All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 143 Heading To The Royal Capital! Opponent Faction Players! (Part 1)


The girl closed her eyes in despair.


Continuous explosions echoed in my ears.

"Huh?" The girl felt a little strange.

She opened her beautiful eyes. The pain in her body all came from the previous wounds. Now, she is facing the annihilation of the moonlight elves.


No harm?!!


The smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated, revealing Idril's figure.

She is safe and sound.

Titan Totem provides 130,000 points of defense.

Attacks from level 40 units cannot break defenses.

"how is this possible?!"

The moonlight elves present were all shocked.

In the previous battle, Idril had exhausted all means, and it was impossible for her to block this blow.


Must be the means of the speaker.

The moonlight elves looked at Qin Luo.

See his appearance.

The leader looked a little surprised: "Human?"

at Carlisle World.

Two races of elves dominate the world.

Fortunately, the elves are proud, look down on other races, and will not bully other races.

Human beings live in the East China Sea.

Whether it's the number of people or the strength of 200, they can't compare with the elves with a long lifespan.

When they saw elves, they basically took a detour.

This also fueled the arrogance of the elves.

at this time.

The leader of the Moonlight Elf proudly said: "Human, you'd better leave immediately and don't interfere with my elves' affairs."

"Otherwise, this will bring disaster to your race!"

"Really? I don't believe it."

Qin Luo said with a smile.

The leader was stunned, and shouted angrily: "Humans, you are looking for death! Shoot him together!"

"and many more!"

There was a weak voice in the crispness.

Everyone looked back.

I saw Idriel standing up with difficulty while supporting the tree trunk, her fair face was stained with blood and sweat, and her loose blond hair fluttered in the wind.

This picture has a special beauty.

The girl Meimou stared at the leader and said firmly: "Let this human being be released, he is innocent.

Say it.

She glanced at Qin Luo.

The girl felt a deep sense of intimacy from Qin Luo, as if facing the statue of the mother goddess in the Temple of the Sun


Qin Luo revealed an inexplicable attraction.

(dace) She even had the urge to throw herself into Qin Luo's arms.

A tinge of blood appeared on the girl's pale face.

At this moment, the enemy leader laughed and said, "Let him go? Do you think it's possible?"

"Princess Idril, don't even think about how many innocent people have lost their lives because of you since you decided to accept the throne.

"What if another human dies?"

Hearing this, the girl's face became gloomy, and the faces of her dead relatives flashed in her mind.

"kill him."

The moonlight elf gave the order.

They raised their longbows, ready to attack.


Qin Luo shot faster, cast [Snow Sea Wrath], and compressed the attack range to the area where the enemy was.

Boom! Boom!

The white snow fell with great force.

During Setsuna, the bodies of many enemies were crushed.


Qin Luo gained a lot of experience in one go.

Withdrawing mana, all the white snow on the ground disappeared.

The leading moonlight elf still had a sigh of relief, he said hoarsely: "Human... The empire will not... let you go..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he died suddenly on the spot.

At the same time, a ray of gray light flew out quickly and merged into Qin Luo's body.

[System prompt: You have been marked with a tracking mark for 8 hours, and the coordinates will be displayed on the player map of the Moonlight Empire camp.

After a little glance at the reminder, Qin Luo didn't care.

Players come one, he kills one.

Immediately afterwards, he looked back at the big tree.

The elf girl opened her mouth.

He stood there blankly.

"You're safe." Qin Luo laughed.

He and Milin crossed over the corpses and walked to the girl.

Idril came back to her senses and said, "Hello, I am... I am..."

Feel the pull that is close at hand.

The girl stuttered when she spoke.

Qin Luo smiled and said: "I know, you are the princess of the Sun Empire, Idril.

"Yeah." Idril nodded quickly.

Seemingly remembering something, she asked, "Respected strong man, what's your name?"

"Qin Luo."


Hearing this, Edriel repeated it in a low voice.


She took a deep breath and solemnly said: "Your Excellency Qin Luo, thank you for saving me, when I return to the capital... ah!"

The girl hadn't finished speaking.

The injury broke out, and the wound was torn again, causing her expression to twist in pain.

The body is crumbling.

Qin Luo immediately reached out to hug her.

A soft delicate body fell into his arms.

"Almost forgot that you were seriously injured."

He took out a bottle of healing potion and fed it to the girl.

Light green light surged, the wound on the girl's body disappeared, and her skin returned to its original state.


Idril closed her eyes tightly and was in a coma.

Her body was fine, but her spirit was too exhausted to wake up.

"Master, where are we going next?" Milin asked.

"The capital of the Sun Empire."

Only by sending her to the royal capital can the first round of missions be considered complete.

Qin Luo looked at the girl in his arms, and noticed her bloodstains and torn robes.

He said, "Milin, help her clean up her body."

"Okay, master."

Milin nodded.


Qin Luo took out a new set of women's clothing from his backpack, and placed a shielding circle around it to avoid being disturbed by the enemy.

After finishing these, the regiment put Idril in the tent.

Saint Ke Forest area.

Moonlight elves and hostile players are searching for sun elves in the forest.

The promotion task of these players is to assist the army to kill Idril.

Just when Qin Luo was marked.

A system prompt sounded in their ears.


"Sun Empire players, save the mission target, the coordinates of the opponent have been displayed on the map panel."

Hear voices.

The players quickly opened the map.

Sure enough, a red dot was found.

But... after ten seconds, the red dot suddenly disappeared.

"Fuck! The other party blocked the coordinates!"

"Hey, what about shielding? Now the whole forest is blocked by us."

"The enemy can't escape!"

"Don't talk so much, hurry up and kill the elf princess, I am anxious to participate in the school competition this afternoon."

A large number of players excitedly rushed towards the area where Qin Luo was located.

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