All People's Island: I Can Write Entries For Everything

Chapter 98 Others fear me to increase positions

While Su Bai was hunting sharks, the newcomer chat area also exploded.

Those island owners in the ocean current area were horrified to discover that the surrounding sea water was turning red.

[A Sanguo-Amo: Why are there so many sharks]

[Bangzi Country-An Chengping: There are a lot of fish, and even many rare species, I'm going to make a fortune! 】

【Fusang Country - Tamura Shiki: Idiot, what other fish are you catching, hurry up and see if there are shark fins in the distance]

[Bangzi Country-An Chengping: Yes, and there are many! My island is shaking, and it's starting to crumble! 】

[Dragon Kingdom – Yan Yuanhua: Brother Bangzi, you are going well all the way]

[Lighthouse Country-David: Now is the breeding season of sharks, they will concentrate on hunting to replenish energy, if the island is in their path, it is very dangerous]

【Fuso Country - Tsukao Kota: Hahaha, fishing, that is our tradition, whether it is sharks or sea fish, all of them are made into sashimi! 】

【Fusang Kingdom - Akama Yuto: I have already started to act, I bought a harpoon urgently, this time I will definitely make a lot of money! 】

[The sun never sets-Weaverde: The storm has just ended, how come the sharks are here again, and there is no way for people to live?]

[Dragon Kingdom-Chao Hongyi: What are you afraid of, sharks only appear in the ocean current area, and the range is limited. Most island owners can't meet them. If they do, it can only be said that they are bad luck]

[Lighthouse Country-Richard: Yes, the Dragon Country Islander is right]


This time the shark swarm was different from the previous storm.

The storm is covering most of the island world.

In order to hunt more efficiently, shark groups are concentrated in the area of ​​ocean currents, and other places are basically unaffected.

In the vast ocean, the area that the ocean current passes through is only a few.

The ones who shouted loudest in the chat area were the island owners in the ocean current area.

But if you look closely, there are actually not many people.

At least compared to all the apprentice island owners, the proportion is not large.

Naturally, this matter was passed on to the special team.

Actually this is not surprising.

Because the sharks run wild once a year.

When Shen Qingling was looking for her to buy a harpoon at Su Bai, he guessed that he was in the ocean current area.

I wondered whether the guy's luck was good or bad.

To put it bluntly, he was the first to become a trainee island owner, and he had a smooth journey and rushed the island rating to more than 1,600.

No, it's one thousand seven.

In the afternoon, I didn't know what the guy was doing, but the area of ​​the island increased a bit, and the rating also increased a lot.

But to put it ok, it doesn't seem to count, he always encounters all kinds of strange things.

Shen Qingling was very curious and wanted to go to Su Bai's island to see what was going on.

But she also knows that the coordinates of the island are secret, and she and Su Bai can have a good relationship, but they haven't reached the point where they can exchange coordinates.

This time when Su Bai encountered a group of sharks, Shen Qingling suddenly had a feeling.

That guy's island rating may soar again.

This feeling makes no sense.

After all, when encountering a shark group, even the official island owner will have a headache, and the car will overturn if it is not done.

But she has absolute confidence in Su Bai.

While thinking about it, Shen Qingling took another 200 bronze-level harpoons from the special affairs team warehouse.

After Su Bai finds her, she will be able to teleport to her as soon as possible.

This is not very normative, but Shen Qingling also has a good reason.

"This is called strategic investment".

Shen Qingling said secretly.

"That guy is definitely going to hunt sharks, but how can a hundred harpoons be enough? I'll prepare it first, and when he speaks again, the price will increase. 99

"Yes, that's it."

Shen Qingling did some mental activity, but she didn't know who she was trying to persuade.

And in fact, her preparations were quite correct.

As Su Bai found out, there were too many sharks.

Not to mention those of the black iron level, three of them can be killed by throwing a stone.

Even bronze-level sharks can be seen everywhere.

The flower fairy has completed five rounds of salvos and killed more than a dozen bronze-level sharks.

But for the overall number reduction, there is not much effect.

At this time, it was only five minutes before the shark group appeared.

"Have to add more harpoons."

Su Bai concluded and quickly sent Shen Qingling a message, "Is there any stock of harpoons.

Shen Qingling was waiting for these words, and immediately replied, "Yes, is two hundred sticks enough?"35

"Not enough, pass it over first, you can help me prepare 500 more, and the transmitters are also ready to be replaced, it may not be able to withstand it.

"it is good."

Handing the newly delivered harpoon to Tu Ling, it was transported to the launcher's position. Su Bai threw a gust of wind and chopped up the bronze-level shark that was trying to sneak attack.

He felt that there were silver-level sharks watching secretly and commanding the battle at the same time.

Although this sounds unscientific.

But the creatures in the island world, even sharks, actually possess a lot of wisdom after the level is raised.

Silver-level sharks are fully qualified to command battles.

If there is a little more variation, it is really smart and close to the demon.

All Su Bai had to do was to find it out and hack it to death.

But the guy was very cautious and hid his own traces among the sharks. Even if Su Bai's eyes were like electricity, it wasn't perspective after all.

Coupled with such a chaotic situation, he has never been able to lock the opponent's position.

But Su Bai is not in a hurry.

He knew that the first person to lose his temper must be the other party.

The flower fairy in the high place fired another round of salvos, and once again won many.

Su Bai was alert and immediately gave Xiao Shan an order.

"Blaze! 35


A dazzling white light erupted in the dark night, illuminating everything around.

In the midair, there was a black shadow with a body length of more than ten meters, which was simply a giant.

It just broke the water surface, with huge inertia, over a distance of 100 meters, and flew towards the center of the island.

Looking at this posture, it is preparing to crush all the flower fairies to death.

Then return to the deep sea by the impact force.

Su Bai naturally could not tolerate such a thing happening.

The legs exploded with infinite power, stomping heavily on the beach.

The shock wave spread with the foothold as the center, causing Og to stand a little unsteady.

The sea fish collided for a long time without cracking the island. As a result, Su Bai stepped down and almost crushed a corner of the island.

But because of this, Su Bai also obtained an explosion of speed beyond imagination.

His body soared into the sky like a cannonball, and in the stunned eyes of the silver-ranked shark, he rushed to the front in an instant.

This is a silver intermediate steel hammer shark, known for its hammer-like head.

Originally, I wanted to take the position of the flower fairy by surprise, but I didn't expect a human to fly by.

The steel hammer shark let out a roar and swung its body, ready to kill Su Bai first, and then crush the flower fairy.

But Su Bai's moves are faster than that.

"."Tianwu Demon Slayer!

The swift knife light erupted in the air, cutting the steel hammer shark into two pieces.

However, the steel hammer shark has tenacious vitality, and even so, it did not die completely.

Instead, he took his last breath, trying to bite Su Bai into his mouth.

With its mouth full of sharp teeth, it can absolutely grind this hateful human into a puree!

"Master be careful!"

Aviana's exclamation came from the ground, she flapped her wings and flew, trying to push the hammer shark away.

This is obviously not possible.

The steel hammer shark is about fifteen meters long, and even if it is cut into two pieces, the remaining seven or eight meters of body (Li Qianzhao) is not something Avina can shake.

Su Bai was in the air and shouted: "You retreat, I'm fine.

After he finished speaking, he urged the power again, and waved the Dragon Yin Sword to release the Gale Slash.

The skin of the steel hammer shark was cut open, and the air blade penetrated into the flesh.

However, its size is really huge, and the wind slash can be used to the extreme, and its body cannot be cut into grams.

Su Bai exerted his strength again in the air and kicked the hammer shark on the forehead.

It kicked the fish head, which was more than ten tons, away from the original route, landed diagonally, and rolled out a deep ditch on the ground.

Fortunately, Su Bai kicked into the clearing.

Otherwise, this will be enough to cause the plants on the island to be wiped out.

The fish head was kicked away, but the fish tail landed on the launcher position.

If the flower fairies hadn't moved in time, they would have been wiped out in one fell swoop, and that would have been a real loss.

However, the flower fairy survived, but the harpoon launcher position was completely destroyed, and it would take at least half an hour to rebuild it.

The Hammer Shark was beaten, but it was also considered to have completed the tactical goal.

After losing the harpoon launcher position, the next battle will be more difficult.

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