All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 142 The Spirit World! True Red Ring (Part 2)

After upgrading the skill level cap.

Qin Luo continued: "My promotion mission and yours are definitely different. This time, I can't form a team. So you can go to the family for help."

"Ok, I know."

Wang Mengyu nodded slightly.


Qin Luo was the first to come to the Professionals Guild in Saint Star City.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the professional promotion task, please choose the difficulty: Difficult, Nightmare, Hell and Abyss.

Each level is improved.

A minimum difficulty will be canceled.

Promoted to a senior professional, the easy difficulty disappears.

Promoted to the epic level, the difficult difficulty disappears.

In the realm of gods and spirits, only the difficulty of the abyss is left, and it will not be changed.


Qin Luo decided to create a perfect background, so he only chooses the highest difficulty for each realm promotion task.

"Ding! You have obtained the promotion task of abyss difficulty: go to the world of Carlisle, assist the daughter of the Sun Elf King, ascend the throne, and defeat the Moonlight Empire."

"Note: The mission is limited to 10 days. You can lead up to 10 mid-level players to participate in the mission."

have to say.

The abyss mission is too exaggerated.

The last time I allowed myself to kill a world ruler, this time it turned into defeating a country within 10 days, and the donkeys in the production team were not so busy.


Qin Luo not only has to complete the realm promotion task, but also obtain the "Spirit of Wishing".

This is a trading tool between him and Principal Wu.

"If I remember correctly, the Wishing Spirit is in Curry, and you can only get it by completing the important tasks of the Sun Empire.

Think here.

The plan that had been made before emerged in Qin Luo's heart.

"Enter the world of Carlisle!"

His figure disappeared in the professional guild.

【Current Location: Frontier Land·Sacred Forest】

The sun shines through the gaps in the woods, illuminating the dark environment.

Qin Luo raised his head.

He can vaguely see the Tongtian Mountain in the distance, which is the holy mountain in the hearts of the sun elves.

According to legend, the residence of the sun goddess!

The system prompt sounds:

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the mission: Rescue Elf Princess Idriel. After completion, the progress of the promotion mission will be +20%."

Qin Luo glanced at the world introduction.

[Carlisle World: Two major elf powers rule the world, namely the Sun Empire and the Moonlight Empire. As the Sun Empire lost its connection with the Sun God, its strength declined.

In the wars between the two sides, the Sun Empire often failed, and the situation became more and more difficult. 】


Qin Luo opened the map.

He secretly said: "Since the system sent me here, it is obvious that the elf princess is also somewhere in the forest...

Qin Luo released his mental power, sweeping across a radius of several thousand meters.

He only sensed the life fluctuations of many monsters.

So... Qin Luo summoned Mi Lin and asked her to help him explore the forest.

The team is heading towards the holy mountain.

About ten minutes have passed.

Milin quickly said: "Master, there is a group of monsters running towards our position from the left!"

Hearing this, Qin Luo turned around and looked.


There was a strange noise in the woods.

Dozens of purple-gray monsters came in groups. They looked like wolves, with a pair of sharp teeth like crescent moons, and they were powerful.

Crescent Beast (Elite)

Level: 40

Quality: Bronze

Life: 50w/50w


Skills: Moon Attack, Bite

An elite monster with fairly good strength.


Qin Luo didn't like it at all.

Suppressed by the "Heavenly Power" attached to Xuanhun Jinshen Jue, all attributes were reduced by 40%|The blood emperor plummeted to BOw point.

Dragon Fury Fire!

Qin Luo cast spells casually.

The magic power in the body gushed out, forming a huge flame dragon hundreds of meters in the air, and the scorching heat distorted the space.

boom boom!!!

The flame dragon hit the ground and turned into a sea of ​​flames, devouring the nearby forests and monsters.


Ordinary hit.

At this time, Qin Luo was not blessed by any boosting skills.

The damage in normal state has exceeded one million.

The monsters are wiped out.

"Ding! Kill the level 40 crescent moon beast and get 22963 experience points (+60%).


The kill notification kept ringing.

Gain seven or eight hundred thousand experience in an instant.

According to perception, there are many monsters in this forest.

The movement caused by the attack immediately attracted a large number of monsters.


The ground shakes.


Qin Luo summoned two avatars and issued an attack command.

And he and Mi Lin followed behind to pick up the spoils.

Killing intent and divine incarnation killing these monsters is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

The team marched tens of kilometers all the way.


With Milin's luck, Qin Luo got a diamond treasure chest.

He opened the box directly.


"You get diamond-level equipment: Ruby Ring.

"The ruby ​​ring evolved into legendary equipment: true red ring."

【True Red Ring (Legendary)】

Magic attack +2000


Additional: Strength +600, Constitution +1000, Spirit +700

Special effect: Spell blood sucking +20%

Ability: Red Spear

Equipment requirements: 40-level legal profession

The attributes of the ring are not bad.

Qin Luo wore it straight.

Magic attack rose to 87578 points.

Next, they moved on for about half an hour.

Qin Luo stopped and looked to the left.

"々`Found it!"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

However, the princess is not in good condition, with dozens of enemies besieging her nearby.

Flash Phantom!

Qin Luo carried Milin and teleported there.

I saw an ancient tree under the sky.

Dozens of elves with gray hair are attacking a blond elf girl, which is clearly the target of Qin Luo's mission.

The princess of the sun elves......


The girl gritted her teeth and kept avoiding the enemy's skills.


At the same time, she raised the brilliant longbow in her hand, pulled the bowstring with her slender hand, and shot out golden arrows, killing several enemies back.

But after fighting for a long time, the girl was exhausted.

And her elf attendants had long since been sacrificed.

Only Idril was left.

After all, one tree cannot support itself.


The number of attacks she received from the enemy increased, the damage to the robe on her body became more and more serious, and blood dripped from the wound into the soil.

At this moment, the leader of the Moonlight Elf said sharply:

"Princess of the Sun Empire, let's capture it! Then we can let you live (Wang Lihao)!"

The girl gritted her silver teeth and said, "Even if I, Idril, die in battle, I will never bow to you despicable moonlight elves! I will never cooperate with you!"

"In that case, I can only borrow your corpse."

The leader of the enemy team smiled.

They speed up the attack power.


After being bombarded by a spell, the girl was sent flying and fell to the ground, unable to lift any strength.

Arrows, spells... all flew towards the girl.

"Am I really going to die..."

"I'm sorry everyone, I can't avenge you..."

A look of despair appeared in Idril's eyes.


"Her life, I like it!"

A voice came from behind.


The Moonlight Elf's complexion changed, and they turned around one after another.

The figures of Qin Luo and Mi Lin came into view, and he tapped his staff, and a totem pole appeared in front of him, exuding mysterious power, and fell on Idriel.

next moment.

All kinds of attacks come.

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