All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 146 Mission Accomplished! Moonlight Mystery (Part 2)

the next day.

early morning.

Led by Idriel, Qin Luo came to the Church of the Sun and met with the Great Elder.

"Son of God, you are finally here."

The great elder said respectfully.

Follow church rules.

With the strength of the sun in his body, Qin Luo must be the candidate for the next pope.

So he was a little more respectful, no big problem.

at this time.

Qin Luo smiled and said, "What do you want from me?"

The Great Elder said in a deep voice: "Son of God, I hope you can help this old man and catch C Ghost!"

"Does the holy artifact have no effect?"

Qin Luo pretended to be surprised.

Although the promotion mission in his previous life was not in the world of Carlisle, but because of the "Spirit of Wishing", he has some understanding of the mission process.

"Because of not being able to communicate with the Sun Goddess, the power of the holy artifact has weakened a lot. Moreover, the inner ghost has already been prepared and cannot deduce his identity."


"The artifact gives a clue, and the evidence lies in a moonlight elf named "Amud", who is in the Forest of Saint Ke."

The great elder said.

Notice the hesitation on Qin Luo's face30.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Son of God, as long as you find evidence, you can choose any item from Curry as a reward!"

"Okay, I agree."

Qin Luo resolutely agreed to the request.

A system prompt sounds.


"Congratulations on getting the mission: looking for evidence. After completion, the progress of the mission will be +30%. The time limit is 5 days.

Mission accomplished.

Qin Luo showed a satisfied smile.

Immediately afterwards.

The Great Elder continued: "There are at least nine days left for the throne succession ceremony. Son of God, I hope you can find evidence as soon as possible."


Qin Luo nodded.

He took Milin's little hand and walked towards the church gate.

Looking at their backs, Idril prayed silently in her heart.


Qin Luo walked outside.

He stayed by the door for a moment, and immediately, Qin Luo used 【Eye of Reality.

[Energy Mark: Mark coordinates can be obtained through special props]

Obviously, this is the third elder's tampering.

With this mark, you can draw out the mission target yourself.

Qin Luo smiled slightly.

"Let's go."

Yesterday, he left space coordinates in the Saint Ke forest, activated the props, and the two disappeared directly in place.

In the shadow of the square, the three elders hide here.

See this scene.

He sneered and said: "A mere human being dares to spoil my good deeds. This time, you will never come back alive.

"The moonlight elf can instantly kill the elf king, and can kill you!"

Think here.

The third elder immediately passed on the news.

Saint Ke Forest.

The camp of a certain moonlight elf team.

In the tent, two elves are discussing things.

That captain is the target of the mission——Amu De.

Suddenly, he laughed and said: "That old fellow has received news that the Great Elder of the Sun Elf Clan sent two humans to find us.


The vice-captain was startled, and then said contemptuously: "Humans are no match for the elves. I think their elders are also confused.

"No, how can you laugh at humans."

Amud smiled and said: "Our ally said that he is stronger than the previous elf king, and hoped that we would send that "assassin" to deal with him."

"Haha, in order to make us take action, this old guy dares to make up any reason."

The vice-captain sneered, "Did he really think that the Sun Elf King was assassinated by us?"


The current Moonlight Empire can't contact the Moon Goddess either.

Without the help of the gods, they are no match for the Sun Elf King.

Regarding the sudden death of this king, the Moonlight Empire is also very puzzled.

However, his death also gave the moonlight elves a chance to dominate the continent.

Restrain your smile.

Amed said seriously: "Let's go, inform the team members, let's go meet this 'human powerhouse' for a while."


The deputy captain nodded solemnly.

After a few minutes,

The team is heading towards a certain direction in the forest...

another place.

[Hint: The Detective Talisman has found a malicious target]

Qin Luo stopped in his tracks.

Ten red marks appeared in the field of vision.

He said calmly: "The enemy is coming."

call out!

The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

Dozens of magical arrows flew over a distance of tens of meters in an instant and shot towards Qin Luo's position.

super state!

Qin Luo turned on the skill casually.

Only by the blessing of [Super State] and [God God Art], the defensive power of the whole body has exceeded one million, which is more than three times the enemy's blood volume!


There is no one arrow to break the defense.

Instead, it was doubled due to the blessing of the holy sun.

Many "-37w" real injury numbers popped up above the enemy's head.

Instantly kill eight people.


"How did the team members die?"

The two of Amud, who were hiding in the dark, were shocked.

next moment.

Qin Luo looked towards their hiding place, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, which made the two of them shudder.

"Found you."

He teleported over and hit the deputy captain with his staff.

bang! bang!

-130w! -130w!

Stick to the flesh.

The deputy captain's blood bar was emptied, Qin Luo turned to look at the last enemy, Amud was frightened out of his wits.

He said with a ferocious face: "417, I must escape!"

Say it.

Throwing a silver key in his hand, it burst into dazzling brilliance.

Golden Crow Divine Spear!

Soul hunting!

Seeing this, Qin Luo cast two skills at the speed of light, hitting "-400w" and "-469w" damage, ending his life.

"Ding! Kill Hunter Amud, get 540,000 experience points (+90%), free attribute +8, world reputation +500."

The opponent is still a level 40 silver boss.

The harvest is not bad.

Qin Luo flashed over and scooped up the reward from the ground.

"Ding, you have obtained the quest item: Photo Stone.

at the same time.

Silver light enveloped him and Milin.

The next moment, the figures of the two disappeared into the forest.

【Current coordinates: Moonlight Secret Realm‧Periphery】

Qin Luo came to a special environment.

The sky turned into a boundless sea, the ground turned into a vast starry sky, and the world seemed to be turned upside down.

"Moonlight Secret Realm...a copy?"

Qin Luo was a little puzzled.

He opens the panel.

Sure enough, he was in a dungeon of a secret realm.

And this is a nightmare dungeon [there is a diamond-level guardian BOSS!


Qin Luo seemed to be looking at the environment with interest.

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