All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 140 Supreme Sacrifice! Destroying The Origin Heart Of The Dragon Emperor (Part 2)

Regarding what happened to the Shen family.

Qin Luo didn't care.

He took out the formula and materials of the Blood Key spirit pattern.

This time Qin Luo intends to draw to the right hand.

So, he said to Liang Xue: "Mr. Liang, can I trouble you to help?"

Hear this familiar sentence.

Liang Xue couldn't help thinking of the few days when she was a model for Qin Luo, and her cheeks felt hot.

"it is good."

She said yes.

Immediately, Qin Luo stretched out his right hand... After Liang Xue prepared the materials, he drew a spirit pattern on his hand...

after an hour.

As she drew the last stroke, the lines were connected into a complete pattern, and the spirit lines began to work, a warm energy flowed from the arms to the limbs.

The next moment, the pattern faded to nothingness.

Blood Key (right hand)

Grade: 4"120"0

Quality: legend

Attributes: Four-dimensional attribute +600, life value +40000, spell blood sucking +15%

Effect: Once every 30 seconds, apply the blood key imprint to the attacking target for 10 seconds, attacking this target, blood-sucking effect +15%.

The attributes and effects of this spirit pattern are good.

be added by it.

Qin Luo's health broke through to 111w.

"Thank you, Teacher Liang."

Withdrawing his arm, he thanked with a smile.


Qin Luo took out the remaining nine spirit pattern formulas, looked at the three women, and said, "You each choose three formulas according to your own abilities.

They clicked.

Soon, the three women chose the formula.

Qin Luo continued: "If you want to draw the spirit pattern, you can let me do it, or you can ask Mr. Liang for help."

"My lord, come and help me paint my body."

Gong Qingyue was the first to express her opinion.

"Which parts are you going to draw the spirit patterns on?" Qin Luo asked.

Gong Qingyue said slowly: "Back, abdomen..."

Good guy.

They are all parts of comparison.

However, I and Gong Qingyue are old couples, so I haven't seen it anywhere.

Qin Luo didn't care either.

"what about you?"

He turned to look at the remaining two women.

Wang Mengyu gritted her teeth and said, "I'm the same as Sister Gong!"

Qin Luo almost thought he was hallucinating.

He was extremely surprised: "Are you sure?"

Say it.

Qin Luo also took a look at Wang Mengyu.


She replied blushing.


The person in charge of Qin Luo has been determined.

Originally, Milin also wanted to choose Qin Luo.

In the end, he forcibly handed over to Liang Xue the responsibility.

By the time Qin Luo was busy with this matter, it was already evening, and the day was almost over.

Tomorrow is Monday.

The number of Chaos Sacrifice will be refreshed.

He can use the corpse of the Chaos Calamity Beast as a sacrifice, and at that time, he will get a reward comparable to [Blessing of the Ancient God] and [Scroll of Ultimate Annihilation]!

Qin Luo is looking forward to it

It was ten o'clock.

He was about to go to bed, looked towards the door, and asked with some doubts: "Why didn't Qingyue come back to rest today?"

Think here.

Qin Luo released his perception and immediately found Gong Qingyue in Wang Mengyu's room.

He had no interest in eavesdropping on conversations between women.


Qin Luo lay down on the bed to sleep, and just closed his eyes, not a minute later, a strange sound came.


The door was pushed open.

Qin Luo immediately opened his eyes.

next moment.

A body slipped into her bosom, this petite figure was obviously not Gong Qingyue, more like...

Wang Mengyu?!

Qin Luo's expression was a little complicated.

He looked at the person in his arms, and said in a concentrated voice: "Mengyu, do you really have to think about it?"


Wang Mengyu nodded slightly.

There was a hint of firmness in the shy voice.

She slowly put her arms around Qin Luo's neck and moved forward...



time flies.

the next day.

early morning.

Because of last night's troubles, Wang Mengyu was still sleeping soundly in bed.

Qin Luo gets up very early.

"Ding! You get 1 Chaos Sacrifice."

"Ding! Player Qin Luo, congratulations on conquering the corpse mist world. Rewards: world reputation +4w, world bonus, advanced world treasure chest."

He opens the information panel.

[World bonus: 2327 points for all attributes]

[World reputation: 286952 points]


Qin Luo controls four worlds, three intermediate worlds and one advanced world, providing high four-dimensional attribute bonuses.

Immediately afterwards.

Qin Luo opened the high-level world treasure chest, and his luck was overwhelming, and the orange light was shining in the chest.

This is the hallmark of legendary quality!

"Ding! You have obtained a legendary item: Extreme Speed ​​and Extraordinary Potion."

He takes the potion directly.

Agility is permanently increased by 600 points.


Qin Luo opened the sacrifice panel, and casually put the tens of thousands of corpses of Chaos Calamity Beasts into the premium column.

Items at his disposal, even living things, can be sacrificed.


With a thought.

The corpse of the chaotic disaster beast, as well as the power of disaster and the power of good fortune contained in it, melted into the most original energy, and gradually condensed

According to the description of the corpse, it is an immortal life.


In the face of absolute power, the so-called "immortal life" is as fragile as a mortal.

next moment.

A system prompt sounds.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the sacrifice reward: Destroying the Origin Heart of the Dragon Emperor · Supreme.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the sacrifice reward: Eternal Growth · High Level."

Two supreme rewards.

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Luo's mouth.

He checked the item information.


Destroy Dragon Emperor's Origin Heart (1 piece)

Quality: Highest

Effect: After use, transform into a level 140 Destroyer Dragon Emperor with the mid-stage power of Supreme God, lasting for 3 seconds.

Cool down for 120 days.

Can absorb the supreme power of destruction to shorten the cooldown.

After reading the props in my heart.

There is only one word in Qin Luo's mind.


too strong!

It can actually allow oneself to have the strength of the supreme god realm. Although it is only 3 seconds, it is enough for him to do many things...

The fourth hole card was finally in hand.

It is worth mentioning that,

The strength of this hole card far exceeds the ultimate scroll of annihilation.

Even in the face of the Supreme God, Qin Lu will have a battle.

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