All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 159: The Shadow Of The Wind God! Yunzhou World! (Part 1)

After getting paid, Qin Luo went straight home.

at this time.

He carefully browsed the information of the item, and picked out an epic piece of equipment for the mage profession.

Qin Luo activated his talent.

"Ding! The storm trousers have evolved into a god-level~Equipment: Shadow of the Wind God."

Wind God's Shadow (God Level)

Part: leg


Additional: four-dimensional attribute +1200, constitution +500, agility +500

Special Effect: Movement Speed ​​+35%

Skill: Swift Shadow

Equipment requirements: -45 legal occupations

Qin Luo directly put on new equipment, all attributes increased by a bit, and the magic attack rose to 12.6w points.

"Next, you can participate in advanced professional tasks."

He glanced at the mission panel.

Exactly seven days left.

Before leaving, Qin Luo asked Wang Mengyu to raise the hunting angel level to level 15, which is also the limit of her talent.

Unable to raise the level cap to level 20.

At least the talent or props of the main god quality can be done.

"Ding! The level of the hunting angel has broken through to level 15."

Qin Luo glanced at the skills.

Archangel (legendary)

Rating: 15/15

Effect 1: Attack speed and movement speed +250%, lasts for 50 seconds.

Effect 2: Melee causes [law attack x250%] spell damage and silences the enemy.

Qin Luo is quite satisfied with the skill effect.


He pushed open the door of the studio.

Gong Qingyue was refining the potion, when she heard the sound, she raised her head subconsciously:

"Young master?"

Qin Luo cut to the chase and said, "Qingyue, this time you are going to carry out the mission with us."

According to the information of Palace Master Mingyue and Nine Heavens Chamber of Commerce.

The Xiantian Yaozu already knew his identity.

He even dispatched the legendary demon to the Milky Way.

For her safety, Qin Luo decided to take her to the eternal world.

Looking at the serious look on Qin Luo's face.

Gong Qingyue did not refuse, and said with a gentle smile: "I understand, I just took this opportunity to test my strength.

Qin Luo nodded.

"Let's go."

He took the two girls to the Tower of Fame in Xuanlong City.

The Yunzhou world is a high-level prestige world.

Players have a reputation of more than 100,000 to enter, and each person has to pay 1,000,000 gold coins as a ticket.

"Enter the world of Yunzhou."

The figures of the three disappeared in the tower.

【Current Location: Ancient Kingdom of Great Xia·Skyfire City】


Qin Luo appeared in an ancient oriental style city.

The power system in this world belongs to the lineage of Immortal Dao.

on the street.

Practitioners ride birds and beasts, or step on flying swords to shuttle through the sky.

The sound of pedestrians talking came.

"Brother, have you heard? The Tianhuo Sect's true disciples are in the hospital."

"The head shaman announced that as long as you find a true disciple, you will be rewarded with a thousand middle-grade spirit stones!"

"Hiss! As expected of the Righteous Daoism, the hands are really generous."

"Hehe, do you know where the missing place is? Yanjiao Mountains! This is one of the forbidden places in the mainland."

"It is said that there is a ten thousand-year-old flood dragon there! With our level of cultivation, in the past, we would have to die."


at this time.

Many people walked towards the Tianhuo Cult's residence.

The three of Qin Luo followed behind.


The team arrived at the destination——Tianhuo Cult.

Looking around, the building is built on the mountain, with a magnificent momentum, and the square at the foot of the mountain is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

Mi Lin blinked and exclaimed, "There are so many people~"

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the square.

There are both aborigines and main world players.

After all, the pay is too high!

For players.

If one thousand middle-grade spirit stones were only used to transform experience, it would be enough to obtain one billion experience points.

…0 for flowers……

Can be upgraded several levels.

After a while......

A ray of golden flame pierced the air and stopped in front of the sect's gate in Setsuna's room.

The flame twisted and turned into an old man wearing a robe.

【Headmaster of the Skyfire Sect Wu Tianyan】

Grade: 68

Domain: Epic

Qualification: Epic

A strong man in the epic realm.

Wu Tianyan said in a deep voice: "Welcome all capable people and strangers, come to my Tianhuo Sect. Today, I will say one thing, who can find my true disciples!"

"Who do these spirit stones belong to!"

He waved his hand.

A pile of white jade-like stones floated in the sky.

There was greed in everyone's eyes.

"Teacher Wu, don't worry! I will definitely find the disciples of your sect!"

"Haha, this matter is covered by me, Youshan Seven Swords!"

they promised excitedly.

No one doubted the authenticity of Wu Tianyan's words.

Because the Tianhuo Cult is suppressing a demon.

High-level people need to guard the sect.

Therefore, they can only seek help from outsiders.


Qin Luo received the task and contact talisman from the disciples of Tianhuo Sect.


"Congratulations on getting the mission: Search for the missing disciple. The time limit is 3 days."

Mission accomplished.

At this time, Milin frowned and said, "Master, I feel a strong evil aura in the crowd!"

Qin Luo smiled and replied:

"It's the person from the Skyfire Sect who suppresses the demon sect to which the demon leader belongs."

"We'll ignore them for now."

According to the memory of the previous life.

In a few days, the people of the Demon Sect will rescue the demon leader.

And the world quest happens to be related to the boss.

Now that he has come to the world of Yunzhou, besides preparing to complete professional tasks, he also plans to conquer this world.

Premium World Chest Reward Quality  ……

But it has reached the god level!

Qin Luo naturally would not give up on Chuan. .

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