In the previous life, Qin Luo obtained the job of Holy Flame Apostle, and its job bonuses, boosts and skills are all very good.

He scanned the task panel carefully.

"Mission content: Go to the high-level world - the world of Yunzhou, and help the Tianhuo Sect out of the predicament. The time limit is 15 days."

The content is different from previous life tasks.


This task can only be performed after he has been promoted to a high-level state.

Qin Luo is now only an intermediate professional.

Cannot enter advanced world.

He is not in a hurry either.

After all, there are still 15 days left for the mission.

I can participate in the rating promotion task first, and then participate in the career advancement task, and there is no time in time.

Close the panel.

Qin Luo looked at the school's reward.

All spirit pattern formulas of legendary quality are very effective.


Unless the player has the profession of a divine pattern master, his body can carry up to three spiritual patterns.

He already has two spirit patterns of holy fire lotus and flower of life.

You can also have a spirit pattern.


Qin Luo picked out the most suitable spirit pattern formula for him——the blood key, the effect tends to increase life value and spell vampire.

The remaining nine spirit patterns are used to enhance the strength of Gongqing 980yue, Wang Mengyu and Mi Lin.

While it was still early, he was going to draw the spirit pattern.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Ding! System prompt: The evil detection amulet has found a malicious target.

The prop immediately gave a warning.

A red mark floated in the field of vision.

The enemy is outside the house, the number is 3 people.

"3 people?"

Qin Luo felt a little familiar.

He immediately let go of his perception.

Beside him, Liang Xue noticed his face, and couldn't help asking strangely: "Qin Luo, why did your face suddenly become so serious?"

"There are enemies!" Qin Luo said in a deep voice, "It's Shen Feng and his two legendary protectors!"

"What?" Liang Xue was startled.

During the two days of competition, she was also watching the match at the scene, so she naturally knew who Shen Feng was, and her face turned serious.

She said, "I'll contact Grandpa right away."

"it is good."

Qin Luo nodded.

He didn't refuse.

Because he vaguely felt that there was a bigger crisis in the dark!

Qin Luo trusts his sixth sense very much.

Qin Luo said: "Come on, let's go and have a look."


The two left the house together and walked into the yard.

as predicted.

Shen Feng and two guardians stood by the gate of the courtyard.

"Boy, we meet again!"

He said in a threatening tone: "I will give you one last chance to leave Wang Mengyu and become the protector of the Shen family!"

"If that's the case, I won't blame the past. Otherwise, you will definitely die today!"


Qin Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "I can tell you, today, the person who died must be you, believe me?"

Hearing this, Shen Feng's face turned cold: "Don't eat the toast, and eat the fine wine! Shen Chener kill him for me!"


Liang Xue came over and scolded.

"Another courting death... Sister Liang Xue?! Why are you here?!"

When Shen Feng saw the appearance of the person coming, he couldn't help exclaiming.

As a member of the Longzhou epic family, he naturally knew Xue.

Liang Xue stared at her almond-shaped eyes and said, "I'll save Qin Luo! You don't want to touch him."

Looking at her, Shen Feng's eyes flashed fear.

He sneered and said, "Sister Liang Xue, I really dare not touch you, after all, you are now an important person in the eyes of Liang's parents."

"But! This kid named Qin Luo, I will definitely kill him!"

The voice just fell.

An old voice came from the sky.

"Boy from the Shen family, what if the old man wants to protect Qin Luo?"

Principal Wu traveled through space and arrived at the scene.

Seeing this, the corners of Shen Feng's mouth turned up slightly, he turned around and bowed to the void, and said loudly: "Sixth Master, please help your nephew and grandson!"


The voice came from (dadf) the sky.

"Haha... Brother Ang, it's been a few weeks since we left the Linzhou field camp."

A middle-aged man smiled heartily.

The charm of the sun flowed around the body, and the golden light filled the sky. This person is obviously a high god.


Principal Wu smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be the one who came. That's great. Shen Yuye, take a closer look at the person your nephew and grandson want to kill."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man known as "Six Lord" looked at Qin Luo.

His eyes were wide open, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "A person blessed by the Supreme God?!!"

He was one of the three gods who vomited blood because of probing Qin Luo's identity that day.


How could Xiaofeng provoke this Highness?

Sixth Master's complexion suddenly turned pale.

And Qin Luo was puzzled when he heard His address.

Blessed by the Most High God?

Do you mean yourself?

How come I didn't know there was such a thing.

Qin Luo couldn't help but glanced at Principal Wu, as if he also knew about it.

After thinking about it, he didn't ask the reason for the time being.

At this time, Shen Feng raised his head and asked the middle-aged man: "Sixth Master, please block the elders of Wu's family, and let my protector handle this matter."

His words stopped abruptly.


A crisp sound sounded.

There was an extra blood-red slap mark on Shen Feng's face, and he couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

He couldn't believe it: "Master Six?"

Crack! Crack!

Master Six slapped him twice and shouted: "Shut up!"

Shen Feng was stunned.

The sixth master turned his head to look at Qin Luo, and said with an apologetic smile, "Your Highness Qin Luo, it was my nephew who was ignorant and offended you. Can you forgive him? I am willing to offer a precious apology!"

See the other party so afraid of themselves.

An idea came to Qin Luo's mind.

"Forgive?" He sneered, "I'll give you two choices, Shen Feng's death or the Shen family's death.


Sixth Master struggled for a moment, then made a decision.

The supreme supreme god can destroy the whole earth with one breath.

In the eyes of the Supreme God, the power of the Shen family is nothing more than an ant.


Qin Luo can use props to show the strength of the main god realm.

This force can also destroy the Shen family.

"Sixth Lord, you can't kill me!"

Shen Feng sensed his killing intent, and a terrified expression appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm also for the safety of my family, Xiaofeng, you must die."

Master Six gritted his teeth.

He stretched out his hand, and a ball of golden flame condensed in the palm, fell on Shen Feng, and burned into nothingness along with the space.


Qin Luo was also stunned.

It's really good.

He is a ruthless person.

Do I really have the blessing of the Supreme God?

Qin Luo became more and more confused. .

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