All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 75 I was moved! Invited! The mermaid who stayed!

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In the Mermaid Castle, Chu Chen knew the reaction of the mermaids.

The castle he prepared has successfully impressed all the mermaids.

For Chu Chen, if all these mermaids can be left behind, it is naturally very happy.


Chu Chen's construction of this castle has this meaning.

Mermaids are highly intelligent marine life, and they have a considerable understanding of the island world.

If he can get to Turtle Island and have so many mermaids, and all these mermaids sign a contract with Chu Chen.

Then, Chu Chen has a very powerful boost.

Not only that, the mermaid itself is a legendary creature. It is also a pleasing thing to be able to keep the beautiful mermaid by your side.

Chu Chen doesn't have much evil thoughts.

He learned about the living conditions of some mermaids from Caiwei. Her people are constantly threatened by marine life. In the past few years, they have moved several times.

Here in Chu Chen, they can get better protection, and once the contract is signed, they can also get the fastest growth.

When they grow up, ordinary marine life will not pose any threat to them.

Although from the look of the mermaid, they can already see their heartbeat.

Chu Chen didn't immediately speak.

Instead, they stood silently beside, letting the mermaids explore in the castle.

There are so many rooms in this castle. After all, this mermaid castle is bigger than Chu Chen's own castle.

Chu Chen's own castle is temporarily occupied by him alone, and it is wasteful to repair too much.

It is almost impossible for such a large castle to be repaired within two months if there are no supernaturalists.

Unless you are on Earth, you use a lot of manpower and machinery to work day and night.

However, the architecture department supernaturalists made many things easier, especially the addition of Shen Mengzhu, which saved a lot of time.

In the castle, Caiwei took the initiative to take the mermaids around.

Well, she naturally wanted the mermaids to stay, so she was quite positive.

"Shanshan, look, this bedroom is facing the garden below, and you can swim directly to the balcony~"

When she came to one of the larger bedrooms, Cai Wei pulled Shanshan and swam to the balcony.

The railings of the balcony are not too high, and below is the pool of the water garden.

Well, directly under the balcony of all bedrooms, there are pools and no flower beds, which is convenient for mermaids to dive~

The pool here also has a certain depth. For the mermaid, there is no problem naturally, and it is also convenient for diving.

Looking down from this balcony, the entire water garden has a panoramic view.

When you glance over the water garden, you can see the sea in the distance and part of the scenery of Turtle Island.

In the current Turtle Island, there are also many flowers, lawns, and fruit tree seedlings planted in the marginal area.

These fruit tree saplings have not yet grown up.

The overall setting is quite hierarchical.

The scenery is also quite good.

The view of this bedroom is indeed quite good.

Moreover, in the early morning, if the curtains are not drawn, the sun can shine in, so that the whole room is flooded with sunlight.

"Shanshan, you said, how happy it is to wake up in such a room every morning~"

Plucking said to Shanshan.

Well, she is drawing a beautiful scene for Shanshan.

Without surprise.

The scene she outlined made Shanshan substituting it unconsciously.

Thought for a while.

I can sleep peacefully in such a bedroom every day, without worrying about the attack of marine life, without worrying about it, and I can breathe the freshest air.

After getting up, you can swim to the balcony and watch the sunrise.

When the sun rises in the sky, you can also jump into the water garden for a swim.

If you have any concerns, you can sit on the balcony and stare at the beautiful scenery in the distance.


What a beautiful situation is this?


It is also the life that mermaids dream of.

Because this situation is so beautiful, that Shanshan started to stay in a daze.

I was full of images sketched by Plucking Wei. ~

In other rooms, other mermaids are also visiting.

The more these mermaids visited, the more excited they became, and they couldn't help thinking about what it would be like if they could live in such a bedroom.

Even some mermaids were on the balcony, thinking about it, they were a little fascinated.

"Shanshan, if we all stay, I will live next to you at that time, so that at night, I can come to talk to you, and we can count the stars and watch the moon together. The moon at night is very beautiful. There are several moons in the sky

Seeing that Shanshan was already tempted, the little mermaid Plucking was very clever and continued to outline.

With such a sketch, the Little Mermaid Plucking herself longed for that kind of life.

The mermaids in the past would sleep in their own huts for safety at night.

It is rare to go to the sea to see the stars and the moon.

But in fact, mermaids like to stare at the stars and moon in a daze.

It's just that the dangers of the ocean world to them don't allow them to do that.

It is also a point that the mermaids are very sorry for.


If in this castle, some of their ideals and beautiful wishes for life will be realized.

"Caiwei, don't say anything, I understand what you mean~"

After being moved by Plucking's words, Shanshan finally spoke.

Caiwei looked at her brightly: "Shanshan, did you agree to stay?"

There was still some hesitation in Shanshan's heart.

She looked at Caiwei and said, "If you want to stay, I have to ask their opinions. Besides, Caiwei, will he take us in?"

Caiwei understands Shanshan's worry.

Shanshan is naturally very excited about this castle.


The difference between Shanshan and Caiwei is that she and Chu Chen are in contact for the first time.

After spending more than a month with Chu Chen, Caiwei already knows who Chu Chen is, and she is extremely relieved of Chu Chen.

It's not that Shanshan is not at ease with Chu Chen.

In fact.

Shanshan's first impression of Chu Chen was quite good.

Moreover, she is also willing to believe in Plucking.

Caiwei's spiritual ability is stronger than her and other mermaids.

This kind of ability allows Caiwei to judge whether a human being is malicious and sincere.

Because of this belief, Shanshan was willing to take dozens of other mermaids, traveling thousands of miles, swimming an unknown distance, and it took nearly a month to arrive at Chu Chen’s Turtle Island.


Shanshan is not worried about Chu Chen.

It is out of a female instinct, or reserved.

She and Chu Chen, after all, are not yet familiar with each other.

Except for a good first impression, she didn't know anything about Chu Chen.

In addition, she has to seek the opinions of other mermaids, after all, she cannot make decisions on behalf of other mermaids.

On the other hand, Shanshan is not sure whether Chu Chen is willing to take them in. After all, Chu Chen has not clearly expressed his attitude.

After hearing what Shanshan said, Cai Wei said: "Brother Chu Chen will definitely welcome you, otherwise, he won't build so many rooms, Shanshan, let's go see other sisters."

Shanshan nodded and said: "Okay~"

So Plucking and Shanshan swim out of this room.

After leaving the room, they found that the other mermaids had been scattered in the castle in twos and threes, and they were still visiting.

So Caiwei and Shanshan had to continue to visit.

This castle is really big.

After almost half an hour, all the mermaids thoroughly visited the entire castle and returned to the hall.


Chu Chen is already waiting here.

"Caiwei, are you satisfied with this castle?"

Chu Chen asked.

Caiwei nodded: "Thank you, Brother Chu Chen, this castle is very beautiful~ We are all satisfied!

Chu Chen said: "That's good, Shanshan, you come all the way, or else, live in this castle first? To be honest, after listening to Caiwei talking about your situation, this castle is I built it specifically for you.

I'm not sure if you want to stay here. If you don't want to, I won't force it, but since it's here, why don't you stay here for a while?"

Well, Chu Chen did not hide his intentions and directly sent out the invitation.

Built specifically for us!

Chu Chen's words gave the mermaids some surprises.

At the same time of the accident, they could not help being moved.

Because when Chu Chen spoke, he was quite sincere.

This sincerity can be felt by the mermaids.

It also made them realize that there are people in this world who have built a castle specifically for them!

It's still so beautiful, it's a perfect castle!

At this moment, even if it was Shanshan, the beating of his heart couldn't help but take a quick beat.


I'm all moved!

* "Your Excellency Chu Chen, we are willing!"

Shanshan spoke.

Her face suddenly became a little hot.

Because, after speaking, Shanshan felt that she was too impulsive and too unreserved?

What about the reservedness of girls?

In addition, she seems to have made decisions for other mermaids.

Is it too reckless?

But Shanshan doesn't regret her position now.

Just blush.

after all.

She answered too quickly.

In addition, she is also faintly worried, will she be despised by Chu Chen because of this?

At this moment, because of too much thought, the heart of this mermaid girl also felt like a little deer bumping into each other.

Plop thump straight jump.

Her gaze turned to other mermaids involuntarily.

Then, in the eyes of these mermaids, Shanshan did not see the slightest blame.


These mermaids seem to be willing.

"Then let's live here first~ It's just that it will trouble your Excellency Chu Chen."

It's a mess, Shanshan added another sentence.

Well, the willingness she said earlier is actually willing to stay here. However, because she was worried that she would be underestimated by Chu Chen too soon, she added the meaning of this sentence, but explained the sentence "I am willing" as willing to live temporarily.

The girl's face is a little thin after all.

Hearing Shanshan's words, Chu Chen smiled. If there is no supplement in the latter sentence, Chu Chen actually understood the sentence "I am willing" to live first when he is willing to be wise.


With that superfluous supplement, Chu Chen actually understood the girl's mind.

He looked at Shanshan with a gentle gaze, and said: "It's not troublesome, you are very welcome to come, Plucking Wei, then you will take everyone to choose a room, there are many rooms in it, you can have one for one person~"

Upon hearing Chu Chen's words, Cai Wei nodded heavily: "Okay!"

This result is the most ideal result in Cai Wei's mind.

In her opinion, the mermaids living in this perfect castle are the best thing for her people!

"Sisters, let's go choose a room~"

The little mermaid plucked her eyes.

"Um~ thank you, Lord Chu Chen~"

The other mermaids did not rush away, but thanked Chu Chen one after another, and introduced themselves by the way.

Then, under the leadership of Caiwei, they all entered the castle and selected their respective rooms in it. In this way, these dozens of mermaids temporarily stayed in this beautiful mermaid castle!

Well, it's still "temporary stay" now.

However, according to the current trend, after waiting for them to stay for a period of time, they will definitely become a long stay.

Chu Chen didn't have too many stays in the mermaid castle.

They have only travelled long distances and are already a little tired. Chu Chen wants to leave them time to rest.

In addition, they have just arrived in this unfamiliar place and need some time to adjust.

In the process of adaptation, they definitely need some personal space.

This is the same as that if a person goes to a strange city and rents a room from a landlord, if the landlord keeps in front of him, even if the landlord is very good, the person will be a little uncomfortable for the first day or two. .


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