Chapter 180 Copper Wing!!

Seeing that Lu Fan could keep up with the speed of everyone’s flight without their help, Lu Fei’s face eased a little.

It seems that for him, the more Lu Fan can make them less troublesome, the more he will be relieved.

If you really have someone who doesn’t even have the ability to fly, what kind of exploration mission can you talk about?

In four days, it is not bad to be able to advance fifty miles ~.

The four of them marched together to the deeper part of the Far North, although they all used to fly, but the speed was not fast.

Moreover, the altitude at which everyone flew was also very low, but the volley was about tens of meters.

This made Lu Fan a little puzzled, because logically speaking, the higher the sky, the fewer fierce beasts he encountered, and the faster the exploration task was completed.

Therefore, Lu Fan raised his own questions to Lu Changkong beside him.

Almost as soon as Lu Fan finished asking, before everyone had time to explain, a behemoth suddenly tore through the clouds and fog in the sky in front of him and grabbed it with one claw.

The Eagle Set guards used to open the way at the front didn’t even have time to dodge, and they were killed directly.

“See, above our heads, I don’t know how many similar fierce beasts exist, and flying to a high altitude will attract their siege.”

Lu Changkong said happily, letting his griffin get closer to Lu Fan.

“The fierce beasts here are all level 75 fierce beasts. Don’t run around, always under the protection of my skills. ”

Lu Fan saw that what he had just done was a huge lion-headed monster bird, similar to the griffin, but different.

Lu Fan directly threw an identification technique over, and immediately saw that the other party’s attribute was called “Lion Beast Sky Hunter (Fallen Corpse Puppet)”, which was a level 75 elite-level monster with a high agility attribute.

At the same time, it also controls the passive skill [Ice Refraction], once in the cold, you can use clouds and mist, ice to cover your body, form a refraction, to achieve the effect of concealment.

Attacking when you get out of stealth will also deal additional freezing effects and even greater damage to enemies.

If you are not careful and are attacked by this monster, you are likely to be buried directly here.

Lu Fan finally understood why everyone flew at a low altitude.

Because the lion beast air hunter wants to trigger the passive skill of [Ice Refraction], he must fly to a sufficient height and hide in the cold.

And Lu Fei and the others only flew at low altitudes, so that everyone was about a hundred meters away from the lion beast hunter, even if the other party suddenly attacked, they could react without being killed by a single blow.

The Lion Beast Sky Hunter is not a social monster, there is only one.

As long as you appear from hiding, there is nothing to fear.

Lu Fei, as a three-turn divine punishment knight with high damage, directly drove the griffin to rush up and fight with this lion beast air hunter.

And Shen Cai also summoned two different eagle pets one after another to help Lu Fei.

In the end, the two successfully killed the lion beast air hunter.

Lu Changkong has always been by Lu Fan’s side, did not step forward, saw that the battle was over, so he opened his mouth and said to Lu Fan: “Monsters like this are very common in the next exploration process. ”

“You know, we’re now on that thing’s body, so the monsters here are not only numerous, but also affected by some kind of power, and they have all become degenerate puppets.”

“Their attributes are much higher than the original, such as this fierce beast in front of you, in other places in the extreme north, it is just a level 7 ordinary fierce beast.”

“But after becoming a degenerate puppet, he became a level 75 elite fierce beast.”

“However, the military merits obtained by killing it are also more than elsewhere, like me and Shen Cai, it is estimated that in another month, they will be able to become copper wings.”

Speaking, Lu Changkong knocked on the badge on his chest.

Lu Fan nodded, quite interested in the so-called military merit, and asked, “Brother Lu, how is this military merit calculated?” ”

“It’s simple.”

Lu Changkong patiently explained, “Hunting a murderous beast here, the medal will automatically increase military merit. At the same time, after the completion of the exploration mission, the medal will also be awarded military merit according to the exploration range. ”

“Either way, in fact, there won’t be a lot of military merit. After all, it is quite difficult to increase military merit in peacetime. Like Brother Lu, it’s been so long, it’s just copper wings. ”

“So it is.”

Lu Fan secretly remembered it in his heart.

Because Tu Jing said before, the request he made to Lu Fan was to be promoted to a copper wing in this month.

Originally, Lu Fan felt that the copper wing was only one level higher than the iron wing, and it should not be difficult to improve.

As a result, Lu Changkong, who has been stationed here for more than a year, has not become a copper wing, and it seems that if you want to upgrade, the military merit required should be a very staggering number.

At this time, Lu Fei had already beckoned Lu Changkong and Lu Fan to continue marching, and Lu Fan did not think too much and followed with Lu Changkong.

For the next ten hours, everyone kept marching forward, and they encountered several fierce beasts one after another.

The fierce beasts here are all active attack beasts, and the level and strength are not low, and it is troublesome to encounter any of them.

Therefore, the ten hours of time for everyone is only a small part of the way forward.

Lu Fan followed behind everyone and did not act rashly.

Because the area he is in is on “that thing”, there are a lot of things that catch people off guard.

For example, some uplifted slopes must be kept away, because under this snow slope, it is not some snow, but a purple-black gas.

Once sprayed by this gas, it will be frozen by frost, and it will not be long before it will turn into a degenerate Ni Jing.

Most of the fierce beasts here have become degenerate puppets, most of which are related to purple-black gas.

Lu Fan felt that this was most likely a ghost made by this behemoth under his feet, although it did not have any breath of life, it was using its own body to change everything here.

Lu Fan was not sure that he and the dragon cubs had 100% resistance and could have absolute resistance to this inexplicable gas.

So, he wasn’t going to take the risk.

Before finding out all the things that needed attention here, Lu Fan had been following the experienced Lu Changkong to learn how to survive in a wild place that he didn’t understand.

These experiences of them were all groped by all the seniors of the griffin group with their own lives.

After this period of silent study, Lu Fan also had a general understanding of this dangerous place everywhere.

At the same time, he did learn a lot of skills for surviving in the wild from the three seniors.

However, after such a long period of exploration, Lu Fei and Shen Cai could not hide their fatigue.

Because from beginning to end, it was the two of them who were responsible for opening the way.

Originally, the four-man squad cooperated with each other, and it was still difficult to march.

At the moment, Lu Fan can’t help anything, and he still needs to assign a Lu Changkong to take care of him, which is a great drag on such a squad.

Originally, their griffin regiment marched forward, and they could walk all day and night without rest.

But the successive high-intensity battles and concentration of attention made Lu Fei and Shen Cai extremely tired.

The group decided to find a leeward place to rest and recuperate, eat something Shen Cai’s profession is quite interesting, and he can even summon eagle pets that can release fire skills.

She took out the camp pot and the can she was carrying, let the pet spit flames all the time, melted some snow water in the pot, and poured the can into it to boil.

Although the taste of canned marching food is not very good, it is far worse than Han Ke’s cooking, but Lu Fan is not picky, and together with others, he eats food in a bowl and replenishes his physical strength.

Halfway through the meal, Shen Cai finally couldn’t bear it anymore, and gritted his teeth: “I think that if it goes on like this, it will be difficult for our exploration to be completed as planned.” ”

“Lu Fan, I speak straight, don’t mind. I don’t care what relationship you used to come to our team. ”

“But I can tell you very clearly that the task ahead of us is very important. If we still don’t know what kind of existence it is before this thing under our feet completely awakens, then the Dragon Country and even the entire human race will be in danger in the future. ”

“Here, it’s not a gilded occasion. So the next way, I hope you either obediently go back and honestly be a logistician in the camp. Or, make a difference, instead of requiring us to divide our energy to take care of your life! ”

“Shen Cai, don’t say it!”

Lu Fei glared at Shen Cai and said in a low voice, “It’s just that there are more people, let’s move forward slower.” ”

“But this is the wilderness, not the place to play…”

Shen Cai was a little excited, but he didn’t say the following words.

Because she knew that if she continued to talk about it, it might make Lu Fan feel bad here.

Lu Fei was also a little silent for a while, but Lu Changkong saw that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, and hugged Lu Fan’s shoulder and said, “Okay, Shen Cai, I think you just think too much.” ”

“Don’t say that Lu Fan is a college student, and his level is still low. Even if he is an official member of the Griffin Regiment and joins our team, doesn’t he have to follow us to find out the situation here before he can really cooperate with us? ”

“During this period of time just now, I have passed on all my experience to Lu Fan, and it is estimated that he should also know what he can and cannot do in this ghost place.”

“I think that in the next way, I should not have to follow him step by step, but can fight with you in the first array and share your pressure.”

Lu Fan could see that if he had been dragging his feet, others would definitely have opinions about him, especially the task on Lu Fei and others was very important.

Lu Fan nodded and said to everyone: “Brother Lu, Sister Shen, and Brother Lu, don’t worry.” ”

“Brother Lu taught me a lot of things before, and I should be able to help you on the next road.”

Hearing Lu Fan say this, Shen Cai sighed and said, “It’s not necessary to help, you can protect yourself in our team.” ”

Obviously, Shen Cai didn’t think that Lu Fan, a job changer who had just turned twice, could help them.

However, Lu Changkong didn’t want to discourage Lu Fan’s enthusiasm, and asked happily: “Okay, it’s best if you can help.” ”

“Then again, Brother Lu, what is your profession? If it is a pastor, adding buffs to us in the back or something, it can be regarded as a contribution. ”

Lu Fan smiled and said, “My profession is Silver Dragon Knight. ”

“Silver Dragon Knight? It turned out to be a hidden profession. Your profession has similar professional characteristics to us knights, right? Then if you want to help, it will not be easy, because the monsters here may kill you in seconds. ”

Lu Changkong scratched his head, slightly disappointed.

He didn’t know what the Silver Dragon Knight represented.

Lu Fan was about to explain that when he changed his profession to be a dragon trainer and specialized in dragon training, suddenly a huge block of ice flew out of the sky, instantly smashing one of Shen Cai’s eagle collection guards into a meat sauce knife.

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