All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 101 A woman's suggestion! Super high score! Chu Chen has been spotted? (4) Seeking subs

"In other words, your No. 2 Turtle Island, from the opening to the present, in more than two months, the total income has exceeded 100 million?"

On Turtle Island No. 2, the woman headed by the assessment team looked at the data report provided by Chu Chen and asked.

Chu Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

The income of Turtle Island No. 2 is increasing day by day.

When it first opened, its daily income was hundreds of thousands. As the popularity continued, Chu Chen continued to increase the number of people entering the island, earning more than 20 million in the first month.

After Chu Chen increased the number of people entering the island to 5,000, the minimum daily income can help Chu Chen earn nearly two million yuan.Well, this is the lowest!

On the highest day, I made millions.

In addition, the ticket is not static. After the opening of the new area, the ticket has changed from 99 to 150.

Although it has increased by 51 yuan, tourists are still in an endless stream, and no one feels that it is a pitfall.

In other words, five thousand people entered the island, and the ticket income alone would make seven hundred and fifty thousand a day.

Not to mention the small train pass that is necessary for manpower. The purchase rate of a 80 to 5,000 people has passed about 90%, and it is also more than 400,000.

There are a large number of other projects.

On average, one person spends four to five hundred a day on Turtle Island. This consumption is a bit expensive on the average tourist island.

It's really not expensive on Turtle Island.

Like some of the most famous top tourist islands, all tickets cost 500 ー day.

Therefore, Chu Chen’s Turtle Island is full of people every day, and the income is soaring.

The second month plus the money earned in the following month and a half are several times higher than the first month.

Since its opening, in more than two months, the total revenue has exceeded 100 million!

This data is also quite eye-catching!

No wonder the woman asked specifically.

After the woman read the data report, she handed it to a member of the assessment team.

"Yes, the island world has been developed for decades. In the newcomer stage, very few have achieved this step on a tourist island. There is no problem with the data you provided?"

The woman's voice was full of appreciation.

Chu Chen said: "Well, all the accounts are real accounts, and the tax records and tax receipts are perfect."

"That's good, after all, the assessment can be less, but not more."


After the appraisal team obtained the data report, they began to check them one by one.

Wei Xing and the people in the finance department provided some tax payment records and invoices.

The verification of these data will not take long.

When this item was checked, the assessment team began to count and score the building 213 and the environment on Turtle Island 2.

Well, the advantage of having two islands is that the scores of the two islands can be counted into the total score.

There are strict standards for how to judge and score. Chu Chen can also see this standard. During this process, if Chu Chen feels that the assessment team deliberately targeted him, he can make a one-click complaint.

I don't worry about being targeted or spoiled.

"Your current industry, except for the tourism industry, is this combustible ice mine, right? This combustible ice mine, are you planning to include it in this assessment data?"

When the assessment team scored the architecture and environment on Turtle Island No. 2, the woman and Chu Chen came to the back of Turtle Island.

As Chu Chen provided and received the notice of assessment, there are no tourists on Turtle Island No. 2 now.

Today is equivalent to closing the island for a day, and it happens to be a great cleaning of the whole island.

Hearing what the woman said, Chu Chen nodded: "Of course it must be counted."

This time, Chu Chen was the first to go.after all.

Being able to get the first place has a lot of benefits.

First in the second assessment, there were 10 million in bonuses alone, as well as tax deductions and exemptions.

With this item alone, Chu Chen can generate millions of extra profits every month.

The upper limit of the materials that can be carried from the Earth planet will also be further increased.

In addition, for Chu Chen, this can further enhance his reputation, and the attention of Turtle Island will further increase, and the popularity of Turtle Island No. 2 will remain so high. After the completion of Turtle Island No. 2 soon, Chu Chen If you further increase the number of people entering the island and raise the fare, the income will be higher.

Therefore, it must be counted.

However, Chu Chen is a smart man. This woman asked herself whether she would include the income of combustible ice mines in the assessment data, which might have some meaning.

"The tax amount of your combustible ice mine is actually very easy to check. According to the tax amount, it is very easy to calculate your output. I calculated it. Up to now, the income provided by your combustible ice mine is nearly Three hundred million, right?"

The woman looked at Chu Chen and said.

Chu Chen didn't know what kind of medicine she sold in the gourd, Gu Jing had no waves on his face, and he said "Um".

The woman looked around. Now, she and Chu Chen are the only two here, and Wei Tong is assisting the assessment team to check some data.

She took a step closer to where Chu Chen stood, and said: "If there is no accident, this time, you are very likely to be in the top three, and even, there is a certain possibility to take the first Chu Chen, are you sure, Upgrade Turtle Island to a 3-star rating as soon as possible?"

"3 star rating?"

Chu Chen pondered for a moment and asked, "Why?"

For the current Turtle Island, if it is rated 2 stars, it should be no problem, but Chu Chen has not applied for it yet.

The three-star has some requirements for the industrial system, that is, the island must be able to produce some industrial products by itself, and in some industries, it can get rid of the dependence on the earth star.

For example, some individual thermal weapons and 3-star islands can be manufactured by themselves. Even some raw materials still need to be purchased.

It is normal to purchase raw materials. After all, it is impossible to have everything on your own island. After you have the raw materials, you can manufacture them.

4 stars That is the level that can build small warships by yourself.

Even the veteran island owners who have been in business for more than ten years still have a large number of island owners, and they cannot even be rated as 2 stars.

With 3 stars, with Chu Chen's existing financial resources, if you spend some time regardless of the cost, it's okay.

In addition, his situation is different from that of others.

If Chu Chen builds a whale battleship, after the star-rated island assessment team comes to see, a whale battleship may be a big bonus. Chu Chen builds some more production lines, but it is fine.

This is not the key, the key is why this woman asks.

At this time, Chu Chen suddenly thought of something.

In the newcomer stage, if there is an island owner who can turn his island into a 3-star island, he will directly become an official island owner. Later, he can still participate in the assessment ranking and get ranking rewards.

However, there is no longer a problem of elimination.

Even if the island is destroyed by pirates, it will not be eliminated. As long as the island is retaken, the official island owner can hire mercenaries with thermal weapons. When encountering enemies such as pirates, they can also apply for local cities. support.

He suddenly understood what the woman meant.


She is hinting at herself!

The woman said: "There is no special reason. It's just that I haven't seen for a long time. Someone just built a 3-star island in the newcomer stage. If you can complete it, you can win the glory for the country. And, maybe this It’s better for you."

"Qing team, the data has been checked."

At this time, from the rear, the assessment team came.

The woman stopped talking about this topic, but continued to preside over the assessment.

There are a lot of people on the assessment team. Turtle Island No. 2 completed the preliminary assessment in almost half an hour.

Then, it was Turtle Island No. 1.

On Turtle Island No. 1, Chu Chen did not send the assessment team to the Mermaid Castle.

At the same time, in his own castle, Tina the Snake had already been sent to the Mermaid Castle.

Then, he took the people from the assessment team to the power station, water purification plant, salt factory, crop breeding center, newly built shipyard, and forging workshop.

When looking at the forging workshop, Chu Chen didn't use the whale battleship and whale armor, but just let the people in the assessment team know that he could already build some equipment with seabed gold.

For example, part of an armor for Chu Chen himself.

The whale battleship and whale armor are now strictly kept secret.

The people in the forging workshop are quite reliable!

In addition, Chu Chen also let a few smaller killer whales jump out of the sea, which is part of the Turtle Island defense system.

Well, these killer whales were added later, there is no way, the killer whales in front have grown bigger.

"These are the few killer whales that smashed the pirate ship? They are fierce, but they should not be able to deal with the warship? Even the old ones.,

The woman said casually.

Chu Chen said: "I haven't tried it, I don't know yet."

The woman "Oh" (chae), said: "Your evolutionary ability is really good, if you can, consider my previous suggestion."

After speaking, she stopped talking about this topic at all.

In this way, it took another half an hour on Turtle Island No. 1.

The total assessment time has reached one hour.

"At present, the preliminary calculated score is 658 points, which is a very high score. Last year, 80% of the island owners scored below 100 points in the second round of assessment, and only 1% scored more than 300 points. I will pass you the basis and criteria for not scoring. If you feel that there is any doubt, you can apply for reconsideration within three days."



Chu Chen nodded.

"Okay, that's it for this assessment. By the way, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Yu Jing. This is my communication number. If you have any doubts about this assessment, you can contact me!"


After Chu Chen added her communication number, she and the assessment team successively withdrew from Turtle Island.

"Wow, 658 points! This score can definitely get the first place! Last year's highest score was only 620 points!"

After the assessment team left, Wei Tong exclaimed.

658 points, it is indeed a very high score!

Not to mention last year, it was the second round of assessments in the last ten years, and the published assessment scores did not exceed this score!

One year, a big black horse came out, but only 650 points!

In other words, if there is no big accident this year, the first one will basically be Chu Chen's!

However, Chu Chen didn't think about it, but thought about what the woman said.

"Wei Tong, do you know who this woman is?"

Chu Chen asked.

"Of course I know, she is a celebrity in the south, she is the vice president of the Southern Province Ability Association, and she also owns a 4-star island. It is said that she is quite powerful and has a small fleet in her hands. I don’t know how she came to evaluate the team this time!"

Wei Xingdao.

Vice President of the Ability Association?

4-star island owner?

Actually come to test Chu Chen's island in person?

This matter is definitely not simple!

Could it be that she wants to deal with herself?

No, it shouldn't be the case. This woman doesn't seem to be very malicious.

The official island owner can't casually deal with other island owners!

Moreover, there are many hints in her words.

Chu Chen has already understood most of these hints.This woman is suggesting herself.

Chu Chen's turtle island has been spotted!

With such a large turtle island, there is also a ready-made combustible ice mine, and a popular tourist island. The key problem is that Chu Chen has not yet passed the newcomer period!

Can be eliminated!

Think about it, once Chu Chen is eliminated, these two turtle islands will not belong to Chu Chen.

At this time, if there happens to be a veteran island owner who can expand one or two secondary islands, then Chu Chen's Turtle Island can be selected!

At that time, everything Chu Chen does now will make wedding dresses for others!

But the question is, how to eliminate Chu Chen?

It is impossible to evaluate and eliminate.

No one can fool around in the assessment. Chu Chen is already the favorite to win the championship, how can it be within the 35% of the eliminated?

The assessment cannot be eliminated, there are only two elimination methods.

Either secretly sending someone to kill Chu Chen, but this method is not easy to achieve, because Chu Chen rarely shows up in public, and ordinary people on Turtle Island No. 1 can't get in.

There is only one way, Pirate!

Yes, if a powerful and old island owner is eyeing Chu Chen’s Turtle Island, the other party is very likely to hook up with pirates, unite a large number of pirates, and send a large number of pirates to come and bring Chu Chen’s two turtle islands. Occupy, drive Chu Chen back to Earth Star!

The pirates of the island world are themselves smuggled from the earth and stars.

No matter how strong the veteran island owner is, they cannot directly attack the new island owner.

Therefore, after letting the pirates eliminate Chu Chen, the veteran island owner who has an attempt to Chu Chen can logically expand one or two islands to take Turtle Island!

At that time, even if others suspect it, there is no tone, it is useless!

Moreover, there may be more than one veteran island owner who has attempted!

After the last pirate incident, this time, if the other party wants to come, they will definitely consider the orca factor.

It is very likely that large ships such as battleships will be dispatched!

That woman's question was not asked at random!

That said, this woman must have heard some wind from somewhere.

Therefore, I specifically came to suggest Chu Chen.

As for why she did this, Chu Chen couldn't guess it for the time being.

It is not ruled out that she is the one who wants to deal with Chu Chen. She specially came to see the situation, but this possibility is not high in Chu Chen's opinion.

What can we see in this way? On the contrary, it will make Chu Chen vigilant!

"So, I was stared at? Oh, this day, it's still here."

Chu Chen thought.

He was not surprised, and even considered this a long time ago.

"That said, next time, if the scale of a pirate attack is very large, maybe there will be old and broken warships like warships. It happens that the whale armor has been completed and a whale warship is coming soon. It's up to you. , Come when?"

Chu Chen is not worried.

Even, there are some expectations.

The five pirate ships that were solved last time were finally salvaged by Chu Chen for a few killer whales. Then, they were repaired and refurbished at the shipyard and put into Turtle Island No. 2 as a tourist boat.

If there are no accidents, these ships will not be produced for the time being.

After all, the large amount of steel used in ships is a problem.

The speedboats on Turtle Island No. 2 are all light, and the number of people is limited after all.

How can this kind of pirate ship be convenient.

The five pirate ships have increased the profitability of Turtle Island No. 2 even more. Taking a boat tour of the island and seeing the whole picture of Turtle Island is now a very popular project.

Chu Chen is expecting that this time the pirates can bring more warships, so that after the battle, Chu Chen can also capture a few warships and the like.

If it is damaged too badly, it is not bad to dismantle it and use it as steel.

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