All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 160 World Protection! Demon Attack (Part 2)

Qin Luo opened the map system and found the coordinates of the Yanjiao Mountains.

long distance.

He opened his mouth and said, "Mi Lin, cast the imperial power on me."

"Okay, master!"

Milin nodded.

Summon the book of souls with a wave of hands, nine soul blessings, all attributes +45188 points.

She also has a blank page with no soul sealed.

As long as you find a suitable soul, by then, the attribute increase will exceed 50,000...

Qin Luo put his arms around the waists of the two girls.

super state!

Yakong Shuttle!

In the blink of an eye, they crossed a distance of 5,850 kilometers and arrived at the forbidden land of the mainland——the Yanjiao Mountains.

The eyes are all bare stones, no trees.

The air temperature is hot. "Twenty Seven"



There was a vibration from the ground nearby.

Qin Luo turned his head and saw two red lizards. They were huge, more than 50 meters long, and their skin looked like stone.


"Humans! Eat them!"

Now that the human voice came from the lizard's mouth.

They strode forward on all fours and rushed over quickly.

【Fierce Mountain Lizard Lord】

Level: 50

Tier: Silver

HP: 1400w

Attack: 6.7w

Impressively, there are two silver bosses.

Due to the suppression of "Tianwei", the attributes were reduced by 38%, and the remaining blood volume was more than 8 million.

Qin Luo said: "Qingyue, you can try your hands with them.

"I understand."

Gong Qingyue nodded slightly.

She stretched out her jade hand, tapped the air, and a trace of cold air flew to the sky.

next moment.

Countless ice arrows fell to the ground, piercing the BOSS defense.

"Slap... Pat..."




The cold air froze the mountain lizard into an ice sculpture, and its blood bar dropped by nearly half!


Qin Luo was a little surprised.

Her damage from this blow was no worse than her own.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Qingyue used two more god-level skills [Kill the two silver bosses.

The strength is beyond imagination.

Because of the effect of [Heaven and Earth Medicine Furnace], she can refine medicines and get rewards such as attributes, experience and skills.

The higher the quality of the potion, the higher the reward.

As it happens,

Gong Qingyue has the talent of [Original Blood], which can improve the quality of potions.

The combination of the two actually produced the effect that 1+1 is greater than 2.


Qin Luo sighed in admiration.

He was very satisfied with Gong Qingyue's performance.

Next, after collecting the dropped objects, Cai Lin sealed the soul of one of the Lizards.

The team moves on.

en route.

Qin Luo used the World Prayer Altar.

A mysterious force blesses him.


"You get the protection of the Yunzhou world: the power of extreme cold: the attack hits the enemy, reducing its movement speed and attack speed by 50%, and the effect lasts for 5 seconds."

"Protective protection exists in the 7-day world."

The ability to slow down is okay.

When not using the hunting angel, Qin Luo's movement speed is as high as 34 times the speed of sound, and it is difficult for the enemy to catch up with him.


If the speed is reduced by 50%, the enemy will only be kited to death by him.

hours later...

in the mountains,

The three of Qin Luo were surrounded by many fiery scorpion monsters.

The end of pure white!

The power of the domain swept around and forcibly imprisoned the monsters. Immediately, a gray dagger was born.


Qin Luo said coldly.

With a thought.

The short sword pierced through the fire scorpion's carapace like a violent storm.

-711w!-711w! …

"Ding, kill the Flaming Tail Scorpion and gain 67704 experience points (+260%).

"Ding, kill..."

The system bar keeps refreshing the kill prompt.

Because of the experience bonus of the title and potion, a bronze elite monster can provide a lot of experience. 0

this moment.

The experience bar has met the upgrade needs.

He consumes 110 million experience points.

"Ding, player Qin Luo, your level has been raised to level 50, four-dimensional attributes +180, free attribute points +86.

This moment.

The attribute growth has surpassed the god-level occupation.

Beside, Gong Qingyue observed the scorpion.

She thought about it:

"The corpses of these fire scorpions seem to be used for refining medicine.

Qin Luo glanced around and said, "Don't worry about the corpses, another group of enemies has come."

Say it.

He summoned the titan totem.

Defense +77w!

call out!

There was a sound of piercing in the ear.

A black figure flickered behind Qin Luo, holding a short sword in his hand, and stabbing fiercely at the back of his heart, the blade burst into blood...


Qin Luo sneered.

His speed is more than ten times faster than the raider.

turn around

Lift the staff and smash it over.



The enemy's body is paralyzed by electricity.

So show your true body.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Qin Luo swung his staff and smashed the attacker to death.

"Ding, kill a blood 5.4 Shenzong elite disciple and gain 71448 experience points (+260%).

"A lot of people came."

Qin Luo looked around intently.

Many people showed up.

They are all disciples of the Demon Sect, from the Blood God Sect, the Bone Sect and the Demon Soul Palace respectively.


The Blood God Sect is even known as the number one sect of the Demonic Dao.

"Catch these righteous practitioners and dedicate them to His Majesty the Demon God!"

One shouted frantically.

The rest immediately attacked.

Vacuum Siphon!

The Wrath of the Snow Sea!

Qin Luo's face was calm, and he hit two spells casually, destroying the entire army of the attackers.

The experience bar skyrocketed. .

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