All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 156 Traces Of The Monster Race! Asylum Of Destiny (Part 2·Happy New Year)


Qin Luo followed the staff to the intelligence room on the second floor.

There is a special machine there.

Enter a few keywords into it, and the purchase price of the corresponding message will be displayed.

Information on the Chili Clan, priced at 2.9 billion.

Vermilion Bird family information, price 1.23 billion.

The cumulative price of the four pieces of detailed information is as high as 58.6 billion!

"So expensive?"

Qin Luo frowned.

Although he was mentally prepared, the price was too high.

"There is no way."

The staff explained helplessly: "As the most advanced world, the Wanyao Ancestral Realm has always been hidden from the world, and it is extremely xenophobic."

"It is very difficult to obtain intelligence, and we have sacrificed thousands of people for this."

"And I'm not bragging, our Nine Heavens Chamber of Commerce has the most comprehensive information on the Wan Yao Ancestral Realm! You can't buy it anywhere else if you have money."

Hearing this, Qin Lu became entangled.

If you want to buy it yourself, you can only accumulate funds by buying equipment from reality, after evolution, and then reselling it in Zhutian City.


It will take a long time to raise more than 30 billion yuan.

Just when Qin Luo was meditating...

A middle-aged man with a firm face appeared at the door.


Just as the staff wanted to say something, they were stopped by the middle-aged man with a wave.

He is the director of the Nine Heavens Chamber of Commerce in Xuanlong City.

Director Chen looked at Qin Luo's back and activated his detection ability.

A number emerges.

[Battle power: 2153w]


Director Chen's face was stunned, and disbelief appeared in his eyes.

A level 49 senior professional.

Its combat power is comparable to epic-level professionals above level 60.


No, this can no longer be described as Tianjiao.

Having lived for thousands of years, Director Chen has never seen such a situation.


This value is obviously the lower limit of Qin Luo's combat power.

If he exploded with full strength.

Director Chen very much believes that the upper limit of Qin Luo's combat power can be increased several times, or even ten times.

"However, why did this young man ask for information about the Wan Yao Ancestral Realm?"

"Could it be that the innate monster race appeared in universe 150 a few days ago, and he has something to do with it?"

Director Chen was a little puzzled.

He continued to check the information of the probe.

The name of the bloodline came into view.

[Fire Sun Bloodline Legendary Quality]

"I see."

Director Chen's face revealed a clear expression.

He opened his mouth and shouted: "Xiaoye."

Hearing the voice behind him, Qin Luo turned around and looked.

The staff respectfully said: "Director Chen.

"You go down first, I'll entertain this guest." Manager Chen nodded and said.


Immediately, Supervisor Chen said with a smile: "Guest, I will give you all the information about the Ten Thousand Monsters Ancestral Realm without charging any fees."

"Why?" Qin Luo said in a deep voice.

He never believed in the fact that the pie in the sky was falling.

"Because of your blood!" Director Chen replied.

Hearing this, a look of vigilance appeared on Qin Luo's face.

Manager Chen quickly said: "If I guess correctly, there has already been a battle between you and the Xiantian Monster Clan, right?"


Qin Luo nodded slightly, waiting for his next words.

Manager Chen continued:

"Two hundred years ago, a descendant of the ancestors of my Chen family died in the hands of ten demon gods of the Kunpeng clan because of the bloodline of the sun of the legendary quality.

"Since then, our clan has been inquiring about information about the Wan Yao Ancestral Realm."

The Kunpeng clan is the second largest monster clan in the Myriad Monster Ancestral Realm. There are countless demon gods in the clan, and there are even several monsters.

Among them, the ancestor of Kunpeng is even more a demon master in the demon court!

The strength is second only to the current Demon Emperor.


Players compete for the main god-level world named [Nine Suns True Realm].

The ancestor of Kunpeng made a bold move, fighting against the Supreme God of the three player groups alone, the aftermath of the battle swept hundreds of millions of miles of void, and destroyed countless ordinary worlds.

In the end, the ancestor of Kunpeng won.

He turned into a Kun and devoured the entire Nine Suns Realm in one bite.

Facing the power of the monster clan with such strength, the Chen family had no choice but to give up revenge.

After listening to Director Chen's explanation.

Qin Luo thought for a moment and asked, "Director Chen, do you have the right to send me information for free?"


Supervisor Chen said with a smile: "Because the ancestor told the clansmen that we will help as much as possible to anyone who has the blood of the sun and who is against the Ten Thousand Monsters Ancestral Realm.

Qin Luo accepted the intelligence.

However, he will not completely trust the Nine Heavens Chamber of Commerce.

Immediately afterwards.

Qin Luo spent 5.2 billion gold coins to purchase a book of legendary shielding detection skills and 10 god-level star stones.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Director Chen reminded: "Guest, there is something. I have to tell you that someone in the Milky Way has found traces of the Xiantian monster race.


Qin Luo nodded.

He is not worried.

The enemy can send a legendary 107-level demon at most to hunt him down.

Because of the suppression of the will of the heavens and the world, the demon gods and demon saints dare not come to the main world without authorization.


Qin Luo left the shop straight away.

Looking at his back, Director Chen said in a low voice: "It seems that this young man named Qin Luo is the son of the world of universe 150."

"As long as he grows up, he will definitely become the supreme supreme like the original holy king!"

Think here.

There was a look of awe in his eyes.

At this time, Qin Luo came to the No. 5 world.

The Idol has collected 155623 points of Pure Power of Faith.

If it is used to upgrade, it is enough to upgrade to level 55 by yourself.

However, Qin Luo did not intend to use it.

Transforming divine power or raising the level of laws is the best use of the power of faith.


Qin Luo learns the shielding skill and evolves it to the main god quality.

"Ding! Truth Blessing has evolved to the main god-level skill: Destiny Blessing."

【Asylum of Destiny】

Quality: Lord God

Effect: An ability that is lower than the priority of the main god, and cannot detect or deduce any information about the player.

from now on.

It will be difficult for the innate monster race to find themselves. .

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