresh the task by consuming gold coins.

Qin Luo used it decisively.

"Ding! You have obtained the professional advancement task: Fire Watcher."


"Ding! You have obtained the professional advancement task: Hand of Flame."

After refreshing 5 times in a row, tiles.

Qin Luo finally got a satisfactory advanced task.

After completing the task, he will get an advanced job——Holy Flame Apostle.


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