All People Through The Era: Sacrifice The Main Godhead At The Beginning

Chapter 173 Epic Guardian Temple! Five Major Fields (Part 2)

Qin Luo decided to participate in the epic trial.

Secondly, Gong Qingyue and Mi Lin, as his followers, are also half players.

After they reach level 60, they have to clear the epic guardian temple to awaken the domain and break through to the epic realm.

looking at the two women,

Qin Luo seriously warned: "Qingyue, this epic trial, you must remember that only one field is awakened!"

They don't have so much experience like themselves.

Awakening too many fields will greatly slow down the upgrade speed.


The two women responded softly.


Qin Luo clicked on the system panel, and there was an additional option of "Try Poetry".


"Congratulations on getting the professional promotion task, please choose the difficulty: Nightmare, Hell and Abyss."

"Note: You only have one chance to challenge."

Start with an epic realm.

The player's promotion task does not need to be received from the professional guild.

And only 1 chance.

If you fail...

Will always be a senior professional.

Moreover, these three difficulties are also related to which areas the player can awaken.

Think about it.

Qin Luo made a decisive choice.


Say it.

A panel appeared in front of my eyes, displaying domains, namely: Destruction, Creation, Time, etc., three thousand domains.


The three thousand here is not an exact value.

It stands for "infinite" number.

Qin Luo carefully selected the five fields of life, element 973, engulfment, amplification, and sacrifice.

He did not blindly choose the top field.

In the early stage, the field that suits you is the best.

"Ding! Player Qin Luo, you will be sent to the corresponding epic guardian temple to participate in the challenge."

A system prompt sounds.

A force acted on him.

The whole person disappeared into the living room.

【Current Location: Epic Guardian Temple 1st Floor·Life】


"Trial rules: kill units, you will get the power of life, and when the number reaches 100 million points, it will be counted as a customs clearance."

"Generating guardians based on your level, attributes, skills...."

Qin Luo stood in the center of the temple.

Swish Swish Swish!

As the light flickered, a hunter holding a longbow appeared around. They stared at Qin Luo with indifference in their eyes.

[Life Frenzy Hunter·Elite·Abyss]

Grade: 60

Quality: god level


Attack: 97w

Enhancement: All attributes +200%

Tut tut.

It is worthy of being an epic trial of abyss difficulty.

Even small monsters are god-level elite monsters!

As the guardian monster on the life side.

Its life value is close to 100 million, and it is not affected by attribute (dafe) suppression. Therefore, Tianwei and divinity cannot reduce its attributes.


Qin Luo took a long breath.

Fighting intent emerged in his eyes.


The hunters raised their longbows and shot hundreds of arrows, hitting Qin Luo's body.


Arrows deal life percentage damage.

But unable to break the defense.

After all, the star refining method provides 49.5% damage avoidance.

next moment.

Qin Luo launched [Super State] and [God Shadow Art] at the speed of light, and his attributes skyrocketed a lot.

After breaking stealth, the next attack damage +200%.

Dragon Fury Fire!

The end of pure white!

A huge flame dragon soared into the sky, and at the same time, the monster was banned from moving.

With the sound of the explosion, a terrifying sea of ​​flames flooded every corner of the temple.



The monsters on the first floor were wiped out.

"Ding, kill the fanatical hunter of life and get 60 points of life force."

"Ding, kill..."

The panel keeps refreshing the kill prompt.

Gain tens of thousands of life force in one go.

Too bad there is no experience reward.

Qin Luo didn't care either.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the corpses on the ground.

Immediately, set foot on the second floor of the temple and continue to kill.

Although Qin Luo can't kill the enemy with one blow, but with his invincible defense, it's just a matter of how long it takes to pass the trial.

tier 2.

Tier 3.

Layer 4.....

after one day.

Qin Luo reached the 1000th floor.

Violent energy fluctuations came from the air, and a light green light was born out of thin air, condensing into a huge figure.

【Guardian of Life·Lord·Abyss】

Grade: 60

Quality: god level

Life: 23e/23e

This is an attribute god-level boss.

With billions of lives.


Qin Luo didn't panic at all, and summoned the Titan Totem with his backhand.

Defense +372w.

Hunter Angel!

He turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the boss, bursting at a speed nearly 400 times the speed of sound, and slashed past with his sword...

Chick! Chick!



Cut out dozens of swords in a second.

A huge damage of 5.8e burst out.

Just 4 seconds.

Qin Luo beheaded a god-level boss.

At the same time, he used today's last [Ultimate Devouring] talent to absorb 0.1% of its four-dimensional attributes. (Modified above)

day down.

Qin Luo devoured more than 10,000 attributes in total.

"Ding, you already have 100 million points of life force, do you want to consume 20 billion experience points to condense the life field?"


Qin Luo immediately agreed.

The power of life gathers in the body, continuously compressing and sublimating...

Finally, a rudimentary form of a law is formed.

And use this as the core to open up the field.

【Life field】

Level: Level 1 (0/10e experience)

Effect: Life effect +10%.

Description: After reaching level 10, you will be promoted to Life.

"Finally awakened the first field."

A smile appeared on Qin Luo's face.

at this time.

All effects related to "life", whether from equipment items or skill talents, will be affected by the domain.


Qin Luo's blood converted from physical fitness will also increase by 10%.

"Continue to the next trial.

Qin Luo secretly said.

He must pass five trials before he can complete the promotion task.

Three days later.

Qin Luo awakened the last sacrificial field.

So far, he has spent a total of 150 billion experience.


"Player Qin Luo, congratulations on completing the mission to upgrade the difficulty of the abyss, your realm has changed to: Epic Professional Abyss.

"When upgrading, the four-dimensional attribute has an additional +120 points."

"Boundary bonus: attribute +100%, life value x1000%. With the negative effect of no domain blessing, the priority will be reduced by one level."

The bonuses here are the same as for bloodlines.

Only works for permanent properties.

Qin Luo's life skyrocketed to 350 million.

Amazing numbers!


Qin Luo smiled with satisfaction.


When he returned to the villa, it was late at night, and the two girls had already returned.

After all, they only awaken one field.

So, Qin Luo returned to his bedroom to rest.

The next morning.

The talent refreshes the number of sacrifices, and gets rewards from Yunzhou World's Raiders.

4w prestige, world bonus and advanced world treasure chest.

Qin Luo opened the box directly.

Three colored rays of light came into view.

It is a divine piece of equipment --- the Xingtian staff.

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