All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 167 God-Level Bloodline! God Class Occupation (Part 1)

Put away Cain's body.

The power of the world descends.

Qin Luo was teleported back to the Tianhuo Sect Square.

Although he stayed in the abyss world for a few seconds, more than six hours had passed in the Yunzhou world.

The battle is long over.

Even if the overall strength of the Blood God Sect is equal to that of the Skyfire Sect.


With the help of Mi Lin and Gong Qingyue.

This battle was a crushing victory.

"Young master, you are finally back."

Gong Qingyue stayed where she was.

Seeing Qin Luo's figure, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Qin Luo nodded.

He took a few glances at the two girls, and they had also reached level 60, and their strength had been greatly improved.

The disciple of Tianhuo Sect next to him immediately conveyed the news to the higher-ups.


The top level of Tianhuo Sect rushed over.

The leader, Wu Tianyan, said solemnly: "Your Excellency Qin Luo, thank you for taking the initiative to kill the devil and get rid of the Blood God Sect. You are the benefactor of my teaching!"

"The old man is willing to start the supreme inheritance trial for you!"

The voice fell.

A system prompt sounds.


"Congratulations on completing the task. Rewards: 3000w experience, free attribute +50, Tianhuo Cult inheritance trial.


Qin Luo followed them to the inheritance hall.

Wu Tianyan needs 1 hour to start the inheritance trial.

Take advantage of the time in between.

Qin Luo checked the reward for killing Demon God Cain.


There are many useful items for him.

For example: five billion gold coins, 36 cores of divine origin, 19 drops of deified blood, and 5 drops of primordial blood.

Qin Luo made a rough estimate.

The total price is as high as trillions!

This is his most rewarding fight ever.

He glanced at the reward information.

【Original blood (5 drops)】

Quality: Lord God

Effect: Make the bloodline return to its original source, greatly increase the foundation, the god-level bloodline absorbs 10 drops of original blood, and can evolve into the main god-level.

Note: Level 81 is available.

Qin Luo will not be able to use this item for the time being.

He looked at the bloodline attribute, secretly said:

"My bloodline has a degree of deification of 9/10, just one drop of deified blood, and I can evolve into a god level.

Think here.

Qin Luo absorbed a drop of deified blood.

hours passed...


"The Lieyang bloodline you have has evolved into a god level."

【Fire Yang Bloodline】

Quality: god level

Amplification: All attributes +200% HP +50%

Additional skills: Nine Heavens Fierce Sun·Lord God, Holy Sun Blessing·Lord God

Indigenization Progress: 0/10

Qin Luo's own permanent attribute has increased a lot.

At this time, Wu Tianyan came over and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, you can participate in the inheritance trial!"

"it is good."

Qin Luo nodded.

He stepped onto the magic circle, and the scenery changed rapidly.

The whole person appeared in the trial world, the air was very hot, and as far as the eye could see, it was full of flame elemental creatures.

birds and beasts

various kinds.

The trial rules are also very simple.

Within 12 hours, the more flame lives killed, the better the final reward.


Every time a life is killed, the ambient temperature rises accordingly.

The higher the temperature, the higher the burn level imposed by the environment.


Qin Luo's expression was a little strange.

He couldn't help but glance at the [Perfect Adaptation] talent.

Isn't this trial a gift?

The reward for completing the trial perfectly... is so easy to get!

"let's start."

Qin Luo started.

Casts a spell to slaughter creatures.

Time passed slowly.

2 hours,

4 hours,

8 hours......

The burn rating imposed by the environment increases to 21.

[You are affected by level 21 burning effect, corresponding resistance +35%]

【You are subject to...】

The system prompts to refresh one after another.

12 hours.


"The Tianhuo Sect inheritance trial is over, you have obtained 358w points, evaluation: perfect."

々`Congratulations on obtaining the god-level professional inheritance: Shenyan Xingjun. "

【Career template】

Occupation: Blazing Mage·Shenyan Xingjun

Quality: god level

Growth value: After upgrading, four-dimensional attribute +160 points, free attribute +160 points.

Bonus: Fire Damage +70%, Fire Damage Received -70%

Skills: Fire of Dragon Fury, Fire Barrier, Spear of Divine Flame...  

Because the blazing mage belongs to the original profession.


When a player gets an advanced class, the abilities of the original class will not be replaced, but retained.

"As expected of a god-level profession, the effects are really strong."

"Under the influence of the eternal growth talent, attribute growth +500%, which is equivalent to upgrading to a level, adding 960 points to all attributes!"

A satisfied smile appeared on Qin Luo's face.


He hit (get Zhao) to open the panel.

The free attribute owned has risen to 77710 points.

Next, I am ready to break through to the epic realm.

Therefore, the maximum difference between four-dimensional attributes cannot exceed 30%, and the smaller the difference, the better, because this difference affects the quality of the domain that one can awaken.

Domains are the embryonic form of laws.

The law is the foundation for Qin Luo to become a god.

He must pay enough attention to several!


Qin Luo directly distributes free attributes equally.

The health value soared to 1238w, the magic attack increased to 60w, and the defense power was close to 200w.

At this point in time, there is a hundreds of times difference in strength between the past life and this life.

The main godhead at the start and 3 times of chaos sacrifices.

played a huge role. .

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