All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 166 Enemy Strikes! Confused Demon God Cain (Part 2)

"Don't panic, everyone.

At this time, Wu Tianyan stood up and said with a smile: "The ancestor of the Blood God Sect is dead, and the current generation of believers is no match for us!"


"With Your Excellency Qin Luo on the scene, the enemy can't beat the waves."

Everyone looked at him.

I couldn't help recalling the shocking scene of Qin Luo beating the ancestor of the Blood God Sect.


With such a strong man in charge, what are some mere Demon Sect disciples?!

They have a lot of peace of mind.

"Let's go."

Qin Luo said softly.

Say it.

He left the forbidden area first and teleported to the martial art square.

Tens of thousands of disciples of the Blood God Sect, as well as blood puppets refined by many spells, surrounded the Tianhuo Sect.

"Fire of Dragon Fury!"

Qin Luo cast spells at the speed of light.

A giant flame dragon soared into the sky, fell to the center of the crowd, turned into a monstrous sea of ​​flames, and swallowed thousands of people.



Kill a lot of people in seconds.

The "swish" increase in experience points.

Qin Luo kept casting spells to reap the lives of the enemies.

at the same time.

In the peripheral area, a familiar figure was secretly staring at Qin Luo.

It is the legendary 30 avatars of the Demon God Cain.

He has come to the world of Yunzhou.

"Little thief who stole blood, prepare to face the punishment that God bestows on you!"

Cain's avatar showed a cold look.

He waits...

After a few seconds.

Qin Luo almost released all his skills.

So, he stopped.

Here's your chance!

Cain's avatar waved his hand and summoned a ray of blood, which hit Qin Luo in a flash, imprinting a spatial imprint on his body.


Qin Luo instantly became alert.

He looked in the direction the attack was coming from.

The avatar's face came into view.

Qin Luo was a little surprised: "Cain, the ancestor of the blood race?!"

However, he didn't have time to sigh.

A force acted on him.

"System prompt: Pulled by the power of the world, you will be transported to the most advanced world - [Abyss World].

next moment.

Qin Luo disappeared into the square.

[Current coordinates: Abyss World · 613th plane]

Qin Luo reached the top of the Tongtian Blood Tree.

Based on known information.

The plane above the 600th floor of the abyss is equivalent to the main god-level world, and its ruler must be a peerless demon god at the peak of the main god realm!

Facing such enemies.

I can only use up to advanced hole cards.

"Stupid thief, welcome to the world of the god!"

A magnificent magic sound descended from the sky.

Qin Luo raised his head subconsciously.

I saw,

A stalwart figure stands in the sky, overlooking all living beings and all things. His face is exactly the same as that of Cain.

【Bloodthirsty Demon God Cain · Ruler · Lord God】

Grade: 130

Rank: Lord God

Divinity: 99w

Life: 3.5 trillion


A main god-level boss with the title of master.

Judged by rank and divinity.

Its strength has reached the peak of the main god realm.

At this time.

Demon God Cain looked at Qin Luo, and he said with satisfaction: "Sure enough, there is the breath of the blood of all spirits!"

"Your life, I have accepted it!"

Cain ignored him.

After all, Qin Luo is just a little mage at level 50.

Even the epic realm has not been reached, and there is a gap of six major realms from the main god realm, and there is an insurmountable gap in the middle.


Cain made his move.

A pillar of blood pierced through the void of millions of feet.

The target was directed at Qin Luo.

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified.

The corners of Qin Luo's mouth rose slightly.

Destroy the source heart of the Dragon Emperor!

When the props were activated, endless brilliance burst out immediately, wrapping his body and forming a barrier [Easy to defuse Cain's ten blows with all his strength.


Demon God Cain's expression froze.

He was puzzled that Qin Luo could block his attack.

at this time,


The violent heartbeat sounded like a bell, resounding through the entire abyss plane.

Between heaven and earth, all the demons raised their heads and looked in the direction of the magic tree.

Qin Luo's size expanded at the speed of light.

10,000 kilometers...

100 million kilometers...

1 trillion kilometers...

At this moment, a divine dragon was born, its size was a thousand times larger than that of the demon god Cain, and countless rules of destruction lingered on the real body.

The terrifying momentum made hundreds of millions of demons crawl to the ground.

Qin Luo (Supreme God)

Status: Destroy Dragon Emperor · 3s

Grade: 140

rank: supreme

Life: 26 trillion


Although the Destruction Dragon Emperor is only a life with the title of "king", but he is the supreme god after all, and the difference in realm cannot be offset by the difference in titles.

"how can that be?"

Demon God Cain was completely dumbfounded.

Right in front of him, a mere mortal became a supreme god.

In this case, it is unacceptable.

But it is what it is.

"Nothing is impossible, today, you must die!"

Qin Luo seized the time to attack.

The end of pure white!

super state!

He activates his skills with divine power.

Demon God Cain's body was imprisoned, and he felt the deadly killing intent, and he was terrified in his heart.


Qin Luo flew towards him at the speed of light and launched a fierce attack.

-2001e! -2001e! -2001e!

During the Setsuna, hundreds of billions of damage numbers appeared densely above the Demon God's head.

Cumulatively caused 3 trillion trillion damage.

Less than two seconds.

The opponent's blood volume is less than 1 trillion.

Pure White Final Yan's ultimate move descended.



A sword decapitated Cain and made it impossible for Cain to be resurrected.

"Ding, kill the bloodthirsty demon god Cain, gain 12.5293 trillion experience (+160%), world reputation +5000, freedom attribute +512."

An outrageous harvest.

10 trillion+ experiences!

If all of it is used for upgrading, I am afraid that it can reach level 100 in one go.


Level 80→Level 81.

That is to say, when promoting to the lower god, a hundred-level rule is required.

The upgrade rule requires more experience than player upgrades.

Besides, the difficulty of becoming a god matches the strength, and the level is too high, which is not a good thing.


The level is too high, and there is no experience in killing monsters.

After thinking for a moment.

Qin Luo casually raised himself to level 10.

"Ding, player Qin Luo, your level has been raised to level 51, four-dimensional attributes +180, free attribute points +86."


Reach level 60.

The boundary breakthrough condition is displayed.

First: Possess a diamond-level career

Second: clear the epic guardian temple

Third: Epic Heart (satisfied)

Article 1 is actually completed, and after returning, you can get an advanced job.

Article 2 for him.

Very simple.

At this time, the demon god Cain died, and the power exerted on Qin Luo dissipated, and he would be teleported back to Yunzhou time soon.

Qin Luo quickly put away many dropped items.

Of course, he did not let go of the corpse of Demon God Cain.

This is the best sacrifice material. .

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