All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 170 Return To The Main World! Vermilion Bird Demon King! (Part 2)

Qin Luo looked at the attributes of these two pieces of equipment.

【Dark Demon Gauntlet‧God Level】



Additional: Four-dimensional attribute +2000, strength +400, constitution +300

Special Effect: Casting Speed ​​+30%

Ability: Dark Shield

Equipment requirements: 60-level legal profession

【Heavenly God Crown·God Level】

The properties of the two pieces of equipment are similar.

After Qin Luo wears it, the attributes increase a little.

normal status.

His spell attack has broken through the million mark, reaching 102w points, and his health has also risen to 2239w.

Level 70 Epic Realm players, their attribute values ​​are far inferior to Qin Luo.

He is very satisfied with his own attributes.


Qin Luo said to the two women: "Whatever you need, take it yourself.

"June 20" "Well, I understand." Gong Qingyue said warmly.

"Since the master says so, he will not be polite!"

The little guy waved his little hand happily.

"it is good."

Seeing this, Qin Luo rubbed her head with a smile.

The two women began to choose the spoils.

at the same time......

Qin Luo took out 16 cores of divine origin and handed them over to the divine incarnation to absorb.

Its four-dimensional attributes skyrocketed by 16w points.

The system prompt sounds:


"The incarnation of divinity has evolved to a god-level quality."

"The skill of the incarnation of divinity has evolved from primary deification to: intermediate deification."

Intermediate Apotheosis

Effect: Gain the bonus of the middle god realm, the four-dimensional attribute x700%, and the life value x6000%, lasting for 10 seconds.

Note: In this state, every time one person is killed, "Cooldown -15

Chill for 12 hours.

The life value of the divine incarnation exceeded 100 million.

If deification is turned on.

Its blood volume will increase to 46.2 billion.

Attacks will be raised to 3.08 million.

With this attribute, the divine incarnation can beat the legendary powerhouse.

Even if the next god comes.

Not without the power to fight!


Qin Luo smiled slightly.


Future plans floated in his mind.

"Now, the world of Yunzhou has been conquered. When I cultivate the four-dimensional attributes to a perfect balance, I can start to challenge the epic guardian temple."

A look of anticipation flashed in Qin Luo's eyes.

In the previous life, when I broke through to the epic realm, I chose the three fields of awakening elements, life and growth.


I have 12 trillion experience points in my body.

Maybe you can embark on a promotion path that is more against the sky than in the previous life!

That is to directly awaken the five fields, that is, the prototype of the five laws.

This is the upper limit of the epic realm.

Most people choose at most one field.

After all, when one becomes a god, one needs to upgrade all the laws one possesses to level 100, among which, one needs too much experience.


The more rules you have, the weaker the calendar.

The difficulty of the legend and god realm promotion trials will inevitably increase significantly.


In these heavens and myriad worlds.

Even Tianjiao can only awaken one field.

Until becoming a god...

Players will consider awakening the power of new laws.

"It's decided!"

"I want to awaken the five realms. Although the difficulty is very high, the rewards for breaking through the realm will also be doubled."

Qin Luo swore in his heart.

Think here.

They leave the hiding area.


"Player Qin Luo, congratulations on completing the world quest: Origin of Demon Gate."

"Rewards: 100 million experience, world reputation +10w, free attribute +1000, world authority.

The world authority is in hand.

But, today is Monday.

He will not be able to gain control of the world until next week, after the world is refreshed.

Qin Luo didn't care.

He went straight home with the two girls.

at this time.

[Hint: The Detective Talisman has found a malicious target]


Qin Luo's heart shuddered.

His face instantly became vigilant, his eyes glanced away, and he immediately found the blood red mark.

There was a scorching energy in the air.

"Milin, apply the god-controlling technique!"

Qin Luo shouted.

Suddenly, all the boosting abilities were activated, and the Titan Totem was summoned to protect the three of them.

next moment.


Blazing flames hit the house, covering the figures of the three people.

The violent explosion attracted all forces in the Linzhou base.

"Where did Xiaoxiao dare to make a move in the city?!!"

Swish Swish Swish!

Three figures moved to the sky above the residential area.

These are all powerful in the realm of the gods.

The leader is the base chief of the Linzhou base.

looking down,

They were surprised and said: "This is..."

I saw a crimson enchantment blocking the area around Qin Luo's house.

At this time.

They saw four fiery red figures around the house.

"Demon Race?"

"No, it's the innate demon clan of the Myriad Demon Ancestral Realm!"

"How did they come to the main world?"

Through probing capabilities.

The powerful gods at the Linzhou base discovered the true identity of the enemy.

【Vermilion Bird demon king·lord·legendary field】

Level: 75

Quality: legend

Divinity: 35

Life: 95e/95e

Attack: 225w

The four monster clans are all monster kings in the legendary realm.

Looking at the three powerful gods, the Vermilion Bird demon king was not afraid at all.

The head of the base solemnly said: "Demon king of the Vermilion Bird clan, why do you offend my human city? I will never let you go if you don't tell me the reason!"

The Vermilion Bird demon king ignored it.

Instead, it said coldly: "Humans, you'd better not meddle in our family's affairs!"

"Damn it!"

The base chief was furious.

However, thinking of the might of the Wan Yao Ancestral Realm, he resisted the urge to make a move.

"This king knows that you want to do something."

The Vermilion Bird demon king sneered: "But this magic circle was bestowed by the Great Sage of Nanming, and even if the Lord God comes personally, it cannot be broken.

"Just watch with your own eyes how we torture your compatriots of the human race!"

Several Yaozu sneered 2.7.

At this time.

A voice came from the ruins of the house.

"Torture? That's a good idea!"

"Today I will not only slaughter you flat-haired beasts, but also weave clothes from your feathers!"

Qin Luo stood on the ruins with his arms around the two girls.

Anger flashed in his eyes.

Hear voices.

The strong Linzhou gods looked down, and they were stunned when they saw Qin Luo's appearance.

"His Highness Qin Luo?!"


There was a strange look on everyone's face.

As the gods of Linzhou, they are naturally aware of what happened in the camp last month, and they also know that Qin Luo is protected by the supreme god behind him.

Think here.

They couldn't help looking at the four demon kings with pity.

However, Yaozu's face was extremely arrogant.

He didn't pay attention to anyone present.

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