Chapter 181 kills all the monsters, and the crisis is not lifted?!!

“There is an enemy attack!”

Lu Fei and the others were worthy of being soldiers, and they reacted extremely quickly, reacting immediately and turning over their respective flying mounts.

Lu Fan’s experience in this area was not as good as theirs, but he did not drag any back, and the Flying Dragon King’s bone wings shook and followed behind them.

After soaring into the air, Lu Fan did not see any fierce beasts for the first time.

However, another sound of breaking the air sounded, a huge ice block smashed towards Lu Fei, Lu Changkong’s eyes were fast, and a [Guardian Shield] was put on Lu Fei.

[Guardian Shield] can directly offset 90% of the damage, Rao is so, this ice block exploded on the Guardian Shield, and only 1% of the power is still to make Lu Fei and his griffin stumble, almost directly shot down.

And the effect of the [Guardian Shield] disappeared after being hit so hard.

Looking in the direction where the ice was smashed, Lu Fan found that it was not that there were no fierce beasts here, but that the other party was dressed in white hair, exactly the same color as the snow, and he couldn’t see each other without looking carefully.

It was three giant apes five meters away, dressed in white hair, and holding a huge bone rod in their hands.

Lu Fan threw an identification technique at them, and their information was revealed.

This is the level 80 elite monster a Ice Plain Snow Monster (fallen corpse puppet) “five five zero”

“The strength attribute point is frighteningly high, and I also have the skill [Ice Throwing]”

They can turn snow into huge blocks of ice and throw them out of their hands, not only to attack from a distance, which is very lethal, but also has a slowing effect after hitting the enemy.

Even if their agility attribute points are not high and their movement speed is not fast, once everyone is hit by [Ice Throwing] and reduces their speed, it will be difficult to escape from their hands.

For example, now, after Lu Fei was hit by a [Cold Ice Throw], although he was not too seriously injured, the shattered ice overflowed with gurgling cold air, wrapping him and covering him and the griffin, significantly reducing the speed.

Seeing that he had won a blow, the three-headed ice field snow monster did not rush to continue the attack, but raised the bone rod in his hand and made a “oo

“Three level 80 elite monsters, dare to come to find death?!”

Lu Changkong’s face was slightly angry, and at the same time he released the buff skill to help Lu Fei remove the deceleration effect If it is an ordinary level 70 transferor, facing the same number of level 80 elite monsters, unless the lineup is reasonably matched, it will be difficult to fight.

And Lu Fei and the others are members of the Gryphon Regiment, and their strength is far superior to that of ordinary job transfers, so they are not at all worthwhile in confronting the three level 80 elite monsters.

However, Lu Fei, who had just recovered from the freezing effect, did not have the idea of fighting the other party, but said loudly: “Don’t entangle with the ice field snow monsters, they are social fierce beasts, and the number of a group is often as many as twenty or thirty.” ”

“The other side may just be waiting for soldiers, this is nearby,… There should be many ice monsters, if they are surrounded, it will be difficult to get out. ”

Shen Cai nodded and said, “Otherwise, I will use the eagle gathering guards to attract their attention, let’s withdraw first.” ”

“As long as we are not hit by the [Ice Throw] to slow down, at our speed, we should be able to shake them off.”

Shen Cai’s proposal was agreed to by the other two, but the three of them were just about to leave here, when suddenly several huge ice blocks were thrown from the other two directions, Lu Changkong was surprised, and immediately used the three-turn divine skill [Holy Light Shelter] to summon a golden shield to protect everyone in it.

Because this is an invincible skill, it is still indestructible after eating a few ice cubes.

But this skill is only ten seconds of invincible time, and once time passes, Lu Changkong’s defensive skills are basically successful, and there is no way to protect everyone with a shield.

At this time, everyone looked in the direction of the other two flying ice blocks, and desperately found that there were also ice field snow monsters in the other two directions, and there were quite a few of them, about ten in each wave.

Obviously, everyone has been surrounded by this group of ice monsters.

There are more than twenty ice monsters, and they are pinched from three directions, leaving everyone with no way to retreat.

“Cao, more than twenty ice field snow monsters, this is troublesome…”

Lu Changkong couldn’t help but burst out, holding the knight’s long sword in his hand, and didn’t dare to act rashly for a while.

Shen Cai’s face turned pale and looked at Lu Fei, hoping that this captain could make a command.

Lu Fei’s face was solemn, looking around at the more than twenty ice field snow monsters approaching his team, and said in a deep voice: “If you want to escape from the siege of ice field snow monsters, the success rate is less than five percent. ”

“Don’t act rashly first, let me think of a way. If there is a change at this time, it will only invite them to counterattack with [Ice Throw]. ”

In his brain, he began to frantically think of ways to get out based on his own experience, trying to escape from this desperate situation as much as possible.

At this moment, someone suddenly said: “I think it’s actually not difficult to do.” ”

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the person who spoke——— Lu Fan.

Lu Changkong was surprised: “Do you have a way to get out of here?” ”

Lu Fan nodded and said, “Kill these ice and snow monsters, won’t the crisis be lifted?” ”

Lu Changkong: “…”

Not only Lu Changkong, but the other two were also speechless.

Shen Cai was even more unhappy: “It’s all this time, do you still have the mind to joke?!” ”

Lu Fan’s expression was very serious: “I’m not joking, since I met a strange person, let’s kill…”


Lu Changkong couldn’t listen anymore, interrupted Lu Fan’s words, and said in a positive tone, “Brother Lu, don’t make a mess, follow us well for a while.” ”

“You are still young, and you are a high-achieving student of the Longdu Academy with a great future, and we will try to send you back to the barracks safely.” But the premise is that you have to be obedient and don’t act rashly. ”

At this time, Lu Fei seemed to have already made a plan and said, “Shen Cai, you give Lu Fan the teleportation scroll back to the barracks and let him keep it.” ”

“In a moment, let’s charge towards the first three snow monsters, which are the weakest in that direction and have the best chance of rushing out.”

“Shen Cai, you summon all the summons, which is very likely to help us drag the [Ice Throwing] of other snow monsters.”

“Even if the summoner dies, block as many skills as possible, and no one must be slowed down.”

“I’ll charge at the front in a moment, trying to tear a gap. Shen Cai, you are a summoning stream profession, and your combat effectiveness is not strong, so let’s be in the middle with Lu Fan. ”

“As for Lu Changkong, you are in charge of the queen, and if you have skills, you will put it…”

After a pause, Lu Fei’s tone became a little heavier and said, “If there is any accident, I need you to stay and drag all the ice and snow monsters… Of course, I’ll be with you too. ”

“At that time, Lu Fan will crush the teleportation scroll and return to the barracks as soon as possible before the portal is smashed by the snow monster.”

Lu Changkong’s role is obviously to drag the fierce beast with his life and buy time for others.

However, even if he knew that he had the least hope of escape, Lu Changkong had a good attitude, and smiled while carrying the knight’s long sword: “There is no problem at all.” ”

Lu Fei nodded and said, “In that case, then get ready, let’s go to the formation immediately!” ”

Shen Cai took out the scroll back to the barracks from the character’s backpack and handed it to Lu Fan.

Lu Fan wanted to refuse, but Shen Cai’s eyes widened, and he said fiercely: “Take it!” Follow the captain’s orders! ”

In desperation, Lu Fan could only take the scroll into his pocket.

Seeing that everything is ready, the encirclement of the ice and snow monster has been shrinking, and if it does not rush again, I am afraid that the hope of survival is even smaller.

Lu Fei grabbed the griffin under his crotch and immediately ordered: “Rush!” ”

Suddenly, the griffin under his crotch rushed out, and the rest followed closely according to the formation.

Seeing that the surrounded prey dared to try to escape, where would the ice snow monster agree?

Although they have been turned into degenerate puppets by unknown breaths, the way they fight has not changed.

Suddenly, the three-headed ice field snow monsters in the direction of the crowd all reached out and grabbed the snow on the ground, turning it into a huge block of ice and smashing towards Lu Fan and the others.

“Spear of Victory!”

With Lu Fei’s loud roar, the tip of his gun stepped forward, and suddenly golden light burst out.

A golden spear phantom suddenly stabbed forward, like a sharp blade, to tear open the gap for everyone to escape.

Ahead, three ice blocks smashed one after another, colliding with this golden spear.

The first ice block was directly smashed, and the golden spear instantly dimmed and the second ice block also shattered on the spot, but the golden spear also shattered, and the skill effect disappeared.

The third ice cube flew closely, but Lu Fei had no way to deal with it, and he was about to be hit head-on by this [Ice Throw].

Originally, even if Lu Fei faced the three-headed ice field snow monster, he could kill the other party.

But at the moment, Lu Fei is in a hurry to break through, and there is no time for him to exert his strength and fight with the other party.

Therefore, with just one look, it is plunged into a crisis.

Lu Fei’s eyes were round, clutching the spear, intending to use his physical body to knock this skill away and open a way of escape for the others behind him.

However, at this moment, a flash of fire shot out from behind him, shattering the third block of ice with unmistakable accuracy like an arrow.

This kind of abnormality surprised Lu Fei and subconsciously looked back.

As a result, I saw that Lu Fan didn’t know when, but he took out a riding and shooting bow.

The arrow just now was obviously from his hand.

Suddenly, Lu Fei was stunned.

A level 32 job changer, who burst the skills of a level 80 elite monster with one arrow?

How is this possible?!

Isn’t he some kind of Silver Dragon Knight? Could it be that the Silver Dragon Knight is a hidden class of archers?

Even if it is an arrow god, the release skill does not have such an exaggerated power, right?

When Lu Fei’s eyes fell on the riding and shooting bow in Lu Fan’s hand, he was even more shocked———This bow, he is too familiar!”

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