All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 141 Eternal Growth! Another Breakthrough In The Soul Realm (Part 1)

Qin Luo put away the props, and then looked at the talent panel.

That's right!

The second reward is talent!

It belongs to the same level as [Ancient God's Blessing].

Eternal growth

Quality: Highest

Effect 1: There will be no upper limit for your own level, and you will not be restricted by the professional rating.

Effect 2: When upgrading, the fixed attributes and free attributes obtained will be additional +500%, and the own attributes will be synchronized to the perfect state according to the growth value.


Qin Luo couldn't help but gasped.

so strong!

The description of eternal growth is even simpler than that of the main god-level ability, but its strength far exceeds that of the main god-level ability.


The first effect alone is enough to establish its highest quality.

For example, the promotion tasks for advanced professionals, players of level 40 and level 60 participate, the difficulty is not at the same level at all.

After all, the higher the level of 30, the better the equipment to wear.


The data in the attribute panel has increased by a large amount.

"My professional quality is only gold-level. When I get the job of Holy Flame Apostle, I can upgrade my attributes several times!"

Thinking of this,

A smile appeared on Qin Luo's face.

He is very satisfied with the reward of this sacrifice.

"The next goal is to take the global college entrance examination in two months. I don't know if I can become a strong person in the epic realm or even the legendary realm within this period of time..."

Qin Luo secretly said.

At this time, a gentle voice came into the ear.

"Young master."

Gong Qingyue came out of the room and bowed slightly to him.

Looking at her, Qin Luo remembered one thing.

He smiled and asked: "Qingyue, how is your research on the formula of the ability awakening medicine that I gave you last time?"

"It has been successfully refined. Normally, it is of epic quality, and with my blood, it can be refined into legendary quality.

"What kind of potion does the young master need?"

Gong Qingyue asked softly.

Qin Luo said without hesitation: "Epic quality."

He planned to use these potions for the aborigines who controlled the world.

Combined with the talent of the ancient gods' blessing, a group of believers with god-level abilities can be created, which can greatly increase the level of the world's power crystals.


Gong Qingyue nodded.


Qin Luo looked back at his room.

Wang Mengyu hadn't woken up yet, and it was still early, so he wasn't in a hurry to participate in the rating promotion.

"Just take advantage of this time to go to the Tower of Fame."

Qin Luo made a decision.

He immediately came to Saint Star City.


"You open the prestige tower exchange interface, the current prestige: 286952 points."

"Each item can only be redeemed once a day."

【Extreme Balance Potion】

Quality: legendary

Description: Increase the value of the lowest attribute, up to 500 points (limited to 3 times).

Price: 2000 reputation + 150 million gold coins

【Speed ​​and spirit】

Quality: god level

Description: After use, the agility value is permanently increased by 1200 points (only once).

Price: 6000 reputation + 600 million gold coins

【Holy River Soul Power】

Quality: god level

Description: The pure soul power from the holy river of soul can greatly purify the soul.

Price: 15000 reputation + 3.5 billion gold coins

After the advanced professional realm, it is the epic awakening. At that time, the difference in the attributes of the players must not exceed 30%.

So Qin Luo has to prepare in advance.

And his only shortcoming is the agility value.

After careful selection, he purchased the above three items.

A total of 23,000 reputation and 4.25 billion gold coins were spent.

There are 150 million gold coins left on him.


Qin Luo is not short of money, because Gong Qingyue still has more than 5 billion funds, all of which are obtained from selling medicines.

He uses the agility booster first.

Agility value +1700 points!

Then use the holy river soul power on yourself.

Last time, after absorbing the silver spiritual soul crystal, his soul strength had already reached the peak of level 4.

hours later.

With the help of this soul power, Qin Luo broke through the current soul realm in one fell swoop.

"Current soul level: 5.

"Spirit bonus: 500.

"Soul Resistance: 70%."

He opened the character panel directly.


Physique: 28355

Agility: 22082


This is Qin Luo's own attribute, excluding the added temporary attributes such as equipment, title, and spirit patterns.

"It's time to go back."

next moment.

When Qin Luo returned home, the three daughters were all talking in the living room.

Seeing his figure, Wang Mengyu blushed and called out: "Qin Luo~"

"It seems that your body is recovering well."

Qin Luo smiled slightly.

Her physique is already very good, even if she struggles for a few hours, she can quickly return to normal state.

After thinking for a while, Qin Luo asked again: "Mengyu, what difficulty promotion task are you going to participate in?"

Wang Mengyu pondered for a moment and said, "The difficulty of the abyss."


With her current strength, it is enough to complete the most difficult task.

In order to avoid accidents, Qin Luo gave her the Phoenix Spirit Feather.

At this time, Wang Mengyu said: "Today is Monday, the talent has been refreshed, which skill do you want to evolve?"

"No." Qin Luo shook his head: "This time the upper limit of the skill level will be raised."

He chose the [Super State] skill.

"Ding! The super state skill level has broken through to level 15."

Superstate (Legendary)

Rating: 15/15

Effect: All attributes and movement speed +125%, the toucher is paralyzed for 1 second, and suffers [Physical x580%] lightning damage. Lasts 30 seconds.

At the same time, Wang Mengyu also got a level 15 projection skill. .

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