All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 172 The Supreme Sacrifice! Mysterious Light Bead Of Absolute Beginning (Part 1)


Accompanied by the head of the base, Qin Luo came to the residential area, went through the formalities, and obtained the ownership of the villa.

"Is this our new home?"

Milin looked around the room happily.

"You go and pick out your own rooms."

Qin Luo said with a smile.

"Yes, I understand." Gong Qingyue nodded.

The two women leave.

At this time, the head of the base stepped forward and said: "His Royal Highness Qin Luo, since you have received the reward, the old man and others will leave first.

"Okay." Qin Luo replied.

The three experts in the Divine Spirit Realm left the villa respectfully.


One of them said with a smile: "As long as His Highness Qin Luo wins the first place in the college entrance examination, according to the rules, the upper management will give various resources to the Linzhou base for a full year."

"Haha, this is a development opportunity for our Linzhou base!"

"As long as the base is promoted to the intermediate level, our cultivation resources will also increase greatly.

Speaking of which.

There were smiles on the faces of the three of them.


As if remembering something, the head of the base said: "The rules of the college entrance examination are to divide candidates into different groups according to their grades."

"With His Highness Qin Luo's strength, he will surely break through to the epic realm before the college entrance examination."

"However, there is no epic group in the college entrance examination."

Say it.

Everyone was taken aback.

Every year the college entrance examination will only arrange intermediate and advanced world.

When the higher-ups set up the rules, they never expected that students who had awakened for less than half a year could break through the epic.

After all, the level 60 threshold is not low.

Under normal circumstances, players need to prepare for several months before participating in the epic trial.

It would obviously be unfair to other students if students in the epic realm were placed in the advanced world to take the exam.


The three looked at each other.

Good guy.

If you think about it this way, the college entrance examination rules must be changed for Qin Luo.

think for a moment,

The head of the base solemnly said: "This old man will tell the higher authorities about His Highness Qin Luo's situation, and we will make plans after they reply.

"By the way, hand over the battle screen just now to the upper layer."

They made a decision.

Inside the villa.

The three of them had already chosen their room.

In order to celebrate moving into a new home, Milin is going to cook a sumptuous lunch with her level 9 cooking skills.

Gong Qingyue went to World No. 5 to study the blood of various monsters and bloodthirsty demon gods.

Especially the blood of the demon god.

This is where her original blood comes from.

Take advantage of free time.

Qin Luo opened the sacrifice panel.

He dragged all the corpses of bloodthirsty demon gods, monster races, etc., as well as various props and equipment obtained during this period into the offering column.

The number is as high as hundreds of thousands.


Qin Luo also has the main godhead of the Bloodthirsty Demon God in his hand.

This prop is used for other purposes, Qin Luo is not going to use it as a sacrifice.

And... the total value of the current sacrifices has exceeded the corpse of the chaotic calamity beast.

"Start the sacrifice!"

With a thought.

The corpse turns into the purest energy.

Under the influence of talent, it gradually takes shape...

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the sacrificial reward: Absolute Beginning Mysterious Light Bead · Highest Level.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting the sacrifice reward: Ultimate Devour · Highest Level.

It is still two major to high-level rewards.

a talent.

a prop.

Qin Luo checked the item information first.

Primordial Mysterious Light Bead (1 piece)

Quality: Highest

Effect: Consume 500w divine power, summon a ray of primordial light, and wipe out a unit whose divinity is below 300w. Can independently replenish divine power for props.

Storage power: 500w points.

"Good stuff!"

Qin Luo's eyes lit up.

100w divinity is the threshold of the supreme god realm.

Follow the description.

In the beginning, the mysterious light beads can instantly kill the low and high gods!

the most important is.

This prop is perfect for Qin Luo.

Because I have the [Star Alchemy Method], which restores 15 points of divine power every second, which is enough to restore 129w of divine power in one day.

Charge it for four days, and you will get a chance to use it once.

Immediately afterwards.

He has a blend of talent.

This is the third most advanced talent that Qin Luo possesses.

ultimate devour

Quality: Highest

Effect 1: When devouring living creatures, if the opponent's level is not lower than itself, get 0.1% of its four-dimensional attributes.

Effect 2: When devouring a god, if the opponent's level and divinity are not lower than their own, they will gain an additional 1% of their divinity.

Your own level needs to be higher than level 70.

Effect 1 can be used 20 times a day.

Effect 2 can be used 10 times a day.

"々`This talent is so strong!"

Qin Luo was a little surprised.

Although there are many restrictions, its effect strength is much higher than (Blessing of the Ancient Gods) and [Eternal Growth]!


Qin Luo closed the panel with satisfaction.

With the new talent, his growth rate will increase dozens of times.

After dinner.

Qin Luo went to Xuanlong City, spent tens of billions, and bought more than fifty star stones.

In the next two days.

He has been practicing the star refining method at home.

Absorb the power of the stars, strengthen yourself, and condense your soul.


The damage reduction has increased to 49.5%, and the four-dimensional attribute has increased by a full 3852 points.

Qin Luo opened the personal information panel.


Physique: 293883



The lowest and highest attributes differ by less than 10%.

Meets the requirements for Epic Awakening.

Today is Wednesday.

The deadline for college entrance examination registration is next week.

"Four days are enough for me to clear the epic guardian temple!"

Qin Luo secretly said. .

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