All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 163: The Great Demon Is Born! Ten Thousand Years Flood Dragon! (Part 1)

After breakfast.

The head teacher Wu Tianyan brought his true disciple who returned yesterday to visit.

Seeing this, Qin Luo already understood in his heart.

The mission is here!

He smiled slightly and asked, "Sect Master Wu, what is your business?"

Wu Tianyan clasped his hands and said: "Your Excellency, the old man came to see you because of a request."

"You say.

Qin Luo looked at him.

"For thousands of years, my sect has been suppressing the ancestor of the Blood God Sect to prevent him from causing harm to the world. Now that the seal is loose, there is an urgent need for a skyfire seed to strengthen the seal.

"But the fire grows in the magma cave under the mountains, and it is guarded by the big monster!"

"I taught the higher-ups to suppress the devil, so they couldn't leave."

"So, I implore your Excellency to fetch a fire seed!"

Wu Tianyan made a request.

His expression was extremely solemn.

"Okay, I agree to this."

Qin Luo nodded with a smile.


"Congratulations on getting the mission: Skyfire Tinder."

At the same time, Qin Luo asked curiously: "Master Wu, I'm more curious. Since you caught the devil, why didn't you destroy him?"


Wu Tianyan sighed, and said with a wry smile: "I also think about it. But the ancestor of the Blood God Sect has the best cultivation in the past and present, and if we want to kill him, we have to pay a huge price947

"Besides, this demon has mastered the method of rebirth from a drop of blood, so he can't be killed at all.

"Oh? The method of rebirth from a drop of blood?!"

Hear here.

A gleam of light appeared in Qin Luo's eyes.

However, he didn't tell Zhangjiao Wu that he could solve the ancestor of the Blood God Sect.

With 【Pure White End Yan】, any method of resurrection is useless!

Unless the quality reaches the Supreme God level.

However, Yunzhou's world level has only reached the advanced level.

God-level items will appear at most...

"Complete the professional advancement task first, and then consider the matter of the devil.

Qin Luo decided to carry out the task.

Originally, Wu Tianyan planned to ask his disciples to lead him the way.

However, Qin Luo said that he knew the way, so the other party simply acted (dacc).

Through the teleportation props, the three returned to the Yanjiao Mountains.

Yakong Shuttle!

Qin Luo teleported to the entrance of the Wanzai Magma Cavern, and a gust of hot air came out head-on.

"Let's go in."

He stepped into the tunnel first.

[System prompt: Affected by the environment, fire damage +20%, water/ice damage reduced by 50%, you have been given a level 20 burning effect]

"What a powerful burning effect, son, I have fire resistance potion here, do you want it?"

Gong Qingyue asked softly.

A bottle of legendary fire resistance potion appeared in her hand.

Enough to be immune to level 100 burn effects.

"Use it yourself, my talent is immune to negative effects."

Qin Luo waved his hand.

【Perfect Fit】works.

After a while, the corresponding resistance reached 100%.


The team entered the real burrow, the ground was full of potholes, and hot magma was churning inside.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!"

The shouts came and went.

next moment.

Hundreds of horned "fire snake" creatures sprang out of the magma pool.

[Fire Dragon Elite] (Enhanced)

Grade: 60

Tier: Silver

Life: 245w/245w

Status: All attributes +30%

Good guy!

The mobs are all silver elites.

Strengthened by the environment, its attributes far exceed monsters of the same level.

in the eyes of other players.

Huo Jiao is very strong.

But in Qin Luo's team, it's not enough.

"Do it!"

Qin Luo summoned two avatars.

The fight begins.

"Ding, kill a level 60 fire dragon and gain 220,000 experience points (+160%).

"Ding, kill the level 58 fire dragon..."

The monster level is between 55 and 60.

Rich experience in killing monsters.


Vault monsters are abundant.

When encountering such a good opportunity, Qin Lu will naturally not let it go.

He kills monsters with all his might!

Storage experience has grown wildly.

In this way, nearly 10 hours passed.

The three of Qin Luo reached the edge of the underground magma sea.

look around.

Dozens of celestial fire seeds float among them.

At the same time, a terrifying behemoth lurks in the magma sea.

"The Eye of Truth!"

Qin Luo activated his skills and obtained information about the giant beast.

[Wannian Yanjiao·Lord·Epic Realm]

Level: 70

rank: epic

Life: 17.6e/17.6e

Attack: 90w

Skills: Flame Domain, Dragon Breath, Dragon Power, Sky Fire Tides, Burning Cage...

Status: All attributes +30%

Really scary!

A monster that has reached the peak of the epic realm is only one step away from stepping into the legendary realm.

Just limited by the world.

It is difficult to break through the shackles.

If it had been born in a high-level world like [Myriad Demon Ancestral Realm], with its aptitude, it would have been able to become a demon god long ago.


Yan Jiao opened his eyes, revealing endless coldness.

"Is it you who wantonly slaughtered my offspring? Human beings who don't know how to live or die!"


With a slight movement of its 10,000-meter body, it set off a wave of a thousand meters, sweeping all directions with overwhelming momentum.

It is rare to encounter such a formidable enemy.

Qin Luo's fighting spirit is surging!


super state!

Hunter Angel!

Mysterious Golden Body Art!

At this moment, Qin Luo displayed all his strength, and his attributes skyrocketed to the limit.

He turned into an afterimage and flew towards Jiaolong.

Holding the long sword in his hand, he slashed out dozens of sword lights, piercing through the scales and shooting out countless blood.


Just one second.

Qin Luo hit a huge damage of 8000w+.

Although there is a layer of magma shield on the surface of Jiaolong's body, which has resisted tens of millions of damages, but its health has also dropped a lot.

Qin Luo's terrifying strength was fully revealed. .

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