All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 164 Amazing Strength! Higher Plan! (Part 2)


Wannian Yanjiao roared in pain.

"Human, this king will definitely kill you!"

A sea of ​​flames gushed out of Yanjiao's body, trying to push Qin Luo away, but he had already set his knockback resistance to 100%, easily dodging the control.

-0! -0! -0!

Qin Luo's blood streaks did not move at all.

The Xuanhun Jinshen Jue and the Star Alchemy Method provide a huge amount of damage avoidance, weakening the boss attack to the extreme.

It is worth mentioning that,

Yan Jiao was not silenced either.

After all, it is an epic ~ realm monster that has awakened the domain.

Within the field, the priority of various effects will be lowered by -interlaced.

Unless Qin Luo also has a domain.

However, this does not affect the results.

"Come again!"

Qin Luo's eyes reflected a sharp light, he clenched his long-sword tightly, and continued to fight.


The blade of the sword hit the scales of the dragon.

The sound of metal and iron clanging continued to be heard.

While fighting in melee, he cast spells to bombard the BOSS body.

Qin Luo didn't get hurt at all.

On the other hand, Jiaolong was hacked and covered in blood.

"Ho Ho! Damn it!"

Wannian Yanjiao was furious.

Looking at the lively Qin Luo.

It's about to vomit blood.

The physical strength of a mere human monk is a hundred times more terrifying than a monster like himself.

If this is said, who will believe it?

Only 20 seconds passed.

Jiaolong's blood volume is less than 200 million.

This boss is scared.

If it goes on like this, it will definitely fall.

Although I have lived for thousands of years, it does not mean that it has lived enough.

Jiaolong shouted: "Stop the strong human beings! This king will stop fighting, please... Please spare my life! I am willing to sacrifice all my treasures!

"Oh? If I kill you, I won't be able to get your treasure?"

Qin Luo looked at Jiaolong like he was looking at a fool.


Flood Dragon Boss' tone froze.

"Let's go!"

Qin Luo swung his sword and slashed over.



In the end, he used [Pure White Final Yan] to end the life of Jiaolong.

Completely cut off the hope of its resurrection.

"Ding, kill Wannian Yanjiao, gain 3.6e points of experience (+160%), world reputation +5000, freedom attribute +64.

The experience value rose to 1.4 billion.

BOSS corpses began to explode many items.

There are also three god-level items.

Qin Luo flew over, waved his hand, and put the things into his backpack.


He returns to normal ground, and removes the body.

"This body is handed over to you for disposal.

Qin Luo said.

After looking at it for a while, Gong Qingyue said with a smile: "This dragon's whole body is covered with high-grade medicine refining materials, let me leave the corpse to me.

"I only want its soul!"

Milin excitedly took out the dragon's soul[ and replaced it with the BOS$ soul sealed on the second page of the book of souls.


At the same time, fully displaying the god-defending technique can provide 7w+ attributes.

Very scary auxiliary skills.

After this battle.

Qin Luo had an accurate understanding of his own strength.

With the assistance of Mi Lin, he can surpass level 30, cross two great realms, and defeat the legendary powerhouse.

At least,

In the player group of the main world.

In the realm of gods and spirits, he is an invincible existence!

If there is no Milin to assist.

Qin Luo can still beat the strong in the epic realm across the 20th level.

It takes time at most, several times, but it will not exceed 2 minutes.

In the face of the legendary powerhouse, he also has the power to fight.

"If this is the completion of the epic trial, the awakening domain..."

"Then my strength will reach an extremely terrifying level."

Think here.

Qin Luo's eyes flickered with light.


He looked back at the sky, flew over, and collected dozens of Skyfire Fire Seeds.

"Let's go."

Qin Luo put his arms around the soft waists of the two women.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the guest room arranged for them by the Tianhuo Cult.

He greeted the disciples of the Skyfire Sect outside.


The higher-ups, including Wu Tianyan, walked over with smiles all over their faces.

They said with fiery eyes: "Your Excellency Qin Luo, I don't know the kind of fire..."

"I got it."

Qin Luo smiled.

He took out a skyfire tinder.

"Great! With the fire seed, the magic circle can be stable for another hundred years!"

Wu Tianyan was overjoyed.

So, he solemnly said: "Your Excellency, thank you for your help! This is a reward, please accept it!"

The system prompt sounds:


"Congratulations on completing the mission. Rewards: 1000w experience, free attribute +30] Holy Flame Apostle job transfer scroll."

...0 for flowers...

Something in hand.

A smile appeared on Qin Luo's face.


He still has some thoughts in his heart.

Qin Luo looked at Wu Tianyan, and said straight to the point: "Master Wu, I want to tell you one thing, that ancestor of the Blood God Sect, I can completely eliminate him!"

"I have a way to restrain the method of rebirth from a drop of blood."


Their faces were shocked.

After thinking about it carefully, Wu Tianyan wondered: "Even if he can restrain the method of rebirth from a drop of blood, it is not an easy task to defeat him.

"Do not!"

Qin Luo shook his head.

He smiled lightly: "Kill him, I alone is enough!"

"Your Excellency, are you sure?" Wu Tianyan was a little suspicious.

The rest of the people have the same expression.

After all, in the cultivation world, the ancestor of the Blood God Sect is the most powerful person in all ages.

Back then, nearly half of the strong men from the top ten orthodox sects died before they caught him.

"I alone killed the Wannian Yanjiao!"

Qin Luo said leisurely.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

They also learned about the strength of the Wannian Yanjiao in order to steal the sky fire seed.

This is a peerless monster who is better than the ancestor of the Blood God Sect.

Wu Tianyan said seriously: "Your Excellency, is what you said true?"

"Of course." Qin Luo said with a smile: "Its body is in my hand, do you want to see it again?"


The senior members of the Skyfire Sect nodded their heads one after another.


Qin Luo led the crowd to an open area and showed the body of Jiaolong.

Looking at the corpse as high as a mountain.

Everyone was silent...

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Wu Tianyan gritted his teeth and said: "If your Excellency really kills the devil, my sect is willing to start a supreme inheritance trial for you.

"Supreme inheritance?" Qin Luo was a little curious.

"Yes! It is said that if you complete the trial perfectly, you can get the inheritance of the fairy world. Unfortunately, for thousands of years, none of my disciples has achieved the goal.

Wu Tianyan said regretfully.

Say it.

Qin Luo got the mission prompt.

He glanced, and immediately stared at the final reward.

Inheritance of the Immortal World——Shenyan Xingjun profession.

It turned out to be a god-level quality profession!

Qin Luo wanted to kill the devil in order to lead out the world quest.

Unexpectedly, the top management of Tianhuo Sect was willing to pay such a reward.

Thinking of this, Qin Luo smiled and said: "I agree!".

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