"Toxin resistance!"

"Good job, Erqing!"

Zhou Qing was overjoyed.

"Puff!" Qingsi Gu was a little proud, and at the same time thanked Zhou Qing for his help just now.

"My boss, your second, we are all family, don't be polite!"

Zhou Qing said with a smile.

The next moment, Qingsi Gu said that he had not finished eating the big centipede.


Zhou Qing released Qingsi Gu and returned to the edge of the bushes just now.

Only half of the body of the more than three-foot-long big centipede was left, and the other half had disappeared, obviously eaten by Qingsi Gu.


The Qingsi Gu fell on the struggling half of the big centipede, and soon the half of the body stopped moving.

The body of Qingsi Gu opened and began to devour the half of the body from the middle.

When it had only eaten the one-foot-long tail left, Zhou Qing suddenly reacted: "Erqing, wait a minute!!"


Erqing bit off the part in his mouth with a click, and although he was puzzled, he still stopped.

"Such a long centipede must have high medicinal value. Leave some for me to sell for money. I haven't had a full meal for many days." Zhou Qing said hurriedly.


Qingsi Gu said that eating this big centipede would be very helpful for its growth and wanted to eat it.

"Okay, you eat it. Catch other centipedes later and leave a few for me."

Zhou Qing sighed.

"Puff!" Qingsi Gu expressed gratitude and became closer to him.

"Hehe." Zhou Qing grinned. In fact, he didn't plan to compete with Qingsi Gu. The price of a dead centipede would be very low. He mainly wanted to test Qingsi Gu's obedience.

Sure enough, although Qingsi Gu was eager, he still listened to him.

Now it's still eaten, but it has to be grateful.

This is very important.

"Leave some centipede venom for me." Zhou Qing picked up a small wine jar and collected the centipede blood and venom that fell on the grass leaves.

This thing is so poisonous that it will be eaten by people.

A ruthless look flashed in Zhou Qing's eyes.

Next, Zhou Qing spent the whole afternoon catching centipedes in the mountains.

However, he never caught a centipede longer than one foot.

Most of them went into the stomach of the green silk Gu. He kept three big ones and put them in a wine jar, ready to take them to the pharmacy to sell for a full meal.

Seeing the setting sun, Zhou Qing filled the basket with dozens of kilograms of mulberry leaves and returned home with a full load.

While collecting mulberry leaves, he also encountered a bamboo leaf green snake more than one foot long, but it also went into the stomach of the green silk Gu.

The toxins of these poisons seemed to have no effect on the green silk Gu.

Moreover, the green silk Gu looked very fragile, but its defense was amazing. It was bitten by the bamboo leaf green snake's fangs several times, but it didn't even break its skin.

The same was true when it was bitten by the big centipede just now.

[Progress: Growth period (326/800)]

The growth progress of the green silk Gu has improved a lot. Of course, most of them were contributed by the big centipedes.

On the way home, Zhou Qing felt that life had hope and his steps were much lighter.

When he passed by the stream with a basket on his back, the old lady was still washing clothes. I wonder how many large basins of clothes she had to wash in a day.

"Ah Qing!"

The old lady noticed him and came over to hand over a steamed bun.

"Grandma, I have food! You keep it for yourself." Zhou Qing hurriedly declined.

"Take it, kid. It will be more difficult to live alone in the future." The old lady looked a little gloomy and stuffed the steamed bun into his arms.

Zhou Qing hesitated again and again and accepted the steamed bun.

"Thank you, grandma."

Dafeng Pharmacy.

"Three ordinary live mountain centipedes, two cents."

Looking at the centipedes crawling around in the wine jar, the shopkeeper of the medicine shop tilted his head and glanced at Zhou Qing, who was exhausted.

"What? Two cents? Such a big centipede, at least one cent per piece?" Zhou Qing was stunned.

"If you don't want to sell it, take it away." The owner of the medicine shop waved his hand.

Zhou Qing gritted his teeth.

"I'll sell it!"

After a while, Zhou Qing walked out of the Dafeng medicine shop with an empty jar and two copper coins.


Zhou Qing stood at the door and spat lightly.

Fortunately, I didn't keep the big centipede to sell just now, otherwise it would definitely be underpriced and I couldn't sell it for a few more coins.

Dafeng Rice Shop and Dafeng Medicine Shop are all Zhao family's properties.

If Zhang Dahai is the bully of the slums, then the Zhao family is the sky of the entire Heishan Town, truly domineering and bullying the people.

"One day, I have to change my name!"

Looking at the two words "Dafeng" on the sign, Zhou Qing secretly made up his mind.

"Ah Qing, do you want to buy some buns? How about giving you a penny off? I'll pick two of the biggest ones for you!"

Zhou Qing smelled the meat fragrance for a while next to the bun stall, and Sun Erlang, who was selling buns, waved at him.


Zhou Qing's stomach growled and he swallowed.

He couldn't remember the last time he ate meat.

Reason told him that he should save the money first, but his stomach told him that he wanted to eat meat.

Damn reason!

Zhou Qing handed two cents to Sun Erlang in exchange for two steaming hot meat buns.

He felt like crying after taking a bite.


The minced meat in the buns was actually mixed with tofu and green onions, but he thought about the taste of salt and the aroma of oil for a long time.

When he usually cooked wild vegetable soup, he was only willing to dip his chopsticks in a little salt, and as for oil, he only ate it once in many days.

This bun is better than the steamed bread I had this morning!

"It's delicious, isn't it? Come back next time, I'll pick a bigger one for you!" Sun Erlang smiled when he saw Zhou Qing wolfing down his food.

"Woo~ Delicious!" Zhou Qing swallowed the whole bun.

Then, he took the second bun and stuffed it into his mouth, and suddenly stopped.

He thought of grandma.

"Bring one to grandma tomorrow."

Zhou Qing put the bun away, took out the steamed bread and started eating.

Seeing this, Sun Erlang poured him a bowl of tea.

"Thank you, Uncle Sun." Zhou Qing drank tea and ate the steamed bread.

Although the tea was so light that he could hardly taste the tea, he usually drank cold water at home.

After all, drinking boiled water requires burning firewood, and chopping wood is also very physically demanding.

"Alas~ water is worthless." Sun Erlang waved his hand.

After Zhou Qing had eaten and drunk enough, he carried the basket on his back and rushed home.

After arriving home, Zhou Qing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the lock on the silkworm house was intact.

He opened the silkworm house and looked at the square cluster.

Some of the silkworms that spun silk quickly had already formed thumb-sized cocoons.

"So fast? It seems that these silkworms are no longer ordinary silkworms!" Zhou Qing was delighted.

It's getting better!

After looking at all the silkworms, Zhou Qing's eyes fell on the ground.

The wine jar contained the blood and venom of the big centipede.

At night.

Xin'an Lane was dark and silent.

The poor people had already fallen asleep, just to save a dinner.

Changle Lane in the center of the town was brightly lit.

The rich young men and young ladies were guarded by their servants and strolled around the night market.

The Datong gambling house in Changle Lane was also bustling with people.

Through the door curtain, you can hear the shouts of the gamblers inside.

Two strong men in black shorts stood at the door on the left and right, looking ferocious.

The man with a face full of flesh on the left was Zhang Dahai.

All of them were born in poverty. These ruffians who had learned a few days of fighting but were not qualified enough would basically look after gambling houses, restaurants, brothels and other places.

After all, they were good at dealing with ordinary people.

At this time, in the dark alley opposite the Datong gambling house, a young man in hemp clothes was staring at Zhang Dahai with a cold look.

Zhou Qing stood in the alley and watched Zhang Dahai for two quarters of an hour.

During this time, he saw Zhang Dahai throwing the gambler out of the gambling house and urinating at the corner of the alley next to the gambling house.

After a while, Zhou Qing frowned, retreated, and completely disappeared into the darkness.

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