All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 102 Little tiger in armor! Leading the coquettish! No. 1 in the country! (1.2) Seeking subsc


In the sea, the little tiger is swimming freely.

What is different from before is that now Xiaohu has a set of armor on his body.

This set of armor protects Xiaohu's front body, which makes Xiaohu this behemoth look majestic~!

"Little tiger, dive one~"

Chu Chen said.


With a strong swing of Xiaohu's tail, he jumped out of the sea-.

"Fortunately, it has no effect on Xiaohu's speed and explosiveness.

Looking at the tiger leaping up, Chu Chen thought.

The whale armor created through the system's drawings is really good. The weight of this armor is not light, about 20 tons.

This set of armor mainly protects the upper part of the little tiger, which is also the most easily attacked part of the little tiger.

Although in terms of current Xiaohu's defensive power, not to mention the use of heavy machine guns, even the use of rocket launchers, it is difficult to make a sensation, but finally it is not as good as the defensive power of dark gold and wrong armor.

It makes sense that the seabed gold is expensive.

They are different from the metals on the earth and stars. The formation of this kind of seabed gold itself is the result of the mysterious energy of the island world, which is many times better than any alloy on the earth and stars.

It can be said that if you buy the dark gold for this whale armor from other island owners, it will cost hundreds of millions or even more.

Well, it's much more than what Chu Chen calculated before, because Xiaohu has grown up a few more laps.

Such a big whale wrong armor requires a lot of dark gold.

Submarine gold is not cheaper if you buy more, on the contrary, the more you buy, the more expensive it is.

Because you buy more, the quantity is less, and then the goods become rare and expensive.

The amount of dark gold hanging on the trading platform of the island owners decreases, and the price will go up.

The price will come down if the quantity is large, one reason.

This point is the same as the main energy source of the earth and the planet, which is natural gas.

The more natural gas is used, the more expensive it is, and the less used it is, on the contrary, it is cheaper.

The current Earth planet consumes terrible energy every year. Like the East, natural gas alone consumes trillions of cubic meters each year.

Because the natural gas extracted from the island world has become the first choice for earth and satellite energy.

If it weren't for the blood transfusion in the island world, with the current population and environmental problems of Earth Star, every household, just cooking would be a big problem.

Electricity? What kind of electricity is used?

Neither hydropower nor wind power can meet the huge demand.

You know, before the crossing, for more than a billion people, hydropower and wind power can only solve a small part, and most of them rely on thermal power.

It's impossible to learn from ancient times, go and chop firewood, right?

Three billion people really cut firewood, and it won’t take long for them to cut the field bare.

All in all, for the little tiger whose body length has reached seven or eighty meters, this pair of armor is quite sharp.

It also made Xiaohu shudder just by looking.

After it dived into the sky, it could be seen that its speed and explosive power were not affected by the whale armor, but when the tiger fell, it had a great impact.

In terms of this guy's body, more than two dozen tons of armor would not have much impact.

After all, Xiaohu now has evolved to level 5.

Its bones are almost as hard as steel.

The resilience is also quite strong.

Its power is quite terrifying.

Its own weight is also quite heavy, reaching hundreds of tons.

Such a tiger, with such a whale armor, is really not a problem against ordinary warships!

It is estimated that the pirates will not have too high-level warships, otherwise, it will be too obvious.

In fact, even if there are large warships, Chu Chen is not particularly worried.

do not forget.

He still has a lot of seagulls.

The combat effectiveness of these seagulls is not weak, and they have not been dispatched.

There is a flock of seagulls staying on Turtle Island No. 2 for a long time. These seagulls are also very popular among tourists. Some tourists also like to feed. Seagulls naturally come here.

However, no tourists know how terrifying the strength of these seagulls.

In addition, Chu Chen has an ancient whale and electric eel.The current electric eel has also reached level 4. This guy is quite long and has a terrible discharge capacity. The discharged electricity can reach several thousand volts. The authentic high-voltage electricity is also full of electricity.

If this guy can make a shot, he can also make him drink a pot.

Of course, if killer whales and seagulls can solve the problem, Chu Chen will not let the electric eels take action for the time being.

Someone has already watched him, and Chu Chen has to save some hole cards.

"It's perfect!

On the shore, Tang Lei looked at the little tiger leaping out of the water, her eyes shining.

This whale armor was made by her own hands. Although she used Chu Chen's drawings, it was also an honor for Tang Lei, the master forging, to be able to create such a weapon by herself.

Don't say it.

It took most of the day to put the whale armor on Xiaohu's body.

Moreover, there are still a lot of additional parts in the current warehouse. These additional parts can be used to expand the whale armor. It takes about half a month to add one for the little tiger, because the little tiger is growing up.

Of course, under special circumstances and temporarily unable to expand, Chu Chen will allocate Xiaohu’s evolution points to its skills or bone strengthening to avoid further increase in its size.

The current point of evolution is evenly distributed, that is, fully distributed and fully evolved.

After admiring the armored tiger, Tang Lei continued to work, um, she also wanted to build the whale battleship.

That is a bigger project.

Chu Chen asked Xiaohu to go to the sea to sahuan, and at the same time he asked this guy not to show his head in front of others.

On the Internet, due to the beginning of the second assessment, a large number of topics are now centered on the second assessment.

Not only new island owners are paying attention, but ordinary people are also paying attention, and some old island owners are also paying attention to this matter.

Among the topics discussed, naturally, who else can take the first place in the country in this assessment?

Chu Chen is still the favorite to win the championship, but his assessment points have not leaked out. After all, this time the assessment is quite strict.

Unless Chu Chen leaks himself, otherwise, the possibility of leaks is very low.

On the Internet, there are some island owners who have obtained good assessment points. For example, an island owner has scored more than 300 points, which is not good on the Internet.

The score of more than 300 points is indeed quite high, and it has exceeded 99% of the island owners.

Since Chu Chen’s Turtle Island, the assessment was completed on the first day, so the latter has nothing to do with Chu Chen.

After Xiaohu put on his armor, Chu Chen was busy building the whale battleship while letting Wei Tong prepare for the upgrade of the island's rating.

Well, if it can be rated as a 3-star island, it would be a good thing. After becoming an official island owner, not only is there no risk of being eliminated, many things will become more convenient.

For example, Chu Chen can use his own storage space to directly return to the earth star, bring some large-scale high-tech equipment, and establish a complete industrial system on his own island. In many aspects, he can get rid of the dependence on the earth star. .

Wei Xing was taken aback by Chu Chen's plan.

"The 3-star island is very difficult. I'll inquire about the specific standards. Don't worry, the news will not be leaked!"

Wei Xing patted his chest and said.

Speaking of it, this cute girl who always wears glasses has been on the island of Chu Chen for almost half a year.

In another six months, Wei Xing will become the island owner by himself.

After getting used to it, Chu Chen didn't want her to leave. Once she left, it was not easy to find someone like her who was able and worry-free.

Time is hurried.

On the fourth day after the assessment team left, Chu Chen got the final official assessment score.

This assessment score was two points higher than that given by Yu Qing before, reaching 660 points.

This is also normal. After all, what was given last time was preliminary, and there will be formal ones later.

The score has come out, but the ranking hasn't come out yet.

three days left.

But with this score, in Wei Tong's view, it is appropriate to take the first place.

Chu Chen probably understands why Yu Qing asked Chu Chen if he wanted to include combustible ice mines.

It is possible that the person who is staring at him has not made his final decision.

To unite a large number of pirates, the cost is not small, and there are certain risks.

And once he can get the first place in this assessment, or rank in the top few, the other side will look at the income of Turtle Island, I am afraid, he will really make up his mind.

The wealth is touching, not to mention that a person who can be in the newcomer stage has made hundreds of millions in just half a year, and can also move. It is a unique turtle island.

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed.

The seven days of the assessment have completely ended.

In seven days, the entire assessment has completely ended.

All the scores and rankings should come out.

But it won’t be announced until tomorrow.

Therefore, many island owners did not sleep that night.

"So ambitious, I feel like I'm going to suffer this time!"

"Me too, so I only scored 38 points, 100% is within 35%."

"It's too difficult. It took me half a year to build a few fishing boats. I really envy those local tyrants who invested tens of millions in the first month~"

"No way, no one is accurate who makes us reincarnate~"

On the Internet, a large number of new island owners stayed up all night, discussing on various social platforms.

In the words of many new island owners.

They have already been sentenced to death, but they have not yet been sentenced.

This evening, for some new island owners with low scores, it is no different from waiting to die.

Last year’s elimination score was 40.3 points, that is to say, those who were below 40.3 points last year were eliminated.

Therefore, those new island owners who scored less than 40.3 this year felt that they were out of play.

There are also people who have scored about 40 points. They feel that this year's elimination points may be lower, and they feel uneasy there.

Of course, people with higher scores, such as those with 50 or 60 points, don't worry much.

After all, this time only the worst 35% were eliminated.

There is no worries about elimination. These people are still concerned about who can get the first place.

In addition to the new island owners, many people from Gaoping City also discussed it very late.

Moreover, some people from Gaoping City got up early the next morning.

Because of the ranking of the assessment, 8 o'clock came out on time!

"It's coming out~"

As soon as 8 o'clock came, someone yelled on various social platforms.

This time, the announcement of the ranking is still the same as the last time, starting from the 100th place.

For those other than 100, there will be a list directly behind.

In fact, the nationwide assessment, which can be ranked within a thousand, is quite excellent.

With the gradual announcement of the ranking, netizens in one place will post cheers for every one.

Because the island owner is from their place.

Being able to be within 100 is also a great honor!

"Master, early~"

At this time, Chu Chen just got up, and while eating the breakfast made by the little snake girl Tina, he also looked at the rankings.

"Master, what is this?"

The little snake girl Tina asked curiously.

Recently, this little snake girl has written a lot of dramas, and the language and characters of the earth star can be recognized by the little snake girl.

After taking a sip of porridge, Chu Chen said, "A ranking."


The little snake girl Tina blinked her small eyes: "I don't understand, I'll go and give the master the leftovers~"

Chu Chen continued to look up, and then, he saw Zhu Ziming's name.

This guy is actually in the top 100, but the ranking is relatively low, only 98.

It's already pretty good.

After all, in the entire East, there are hundreds of thousands of families with assets of more than 100 million people among the three billion people in the entire East. Although it happens that this year, it is only a small number of new generations who are new island owners, but there are thousands of billionaire children. .

………Look for flowers 0…

Among these people, Zhu Ziming is undoubtedly the better.

In addition, Chu Chen in the directly announced top 1,000 list, also saw Hong Ming, who discovered a natural gas mine in that class. Although Hong Ming's island has a natural gas mine, it is developed by a joint force. This guy's On the contrary, Zhu Ziming was not high in the ranking, but only ranked in more than 800.

Sometimes, it is not luck that can solve everything.

In the assessment score, under normal circumstances, income can probably account for half of the score.

But Hong Ming's income accounted for three-quarters, which shows that this guy is doing quite poorly in other areas.

It's normal. After all, the joint big forces development people only guarantee that you will not be eliminated, and because you have lost part of the initiative, your island construction will actually be affected by a lot, and Hong Ming himself is not outstanding. It's just good luck.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary island owners, good luck is already very enviable. Without this good luck, whether Hong Ming can stay in this round is a big problem.

"666, Brother Zhu is actually in the top 100!"

"I wish brother domineering~"

In the class group, when Zhu Ziming's ranking was announced, many students began to compliment again.

On the island, Zhu Ziming, who hadn't slept all night, was not happy at all, because he knew that Chu Chen could definitely be in the top three, and even had a certain chance of being the first.

The ranking is still being announced.

Soon, it entered the top 50.

Then, the top 20.

Then, it is the top 10."Wow, this is the jewel in the palm of the Haicheng Sun family. It is indeed a big family. A little girl has actually made the top 10~"

"The ninth I know is from the Tan family in Shangjing."

"I know the eighth too"

Basically, in the top 50, all of them are children of large families.

As for the children of the top 10 big families, every time a name appears, some netizens guess which family the other party comes from.

This scene is what happens every year when the rankings are announced in the second round of assessment.

For some ordinary people, it is also an opportunity to get to know some big families.

After all, there are many big families, who are usually very low-key.

"I'll go, all of them are top families with assets of tens of billions or even tens of billions. Suddenly, Chu Chen can compete with these people and rank among the best. It's simply amazing!

"I also think that Chu Chen's name has not yet come out, and I haven't seen it after 100. It can't be after 1000, so it must be in the first few!"

"This time, if Chu Chen can compare all of these big family children, it will be enjoyable~"

"If this is true, I will go to Turtle Island tomorrow to give birth to Chu Chen a monkey~"

"Come on, it's such a good thing, I don't know how many women are rushing to get it, but it's your turn?"

"Don't grab my husband~"

On the Internet, when the ranking was announced to the top 10, it aroused intense discussion among netizens.

In the past, ranking in the top 10 every year was basically the competition among the children of large families.

The children of these big families are basically all with family assets exceeding tens of billions, or even tens of billions, or more than 100 billion.

It doesn't mean that if the family has more assets, it will win.

There are also cases where children with billions of family assets are better than children of tens of billions.

After all, this is the second round of assessment. Although it is important, there are also children of large families who are still in the accumulation period. It may not be really effective until the third round.

But this round of assessment should not be underestimated. If you catch it, you can also get a lot of benefits and speed up the construction of the island.

Therefore, what can be contended will basically be contended.

But this year, Chu Chen came in, which also made this ranking much more interesting.

Especially for ordinary people, Chu Chen this time is equivalent to a "bad family" and a counterattack against the "rich family".

If the counterattack is successful, it will also be quite exciting!

Therefore, more ordinary people pay attention to this ranking.

"It's number 5, and there is no Chu Chen's name yet. Chu Chen's top four is definitely!"

"Yeah, I hope that Chu Chen can get the first place and slap those big family children in the face~ Fight for our breath!'

"Well, after all, for so many years, people with no money and no power will find it difficult to get into the top 1,000, except for Chu Chen~"

The fifth announcement was made. People did not see the name of Chu Chen, but looked forward to it.

Then, it was number 4.

There is still no Chu Chen's name!

"Yeah, now Chu Chen must be in the top 3, even if it doesn't get the first place, it's glorious enough!"

Someone cheered.

Then, it is the third.

Still no Chu Chen's name.

"Wow, let's put it this way, Chu Chen is going to be No. 2, or No. 1!"

Everyone cheered up and waited for the second name.

Finally, in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, the second name came out.

That is still not Chu Chen's name, but the name of a child of a top big family!

"I'm going, the second is not Chu Chen, so Chu Chen must be the first, hahaha, awesome!"

"Chu Chen is mighty ~ invincible this!'

"Is it possible that Chu Chen actually ranks behind 1000?"

"Fuck, how could it be possible, even the 10,000-year-old Zhu Ziming in our city is 98. Chu Chen can't be lower than Zhu Ziming."

"What if Chu Chen takes the initiative to hide some data and want to keep a low profile?"

On the Internet, after the second announcement, the discussion became extremely intense!

Suspense did not wait long.

Soon, the first name came out.

This name is exactly

Chu Chen!

Not surprisingly, as soon as Chu Chen's name came out, there was an instant cheer on the Internet!

Some people even jumped up from their seats with excitement and almost bumped their heads. They were even more excited than Chu Chen himself!

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