Su Bai glanced and saw five or six different kinds of sharks.

Grades range from Black Iron to Bronze.

The number exceeds one hundred.

And this is just the vanguard of the shark group, the type that swims faster.

The shark group has not appeared yet.

But even so, the momentum is already very vast.

What floated along the ocean currents were all the wreckage of sea fish, and among them were the corpses of many native races or demonized creatures.

Of course, there are also many shark carcasses.

Obviously, the two sides have fought countless times in the hunting along the way.

But in general, the shark group occupies an absolute dominant position.

They are numerous and aggressive.

Ordinary sea fish are no match at all.

Even native races, when facing sharks, have to shy away, but if they slip slower, they will become prey.

"Ready to fight!"

Su Bai gave the order.

The people on the island immediately became busy.

Under the leadership of Avina, the flower fairies controlled their harpoon launchers and aimed at the sea in the distance.

Beside them is the rock soldier team led by the gem cat.

They specialize in harpooning the launcher.

With the flower fairy's small arms and legs, the use of the launcher is already the limit, and it is really difficult for them to quickly reload the harpoon.

Five hundred meters ahead of the launcher position were Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue.

They are the main force of clearing miscellaneous, responsible for long-range skill coverage.

Among them, Du Ling's venom attack is the main one.

Xuan Mengyue made up for the knife and killed the dying sharks.

Xiaoji is also here, and it will mark the bronze shark for the first time, so that the flower fairies can launch a salvo attack.

Su Bai stood on the shore with the Dragon Yin Sword in his hand.

Those silver-level sharks will be devastated by him.

Oger was relatively relaxed.

He carried a long fishing rod and was responsible for dragging the shark carcass to the island.

Under Su Bai's control, the island had stopped moving, and turned around, pointing its tip towards the direction of the sharks' attack.

This minimizes impact damage.

And when I merged with Lizard Island before, Su Bai specially adjusted it, and the underwater rock formation here is the thickest.

If the sharks want to punch hard, then they will know whether their heads are hard or rock hard.

As soon as the preparations were completed, the sharks in the distance arrived after chasing the sea fish.

"Kill! 99

Su Bai gave an order, and Du Ling took the lead.

Several groups of highly poisonous energy balls flew out and submerged into the distant sea.

Du Ling's ability has several effects, this time, it is mainly based on ecstasy toxin.

As long as the sharks are in chaos, their impact will be greatly reduced.

Those bronze-level sharks will also be hindered, and their swimming speed will be reduced, thereby increasing the hit rate of the flower fairy in disguise.


Dark green energy balls spread out in the sea water, and several black iron sharks had just entered the area, and after swimming a few meters, they turned their stomachs and stopped moving.

Their corpses drifted along the current to the island, and Ogg swung his fishing rod to drag the big guys to the shore.

The earth spirit and the split body control the earth to be turned into a conveyor belt and transport the shark carcass to the rear.

The bowstring sounded twice, and the magic iron arrow flew out with the wind system ability attached, killing the dying iron fin shark.

On their heads, there is a penetrating wound with a diameter of thirty centimeters, which penetrated from the skull and flew out from the abdomen.

Such heavy damage, combined with the toxins in the ocean, took their lives in an instant.

Hundreds of sharks rushed in from a distance, and dozens of them died on the spot.

And the rest, most of them swam by and continued to chase the fish.

Only those who are close will turn around and attack.

Then it was seconds.

Su Bai didn't even have to shoot, everyone under his command had already performed their duties and controlled the battle.

But this is just the beginning.

After the vanguard troop, the sea in the distance seemed to boil, and the sound of the waves roared.

The searchlights have all been concentrated.

On the sea, countless sea fishes came along the ocean currents, mighty and mighty.

Behind them are the shark dorsal fins that break open the water.

Quantity is immeasurable!

Su Bai felt the island shaking under his feet.

The density of sea fish is too high, they come downstream and are carried forward.

There are many sea fish that have no room to move at all and crash on the underwater rocks of the island.

Every second, dozens or hundreds of marine fish die.

Among them, there are many big guys that are more than ten meters long.

The continuous impact passed over, making Su Bai clearly feel the vibration.

If it weren't for the fusion of the rocks of Lizard Island, the tenacity seaweed was attached.

Under the impact of this level, how can ordinary islands withstand.

I am afraid that when the battle is over, the area will be greatly reduced.

Even a direct crash is possible.

The strong bloody smell stimulated the sharks that were chasing behind, and they went crazy, roaring and rushing forward, devouring their flesh and blood.

So the fish in front escaped faster.

In this chase, the island is under great pressure.

And this is still the edge of the ocean current. If it is the central area, it is difficult to imagine what the scene will be.

I am afraid that only the deep sea is a safe area.

Unfortunately, the ability of the island to move is already the limit, and there is no possibility of evolving into a submarine for the time being.

Su Bai gathered his thoughts and stood on the bank with a calm expression.

With a casual blow, the gust of wind slashed out, splitting the shark that came straight to the island in half.

As for Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue, their firepower was already on full blast, urging their abilities to attack.

Du Ling did her best to maintain the concentration of venom in a specific area, which has reached the maximum interference.

Any shark that entered that sea area would be confused.

They attacked the same kind and caused some confusion.

The subsequent sharks rushed over and smashed into a ball.

Then continue to be interfered by the Mysterious 587 Soul Toxin and join the queue of cannibalism.

The vision here caught the attention of the advanced shark.

Several bronze sharks accompany them, ready to look for an opportunity to attack.

Xiaoji immediately used the marker.

Sharks glowing with light stand out in the dark.

The flower fairies controlled the launcher and fired salvos at Avina's command.

The bronze-level harpoon flew out with a high-pitched sound.

Of the ten harpoons, seven shot in the air and landed around the target shark.

It can't be completely said to shoot in the air.

Because the density of the shark group was too high, although these harpoons missed the target, they also shot the unlucky egg next to them.

The barbs on the top of these harpoons pop out and spin and cut with the force of the impact, breaking huge holes in the sharks.

The bronze-level shark hit by three harpoons had no resistance at all and died on the spot.

A salvo, the effect is outstanding.

The flower fairies cheered.

The rock soldiers began to install harpoons, and Avina warned his companions, "The battle is not over yet, we have to fight for our new home!"

"Yes, fight for the homeland!"

The flower fairies have high fighting spirit, and when the launcher is loaded, another round of salvo is fired.

This time, the result was even better. Two bronze-ranked sharks were killed. The bodies floated up and down in the waves and were salvaged ashore by Oger.

Su Bai looked at the pile of shark carcasses, took stock of the proceeds, and smiled.

Earn big.

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