All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 76 Armor drawings! Hardworking and Treasure Mermaid!

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"Cuiwei, Shanshan, how did you sleep last night?"

Early the next morning, Chu Chen went to the Mermaid Castle.

The mermaids got up early.

Judging from their state, it seems that they are well rested.

"Brother Chu Chen, we slept well last night~"

Plucking Road.

Shanshan also said that she slept well last night.

"If you need anything, just tell me."

Chu Chen said.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Chu Chen."

Shan Shan grateful.

"By the way, Lord Chu Chen, I heard Caiwei say that some things in the ocean seem to be useful to you. I am going to take the people out today to find some things in the ocean for you. If you need something, also You can tell us~"

Shanshan said again.

She is the same as Plucking at the beginning.

After staying in the castle built for them by Chu Chen, they also slept quite peacefully and comfortably last night.

However, they are not willing to take advantage of Chu Chen in vain.

Therefore, after Shanshan discussed with the mermaids, they decided that if they want to live here in Chu Chen in the future, they will also find some treasures in the ocean for Chu Chen in return for Chu Chen's acceptance.

Hearing Shanshan's words, Chu Chen shook his head: "Don't worry, you should rest first. I don't have any special needs for the time being."

Upon seeing this, Shanshan nodded.

Then, Chu Chen put down some of the food he had brought for them.

These foods include chocolate, which Caiwei likes to eat, and some other terrestrial foods.

Well, when I heard Chu Chen said that after eating too much chocolate, I will get fat. Caiwei changed from eating one piece a day to only eating one piece for several days.

More than two months ago, when Caiwei left, Chu Chen asked her to bring some chocolate, a high-calorie food like chocolate, which can replenish physical strength on the road.

This is the first time for the mermaids to eat food from Earth Star. The different taste makes them quite happy.

This afternoon, Chu Chen discovered that many mermaids had gone to sea.

The next day, they brought 190 back some coral trees and planned to plant these coral trees on the edge of Turtle Island.

"Brother Chu Chen, the fruits of these coral trees are the kind you said last time that they can nourish their beauty after eating. It should have a great effect on human women."

Plucking explained the role of these coral trees.

The fruits of these coral trees are indeed good things. If they are sold to Earth Star, they can definitely sell for a good price.

Chu Chen did not expect that the mermaids had found so many for him.

"Unfortunately, there are not many such coral trees in the nearby sea. They searched all day, and they also found these. If Chu Chen's brother changes the sea in the future, he will definitely find more.

Plucking said again.

On this day, the mermaids still go out from time to time, bringing back some things from the ocean from time to time.

Some things they used to decorate the castle, and some things they were looking for for Chu Chen.

They are quite hardworking.

I don't want to be idle.

Chu Chen had no choice but to let them go.

He took a look at the situation on the Internet again. Recently, that seabed ruin still has some heat, but the newcomer island owners are still concerned about the issue of pirates.

There are many pirates, and they are divided into many branches, looting new island owners everywhere.

According to rough statistics, the number of island owners eliminated by these pirates has exceeded 10,000.

This ratio is actually not high. After all, even in Gaoping City, there are more than 20,000 new island owners, let alone the whole world.

However, the panic caused by these islands is huge.

No one knows whether the island will come to its own island or when it will come.

Some wealthy children of large families have increased their defense against pirates. Those who have no money can only try their luck.

On this day, Chu Chen found some new products in the achievement store.

This product is a drawing.

"Mermaid armor drawings?

Chu Chen took a look, this drawing does not require many achievement points, only 100 achievement points are needed.

Chu Chen exchanged them easily.

After the exchange was completed, a drawing appeared in Chu Chen's hand.

On this drawing, there is a detailed and complete process of creating a mermaid armor.

There is also the demand for raw materials.

"Mermaid Armor"

Chu Chen whispered softly.

The mermaid armor on this drawing is different from ordinary armor.

In fact, if Chu Chen wants to build an armor for the mermaid Ivy, he can build it on the earth star after measuring the measurements of Plucking.

However, the material aspect is a big problem.

Use iron too heavy, it will greatly affect the flexibility and speed of the mermaids in the water.

Other materials are not comfortable. Aluminum is lighter, but it is not too light, and it is also ugly.

The mermaid armor on this drawing is not only exquisite in design, and the required raw materials are also quite special.

It is not the matter of the earth and stars, but Chu Chen needs to go to the bottom of the sea to collect "submarine gold".

To be precise, it is a kind of "submarine gold" called "virtual gold".

"Submarine gold", that is, some special metals that exist on the seabed in the island world.

Undersea gold generally does not appear on a large scale, and there is often a piece of undersea gold somewhere on the dark seabed.

Think about it, how big is the island world? Any piece of sea area, the area is quite large, it is not easy to find the seabed gold on the bottom of that sea area.

A piece of black ore that Ivy, the little mermaid, sought for Chu Chen on the seabed before, belongs to a kind of "undersea gold".

There are many types of "submarine gold", and not all submarine gold has value.

The value of seabed gold depends on the type.

Among them, the "virtual gold" is of considerable value.

Virtual gold is very rare, and so far, only dozens of yuan have been discovered by the island owners.

They are characterized by lightness, but they are quite tough, with a thin layer of virtual gold, which can not be penetrated with a sniper rifle, and they are comparable to the "mithril" described in some novels.

It's just that there is too little "virtual gold", and the value of research is also high. A piece of more than ten centimeters in size is worth several million, and it may not be possible to buy with money.

Because the island owners who have "virtual gold" on their hands may not sell them at all, and those who want to sell have already been sold.

Well, the price is high because it is too scarce. If the quantity is large, it will definitely not be as valuable as this.

This is always the reason that the scarcity of things is the responsibility.

Of course, the value of "virtual gold" itself is excellent, even if the amount is large, it will not be too cheap.

"Using'virtual gold' to build a mermaid armor requires at least three pieces of'virtual gold'.. Such an armor, the value of the virtual gold, is worth tens of millions. The key is that you can't buy it if you have money. Virtual gold. "

Holding that drawing, Chu Chen couldn't help thinking.

If the mermaid armor on this drawing can be built, it can greatly increase the mermaid's defense and combat effectiveness.

Like the current Caiwei, after giving her a pair of armor, her combat effectiveness will soar.

"It would be possible for the mermaids to search for "virtual gold. If they can find the "virtual gold" they found, it would be okay to make armor for them."

Chu Chen thought.

Anyway, the mermaids can't be free, they are all thinking about what to do for Chu Chen, but they can let them look for "virtual gold".

Now, Shanshan and the others cannot use the group contract because the conditions have not been met.

Chu Chen didn't know exactly what the conditions were. However, when thinking of the conditions of Choi Wei, this condition should be triggered after they and Chu Chen are quite familiar and trusted.

Not in a hurry, they are now living, Chu Chen will go to communicate with them for some time every day, plus the role of plucking in the middle, if this goes on, the conditions of the contract will be reached sooner or later.

Chu Chen just did what he said. He found some pictures of "virtual gold" on the Internet, and then went to find Caiwei.

"Brother Chu Chen, do you need this ore?"

Plucking asked.

From the side, Shanshan also looked over.

Chu Fa nodded, and said: "Well, this kind of ore is only found on the seabed, Caiwei, are you sure to find it?"

"Your Excellency Chu Chen, please show me.

Asked Shanshan.

Chu Chen passed the picture to her.

Shanshan took a closer look at the picture of "Xujin", and then said: "I have seen this kind of ore before, but there is only one piece. I know the characteristics of their distribution. Well, let's go, I will take someone to find it right away."

Shanshan knows the characteristics of the distribution of "virtual gold"?

Hearing her words, Chu Chen couldn't help showing his joy.

Mermaids, they are really big treasures, even the characteristics of the distribution of "virtual gold" are known!

They must also know more secrets in the ocean.

However, they certainly don't know which secrets are useful to Chu Chen.

Therefore, Chu Chen can communicate with them more in the future, maybe he can get some valuable information.

Shanshan did everything in a turbulent manner. Soon, she called a dozen mermaids and set off.

"Shanshan, wait for me~"

Upon seeing this, Caiwei also followed.

"Caiwei, Shanshan, don't go too far~~ Bring Xiaohu with you"

Seeing this, Chu Chen said.

Let Xiaohu follow them, and Chu Chen feels more relieved.

Even Turtle Island, in addition to Little Tiger, there are more than 20 killer whales. Among these killer whales, the killer whales in the little tiger group are already level 3, and they are not too far away from level 4. They are all over 20 meters long, and all of them are big.

The combat effectiveness is also quite sturdy.

With them, coupled with Chu Chen's seagull flock, the defense of Turtle Island doesn't have to worry too much.

What's more, the turtle Xiaohei itself is also a big killer.

Its two skills are not vegetarian~

The mermaids did not disappoint Chu Chen this time.

After only half a day, they succeeded in finding a piece of "virtual gold".

"It should be" virtual gold.

On Turtle Island, Chu Chen looked at the "virtual gold" carefully with a magnifying glass for some time, and said with some certainty.

"Shanshan, how did you find it?"

Chu Chen couldn't help being a little curious, the efficiency of the mermaids is too high!

The island world has been developed for so long, so many island owners, decades have passed, but only a few dozen pieces of "virtual gold" have been found. This afternoon, the mermaids have found one piece!

This efficiency is of course high.

The little mermaid said: "I have seen before. There is a very small fish that likes to wander around this kind of ore. If it weren't for the Lord Chu Chen, I almost forgot about it."

Well, the method is very simple.


It is estimated that no one can copy. .

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