All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 145: Son Of God, Church Of The Sun! Strengthening Ritual (Part 1)

After the upgrade, Qin Luo assigned the free attribute to the spirit value.

at the same time.

The elders are looking at Qin Luo carefully.

I heard the words "He is stronger than Wang Qiang?!" from Idril's mouth.

Make everyone feel unbelievable.

You know... The previous Elf King was the strongest person in the history of the world of Carlisle.

Although they lost the blessing of the Sun Goddess, relying on the previous elf king, the Sun Empire directly beat the Moonlight Empire.


Half a month ago, the Elf King died suddenly.

After death, the body's essence and blood were drained.

The elders suspected that it was the assassins of the Moonlight Empire, and they used the power of the Moonlight Goddess.

Because there was no movement in the palace that day.

This shows that the strength of the assassin is far superior to that of the elf king.


Idril was attacked, which further strengthened their guess "470"

at this time,

The Second Elder exclaimed: "Oh my God! You... the power of the sun on your body is so amazing?!!"

Hearing this, the Great Elder also carefully sized Qin Luo up.

The next moment, he widened his eyes: "This power of the sun is stronger than His Majesty the Elf King.


These elf elders were shocked in their hearts.

The reason why the former Elf King is powerful is because of his extremely high concentration of solar blood.

The Great Elder hurriedly asked, "Could it be that you are a half-elf?"

"No." Qin Luo shook his head: "I am a pure human being."

The power of the sun in his body is all due to the Lieyang blood.

Of course, he didn't explain it to everyone.

The Great Elder struggled and said: "How can humans have the blood of the sun?"

After a moment of contemplation, his eyes lit up.

"That's right! Perhaps your ancestors received the blessing of the Sun Goddess."

Other elves share the idea.

At this time, the Great Elder said with fiery eyes: "Your Excellency Qin Luo, can you agree to Tuyong's request?"

"You said." 1

"Become the Son of God of the Church of the Sun!" the First Elder said firmly.


Everyone looked at him in surprise.

The third elder of the inner ghost directly questioned: "I object! This... Your Excellency Qin Luo is a human being, how can he become the Son of God?"

Not only him, several elders also expressed the same attitude.

"Why not?" the elder asked back: "The Church of the Sun is the church of the Sun Goddess believers, not the church of the elves!"


There was a slight pause in his voice.

Then he said even louder: "Your Excellency Qin Luo's sun blood is so high, if you start the blessing ceremony, you might be able to contact the sun goddess.

Hearing his answer, everyone had no doubts.


The Great Elder looked at Qin Luo and asked, "Your Excellency, what do you think?"

"Becoming the Son of God, what good does it do me?"

Qin Luo said calmly.

"Increase your strength and blood concentration, and if the Sun Goddess responds to you, you will also be blessed by the gods!"

"Then I agree."

Since there was no harm, Qin Luo naturally agreed to the request.

He followed the elder to the church hall.


Idril stood at the door with a dazed expression.

Her thoughts are a little messy.

The human being who brought him back to the capital turned out to be a son of God!

the most important is.

According to the rules of the empire.

The king of elves will combine with the saint of the church.

The elf queen is combined with the son of God.

"If you inherit the throne yourself, then..."

Think here.

The girl blushed with embarrassment.

It wasn't until everyone disappeared that Idril came back to her senses, and she hurriedly chased after them.

church hall.

In front of the statue of the sun goddess.

Qin Luo turned on the [Eye of Reality] to inspect the magic circle on the ground, and after confirming that there was no danger, he accepted the ceremony.

A large amount of golden light gushed out from the magic circle, all of which fused with Qin Luo's body.

A warm energy began to strengthen his body.

The four-dimensional attribute gradually increases.

+1 point.

+2 points.


Six hours passed.

A system prompt sounds.

"Ding! You have obtained the following enhancements: All attributes +500, Lieyang bloodline deification progress +1, the title of God Son of the Church of the Sun."

next moment.

There was a golden light in the idol's eyes.

"Could it be possible to communicate with His Royal Highness?!"

The elders looked slightly happy.

Only the third elder had an ugly face.


A vague voice came into Qin Luo's mind... 0

"Holy Mountain..."


Most of the content, Qin Luo couldn't hear clearly at all, as if blocked by some kind of force.

Holy Mountain he knows what it is.

But what is a demon?

Monsters, monsters, monsters, goblins...

There are too many goals.

In the world of Carlisle, goblins and goblins are most likely.

When Qin Luo opened his eyes, everyone quickly asked, "Son of God, have you been blessed by the gods?"


"Then what was the vision just now?"

Qin Luo said helplessly: "Goddess of the Sun, tell me two words, holy mountain and demon."

"Holy seems that something happened there."

The elders discussed for a long time, but there was no result.

at last.

The Great Elder said: "It's not too late today, Your Royal Highness, you should take the Son of God to the palace to rest first.

"The rest, I will inform you tomorrow."

"it is good."

Idril nodded slightly.

She brought Qin Luo and Mi Lin to the palace.

"Your Excellency Qin Luo, this is your room. I live next door to you. If there is anything, you can ask the maid to inform me."

Idril said.

"I know, thank you." Qin Luo smiled.

The girl blushed and nodded.

She walked away slowly.

Afterwards, Qin Luo walked into the luxurious bedroom, and he looked at 4.2 to strengthen the harvest of the ceremony.

【Son of the Church of the Sun·Title】

Quality: legendary

Bonus: HP +5%, four-dimensional attributes +50, monster killing experience +30%

Special: Sun elves reputation +10000, solar system skills upgrade experience reduced by 50%.

A player can equip 3 titles at the same time.

It just so happened that Qin Luo still lacked one.

He resolutely wore the title, his spell attack increased to 91408 points, and his health exceeded 160w.


After finishing the dinner with Idriel, Qin Luo went back to the bedroom to rest. He arranged the concealment circle and summoned the Titan totem and two avatars.

Their strength crushes the natives of this world.

Qin Luo's personal safety is guaranteed.

So he can sleep peacefully.

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