After Milin helped the elf girl clean up her body, she gave it to Qin Luo to hold her.

"Ready to go."

"Mi Lin, cast the imperial power on me."

Qin Luo canceled the shielding circle, and said.

He is going to use [Arkon Shuttle] to hurry.

at this time.

[Hint: The Detective Talisman has found a malicious target]

The system sound sounds.

Looking around, I found red marks everywhere, and traces of enemies everywhere.

Seeing this, Qin Luo couldn't help but stop.

Enemies approached his position.

The two sides meet.

"Look! The elf princess is in the hands of this kid!"

" turned out to be a single one."

"Boy, be sensible and hand her over."

The eyes of the enemies are full of greed.

Good guy.

There are quite a lot of people, but it is a pity that the strength is too weak, and they are all given away.

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Luo's mouth.

"Fire of Dragon Fury!"

He casually summoned a giant flame dragon, and under his control, the giant dragon suddenly flew away and landed on top of the crowd.


The monstrous sea of ​​flames razed the nearby forest to the ground.


All of them broke millions of magic damage.

No one can bear it.

However, with the help of life-saving props, some people are immune to fatal attacks, and some people are revived in situ.

"Hiss! 2...200w+ damage?!"

*A level 40 player can do more than two million damage? It's incredible. Why is this guy as strong as a cheater? "

"Made, don't worry so much, kill him!"

"Only by killing him together can we survive!"

The player suppressed the fear in his heart and roared loudly.

Hearing this, everyone moved their hands one after another.

Earth Flame Archery!

Lightning Nova!

Steel Dragon Slash!

All kinds of long-range skills shot out, hitting Qin Luo's body all of them, and the damage was all "0". After all, there was a Titan totem stuck on the ground.

The defense bonus of 13w is higher than the blood volume of the players.

at the same time,

Due to the bloodline ability——the effect of the blessing of the holy sun, the attacker received up to 160,000 real injuries.

They were all wounded to death.

"how can that be?"


The survivors stared blankly at the scene.

At this moment, when they saw Qin Luo raising his staff again, they were frightened out of their wits and fled in all directions.

"Do you think you can run away!"

Qin Luo thought.

Blood Sword lore!

The incarnation of killing intent flew into the sky, activated the skill, a hundred blood swords condensed out, and jumped to the ground followed by people.

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

One sword kills one person instantly.

An enemy with thick blood can resist two swords at most.

"Solve it, call it a day."

Qin Luo smiled.

They quickly pocketed the spoils.

super state!

Yakong Shuttle!

As soon as the skill was turned on, the mental attribute had risen to 18w+, Qin Luo hugged a person in one hand, and spanned a distance of 4684 kilometers in an instant.

Arrive directly inside the Sun Empire.

However, due to the vast territory of the country, it takes more than ten minutes to reach the capital...

five minutes later.


Idril let out a sigh, and slowly opened her eyes, Qin Luo's profile came into view.

"This is... ah!!"

The girl was a little confused at first, but when she came back to her senses, she found herself in the arms of a human male.

Her face was blushing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"woke up."

Qin Luo smiled gently.

Hearing the voice, Idril immediately remembered.

I was saved by the man in front of me.

The girl remembered it clearly.

The man's name is "Qin Luo".

Since childhood, she has never had such intimate contact with the opposite sex.

At this moment, the girl's heart "plopped" beating very fast.

Idril blushed and said, "Your Excellency Qin Luo, thank you for saving me."

"En." Qin Luo replied, "In five minutes, we should arrive at the capital."

"We've arrived at the capital? Could it be that I've been in a coma for a day?"

she asked with a dazed expression.

"No, less than ten minutes.

Qin Luo smiled.

Hearing this, Idril said in surprise: "Your strength is too strong, even my... father is far inferior to you."

When referring to "Father King".

Her face was a little gloomy.

Glancing at the girl, Qin Luo asked, "I'm curious, as the princess of the Sun Empire, why did you go to the border between the two countries?"

"Isn't it dangerous for you?"

"No matter how dangerous it is, I will go!" Idril said firmly: "This is a necessary ceremony for me to legally inherit the throne!"

"Ritual?" Qin Luo was quite interested.


She explained: "Every successor to the throne can only be recognized by citizens if he passes the test in the holy mountain and receives the blessing of the sun."

"Because my father was assassinated this time, the itinerary to the holy mountain was kept secret. As a result, the guards and I were ambushed as soon as we arrived in the holy forest."

Speaking of which.

A trace of hatred appeared in Idril's eyes.

She gritted her teeth and said, "There must be an inner ghost in the upper echelons of the empire or the Church of the Sun, and it was he who exposed my itinerary."

The Church of the Sun is the state religion of the sun elves.

The god of belief is the sun goddess, and at the same time, the creator of the sun elves.

For this inner ghost.

Qin Luo naturally knew his identity.

0 for flowers...

However, even if she told Idril directly, she might not believe it, after all, this kind of thing needs to pay attention to evidence.

He didn't say anything more.


The three arrived at the capital.

"Stop! Humans, you are not allowed to enter!"

The elf soldiers beside the city gate immediately stepped forward to block them.

Because of the assassination incident.

During this time, the whole city of the capital was under martial law.

But Qin Luo ignored it and let go of Idril directly.

She stepped forward and said, "Your Excellency is a guest of the empire and my savior. Please don't stop us."

"His Royal Highness?!" The soldier asked in surprise, "Why are you outside?"

"I just went out for something."

Idriel said seriously: "Let's let it go immediately, I still have important things to go to church."

"Okay, okay."

The soldiers quickly opened the city gate.

The two came all the way to the church of the Church of the Sun.

Ten elders came after hearing the news.

They anxiously said: "The opening of the Holy Mountain is only 10 days away. Your Royal Highness, why did you come back early?"

"Sorry, elders."

Idriel said coldly: "I was ambushed, and all the accompanying guards were killed, there is an inner ghost among you.

She is direct and honest.

She had no choice but to investigate this matter privately, so she could only make it public.


Shocked expressions appeared on the faces of the ten sun elf elders.

Qin Luo secretly glanced at the third elder.

He is the inner ghost colluding with the moonlight elves.

At this time, the great elder glanced at the other nine elders.

He said: "For this matter, I will use the sacred artifact left by the gods to find the identity of the inner ghost."

"During this period, I hope all the elders will not leave the church."

"no problem."

Everyone nodded.

The Great Elder is the most loyal believer of the Sun Goddess, and no one will doubt him.

"Your Highness, this human being is..." The Great Elder looked at Qin Luo suspiciously.

Idril smiled apologetically: "I forgot to introduce, this is Your Excellency Qin Luo, he was the one who rescued me."

"He's stronger than his father!"

"I see."

The Great Elder respectfully said: "Your Excellency Qin Luo, thank you for your help. May the Sun Goddess bless you."


The system prompt sounds:

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the mission. Mission reward: 300w experience, Sun Empire reputation +1000..."

"Promotion mission progress: 20%."

With this experience, Qin Luo was promoted to a level.

"Ding, player Qin Luo, your level has been raised to level 41, four-dimensional attributes +120, free attribute points +86.

Because of the blessing of [Eternal Growth].

The upgrade attribute has doubled.


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