All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 171 Kill The Demon King! The Gift Of The Base Chief (Part 1)

After the four demon kings of the Vermilion Bird tribe discovered Qin Luo's figure.

There was a trace of surprise on his face.

"A mere high-level human being can withstand a joint attack from us."

"Sure enough, there are means."

"But it's limited to this... The gap between realms is something you can't bridge. Today, you will definitely die!"

Yaozu said proudly.

Among them, the leader of the demon king Vermilion Bird is calm.

It seemed to observe Qin Luo with some feeling, and a golden light flashed in its demon eyes.


"God-level solar system blood?!!"

The Vermilion Bird demon king said ecstatically: "Very well, this time the king is not a waste of time."

"As long as you bring your blood back to the ancestral land, the Great Sage of Nanming will definitely give me the blood of the upper demon gods!"

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on its face.

The eyes of the other demon kings were also full of greed.

"Oh. If you want my blood, you flat-haired bastards, I'm afraid you think too much."

Qin Luo sneered a few times.

Hearing this, the four demon kings were furious, and the blazing flames wrapped around their wings became more intense. 30

"Big words!"

"Kill this human!"

They flashed in stature and rushed towards the ruins on the ground.

Red Dragon Gauntlets!

Turn on the effect blessing of the prop, and the life and damage will increase sharply.

The end of pure white!

Qin Luo cast a spell at the speed of light to block the enemy's actions, and then cast a magic shadow on the two women, sending them to the edge of the battlefield.

call out--!

Four gray swords floated out of the pure white field, piercing through the body of the demon king suddenly, splashing in all directions.



during the attack.

The divine incarnation appeared in front of him.

It turned on deification, holding a longbow and shooting dozens of sharp arrows.

Attacks divine units due to the Godkiller effect.

Damage +100%.

Each arrow can cause "600w+" true damage.


"Hiss, 7000w+ damage? this the damage that advanced players can do?"

"Even the old man is not much better than him."

The eyes of the three powerhouses in the Divine Spirit Realm widened.

They are more than 90 players.

The results of it?

His normal damage was actually about the same as that of Qin Luo at level 60.

It turns out that this is the person blessed by the Supreme God...

It really is a monstrous existence.

Think here.

The faces of the three became a little complicated.

at this time.

The demon king Vermilion Bird was furious.

"Damn you!"

They spread their wings suddenly, and the monstrous flames condensed into thousands of sharp fire feathers, sweeping the surrounding area violently...


Qin Luo has withstood thousands of attacks.


None of the defenses were broken.

After all, the Shenyan Xingjun profession provided him with a 70% fire damage reduction, and he also had the help of the star refining method.

the most important is.

Its own defense power is close to 2000w.

at the same time.

Every time it is attacked, it will trigger the anti-injury of [Holy Sun's Blessing].

-282w!-282w!-282w! …

Dense white numbers popped out.

They plummeted by nearly three billion blood volume.

The power of the scorching sun burned the flesh and blood of the demon king, causing their expressions to distort in pain.

Qin Luo confronted the enemy head-on.

With many spells and super melee damage, he solved the three demon kings in one minute.

A Vermilion Bird demon king survived in the enchantment.

Its face no longer had the calmness and arrogance it had before.

Only deep fear.

Why are there such perverted humans?

He was able to cross two great realms and fight four legendary monsters alone.

Simply outrageous!


The enchantment will exist for 2 minutes.

During this period, people inside cannot get out, and people outside cannot come in.


The Vermilion Bird demon king is more like the side blocked by the enchantment.


Qin Luo said indifferently.

The demon king roared resentfully: "Humans, this king has passed your message to the Vermilion Bird clan."

"As long as you step into the eternal world, my demon god will definitely kill you and avenge this king!!"

Its dying words were ignored.

Qin Luo finally killed it with a pure white shot.

Milin stepped out and sealed the soul of the Vermilion Bird demon king.

Looking at the charred ruins at the bottom of the foot.

Qin Luo sighed: "It's gone just after I got home...I'm really speechless."

"Young master, you can just buy a new house, after all...

Gong Qingyue blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a light smile: "Miss Liang is about to become a member of the family, isn't she?"

"By then, the old houses won't be able to accommodate so many people."


Qin Luo nodded.

Hear the conversation between the two.

Outside the barrier, the eyes of the three gods lit up.

Look at each other.

They have plans in their hearts.

"His Highness Qin Luo."

When the enchantment disappeared, they teleported over and greeted respectfully.

If it were an ordinary level 60 player.

As gods and spirits, they would not take care of them at all.

But Qin Luo is different.

Just the status of being blessed by the Supreme God is worth the kneeling of three people.

"Chief of the base, why do you keep looking for me?"

Qin Luo asked with a glance.

The head of the base replied with a smile: "Your Highness, I just bought a new villa a few days ago.


"This old man dares to give you this villa at 290.

"no need."

Qin Luo directly refused.

His net worth reached tens of billions, and buying a villa was too simple.

If you accept the other party's gift, you will owe favor instead.

Seeing this, the base chief quickly explained: "Your Highness, don't get me wrong. This villa is just an official advance payment reward!"


Qin Luo looked at him with interest.


The head of the base nodded: "According to the official policy, as long as the students of the Linzhou base can enter the top 100 in the college entrance examination, they will be rewarded accordingly."

"With His Highness' strength, it is very easy to win the first place in the college entrance examination."

"As the head of the base, this old man can naturally represent the authorities and give you rewards."

between talking.

He specifically emphasized the tone of "Linzhou base".

Qin Luo understood now.

The other party was worried that he would take the college entrance examination as another base.

After all, the better the students' college entrance examination scores, the better.

The more resources the Dragon Kingdom officials distribute to the base chief, the more abundant the cultivation resources will be.

Qin Luo said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will always be a student of Linzhou Base No. 3 High School!"

"that would be great."

The base chief smiled happily.

Therefore, Qin Luo accepted this great gift.

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