All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 165 God-Level Inheritance! Thousand Blood Transformation Treasure Art (Part 1)

After he agreed.

Successfully received the task.

However, the task reward is only a chance to participate in the inheritance trial, and only by completing the trial perfectly can one get the god-level inheritance.

"Your Excellency Qin Luo will rest in the guest room for one night, and I will arrange for the disciples in the teaching to prepare for tomorrow's slaying of the devil."

Wu Tianyan laughed.


Qin Luo nodded.


The senior members of the Tianhuo Sect left the guest room, and there were three people left in the room.

Qin Luo glanced at the panel.

Remaining experience: 1.3e/14.8e.

Think about it.

He consumed 330 million experience and raised the Yuanshi Zhenfa from level 8 to level 15 in one go.

Yuanshi Zhenfa (Lord God Level) (Xianhua)

Rating: 15/15

Effect 1: Recover [Physique "707" x150%] points of life and mana every second.

Effect 2: Permanently increase life and mana by 2.5 points per second.

Effect 3: Recover 15 points of divine power every second.

Effect 4: Permanently increase divine power by 15 points every day, ignoring level requirements.

Now, Qin Luo's HP recovery per second alone is higher than the total HP of other players of the same level.

Skills have been upgraded.

After dinner, they went to rest......

next morning.

Tianhuo Sect has prepared a countermeasure.

And Qin Luo, led by others, arrived at the forbidden place of Tianhuo Cult, which is also the place where the devil was imprisoned.

look up.

The sealing formation is filled with endless blood to fight against the power of the sky fire.

"Boy Wu, it looks like you didn't get the fire seed! Jie Jie, that's really great!"

A cold and strange voice came.

The blood dissipated.

The appearance of the ancestor of the Blood God Sect came into view.

"In another seven days, this deity will break the seal and come out! At that time, this deity will slaughter your Tianhuo Cult to relieve the grievance of a hundred years of imprisonment! Hahaha..."

The devil laughed wantonly.

Confidence in his own strength made him ignore everyone at all.

"No! You have no chance."

A sudden sound.

Hearing this, the devil was taken aback.

He looked at the person who spoke and found that Qin Luo was so young, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha, Wu boy, how can you teach your disciples to be more arrogant than my demon cult members."

himself belittled.

Qin Luo's complexion did not change.

He said softly: "Master Wu, let's do it.

"it is good."

Wu Tianyan nodded solemnly.

He joined forces with the rest of the high-level officials to close the sealing circle.

The ancestor of the Blood God Sect was confused by everyone's actions.

Take the initiative to release yourself?!!


He came to his senses immediately.

"The deity is finally out of trouble!"

"Today, I'll take your brat with a knife!"

The devil stared at Qin Luo with a sinister grin.

A bloody knife appeared in his hand.

Blood Shadow Knife Art!

During Setsuna, the bloody light bloomed, and the demon turned into three figures, traveling hundreds of meters in an instant, the blade spat out blood, and slashed towards Qin Luo.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

Just before the blade was cut, Qin Luo activated [Xuanhun Jinshen Jue], a layer of golden light appeared all over his body, weakening the attack strength.

-0! -0! -0!

Three swords do zero damage.


The devil stared.

He didn't expect Qin Luo and other young juniors to resist him three times without getting hurt?!

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Qin Luo detects the enemy's attributes.

[Ancestor of the Blood God Sect Lord Epic Field]

Level: 70

rank: epic

Life: 15e/15e

Attack: 69w

It is also the pinnacle of the epic realm.

His strength is much weaker than Wannian Yanjiao.

"In that case, let's make a quick decision."

Qin Luo secretly said.


Hunter Angel!

The status is all turned on, and he exudes a terrifying aura.


Qin Luo rushed out holding the long sword.


The demon lost nearly 90 million HP.

Possessing the blood of Lieyang, Qin Luo fully restrained the opponent.

After all, he is the ancestor of the Blood God Sect, who is good at protracted warfare and possesses abnormal blood recovery ability.

But [Nine Heavens Fierce Sun] can suppress blood recovery.

When the devil attacks himself, he will also suffer huge real injuries... 0

this time,

Less than 20 seconds.

The ancestor of the Blood God Sect turned into blood.

"'s impossible! How can you, a junior, have such strength!"

The demon yelled in disbelief

Qin Luo's strength simply exceeded common sense.

next moment.

"The end of pure white!"


The last move was to end his life, and the method of rebirth from a drop of blood did not take effect at all.

"Ding, kill the ancestor of the Blood God Sect, gain 3.6e points of experience (+160%), world reputation +5000, free attribute +64, strategy value +25."

The body fell to the ground with a loud noise.

The audience suddenly became silent, and everyone turned their eyes to Qin Luo's back, with a look of horror on his face.

The higher-ups thought that it would take at least a long time for Qin Luo to kill the devil.

The results of it?

Less than 20 seconds!

What strength is this!

They stood there dumbfounded.

At this time, Qin Luo walked over to pick up the dropped items.

There are many god-level items.

Most importantly, he found a skill inheritance stone.

After use, you can get a calendar of the Blood God Sect.

And he uses talent to evolve skills.

"Ding! The evolution of the Blood Alchemy Sutra is the main god-level skill: Ten Thousand Blood Transformation Treasure Technique."

Ten Thousand Blood 4.1 Incarnation Treasure Technique (Lord God Level)

Level: Passive

Effect: After death, it will be revived in full state, and on the basis of the current upper limit of HP, the upper limit will be reduced by 10%, which lasts for 12 hours.


Qin Luo couldn't help but gasped.

Good guy.

This skill is too powerful.

Can be revived infinitely.

It's just that every time you resurrect, the blood volume will decrease a little.

at this time......

A disciple ran over from the outside and panicked: "Master, it's not good! People from the Demon Sect suddenly launched an attack!"

Hearing this, the complexion of the senior management changed drastically.

"Is it finally here?"

Qin Luo whispered.

He had expected this situation.

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