All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 157: Yuanshi True Law! God Of Creation! (Part 1)

Immediately afterwards.

Qin Luo took out the Star Stone, and then operated the Star Refining Method to extract the power inside and incorporate it into his body, gradually strengthening his body and soul.

Damage reduction +0.02%,

Four-dimensional attribute +5,


Time passed slowly.

six hours later.

He finally absorbed the power of 10 Star Stones, the damage reduction increased to 27.8%, and the four-dimensional attribute added a full 800 points.

Great harvest!

Qin Luo exhaled lightly.

"Let's go home first."

Through the system function, he returned home in an instant.

at this time.

Three daughters, Mi Lin, Gong Qingyue, and Wang Mengyu, were chatting in the living room.

Feeling the spatial fluctuation, they looked up.

"My lord, welcome home." Gong Qingyue said with a gentle smile.

Qin Luo said softly: "These days, nothing happened at home?"

"Miss Liang came to visit the day before yesterday."

"Liang Xue? What is she here for?"

Qin Luo was a little puzzled.

"She asked my concubine to tell the young master that within the first week of next month, I will go to the professional guild in the Linzhou base to complete the certification of strength and registration for the college entrance examination."

Gong Qingyue spoke slowly.

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot."

Qin Luo suddenly said.


With my talent and strength, I don't need to go to university to study at all.

But for the place in the space competition.

He can only take the college entrance examination.

After all, the competitive ranking rewards include tickets to the original world.

As the most special to advanced world.

Players can obtain the original divine body and original divine soul from this world, and these two things are necessary conditions if they want to break through to the main divine realm!


Qin Luo chatted with them for several hours.


Wang Mengyu successfully completed the promotion task of abyss difficulty.

At the same time, she got a career advancement task.

Once done.

Her profession can be advanced to ——— Frost Mystic.

This is a supporting epic class.

Tomorrow, with the help of her family, Wang Mengyu will go to the eternal world to carry out the mission.

For safety reasons, Qin Luo did not take back the Phoenix Spirit Feather, and continued to leave it to her for self-defense...


after eating.

Qin Luo's eyes fell on [Xiandao Lingyun].

"Which skill is immortalized this time?"[?"

He scanned the panels.

My main goal is to have skills that are lower than epic in quality. After looking all the way, there are only three diamond-quality skills that meet the requirements.

"Now that I don't lack the means of attack, let's continue to transform the auxiliary skills into immortality."

Qin Luo secretly said.

In the end, he screened out a skill that matched it - Blessing of Light.

Qin Luo uses props directly.

Immortal aura!

Endless white light engulfed his figure.


"Player Qin Luo, you have started the trial of the origin of the immortal way, and are generating a trial space according to the level..."

next moment.

Qin Luo came to a familiar place.

Ahead, there is a 108,000-story white jade staircase, leading directly to the Supreme Immortal Palace at the other end of the sea of ​​clouds.

He stepped up the steps without hesitation.

The shorter the time it takes to reach the highest level, the higher the reward.

This time... Qin Luo only spent an hour.

Less than half the time it took last time.

He arrived at Asgard Square.


Above the sky, the sun and the moon shine together, and countless fairy spirits condense into an incarnation of the will of the world that is billions of feet high.

He looks down on the world indifferently.

With a light tap of the finger, a ray of white light fell into Qin Luo's body.

"Ding, the Light Blessing Immortal has transformed into: Yuanshi True Law · Main God Level.

"Ding, Yuanshi Zhenfa gained 3000w experience."

"Ding, the level of Yuanshi Zhenfa has been raised to level 8."

Qin Luo was looking forward to the effect of the skill.

He looks at the panel.

Yuanshi Zhenfa (Lord God Level) (Xianhua)

Rating: 8/15

Effect 1: Condensed Yuanshi's real body, self-generated good fortune in the body, recovering [Physique x80%] points of life and mana every second.

Effect 2: Permanently increase life and mana by 1.8 points per second.

Effect 3: Recover 8 points of divine power per second.

Effect 4: Permanently increase divine power by 8 points every day, ignoring level requirements.


Qin Luo couldn't help but gasped.

This immortalization skill is too strong.

It can actually increase divine power!

You know, players who want to gain divine power must reach at least level 71.


Yuanshi Zhenfa breaks this limitation.

As for the role of divine power, it is similar to mana.

But...if you cast a skill with divine power, the cooldown will instantly reset to zero, and as long as you have enough divine power, you can cast spells infinitely.

"々`This ability is invincible."

Qin Luo sighed with emotion.


He moved his gaze to the gate of Asgard.

"I don't know if the mysterious Supreme God who protects me is in the Asgard..."

Think here.

Qin Luo stepped forward and saluted.

Since the other party has helped him several times, Qin Luo will not be stingy with his respect either.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.


Mysterious forces acted upon him.

The surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, Qin Lu was led into the camp,

"Qin Luo, welcome to this world again (Qian Wang Zhao).

A soft female voice came into the ears.

Qin Luo raised his head to look, and saw a woman in palace costume standing in place, with a hint of a smile in her watery eyes.

Her face is extremely beautiful.

It can't even be described in words.

At the same time, his body exudes an ethereal and ethereal temperament.

【Master Ji Mingyue】




Except for the name, the rest of the information is all question marks representing unknown.


Qin Luo has confirmed the toilet.

The beautiful woman in front of him is the supreme god who protects him.

ps: Happy New Year, readers.

Because today is the first day of the new year, I can only update this chapter, sorry.

After I get home in a few days, I will speed up the update!.

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