All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 7 Life is not easy

The next day, Zhou Qing got up early and filled the stove with firewood.

Yesterday, he ate steamed bread and steamed buns and went to bed early. He still had some wild vegetable bran porridge left, which was just right for breakfast.

He put four long wooden strips in the big pot, forming a "well" shape, and put the meat buns left yesterday on it.

After eating the bitter wild vegetable bran porridge, Zhou Qing wrapped the meat buns with cloth and put them close to his body.

Then he followed the same process as yesterday, took the basket against the wall, put the sickle, pickaxe, sack, and two wine jars in it.

The silkworms at home have begun to spin silk, so he can be much more relaxed these days.

Next, he just needs to wait for the cocoon to take shape, and then he can start spinning.

After that, leave a part of the cocoon and wait for the silkworm pupae inside to break out of the cocoon and become silkworm moths. At that time, they will mate and leave silkworm seeds, and then they need to pick mulberry leaves.

"Wait another day or two, it should be almost done."

Zhou Qing is full of hope.

The silkworms need about two or three days to spin silk, and today is the second day.

Reeling silk is another troublesome thing.

If you sell the cocoons directly, the price will be much lower.

In the town, all the families who raise silkworms work together, and the division of labor is clear, so that they can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

However, when Zhou Qing thought of Zhou Xian, he still felt that it was better to be alone.

Zhou Qing locked the silkworm room, said hello to Liang who was feeding chickens in the yard next door, and then carried the basket and went out.

"Ah Qing, wait for me!"

A short-haired boy ran out of the adobe house with a pancake in his hand.

It was Liang Chao who got up early. He was wearing a blue training jacket and black trousers, and looked energetic.

Zhou Qing stopped and waited for him. "Chaozi, why do you get up so early?"

"I finally got into the martial arts school, so of course I have to be diligent and not waste my father's hard-earned money."

Liang Chao muttered while chewing on the oil cake, his expression was firm and his eyes were full of hope.

As he said, he looked at Zhou Qing, who was a little thin, and said seriously:

"Qing, after selling the silk this time, let's practice boxing together at the Zhuifeng Boxing School. In the future, we will rely on the two of us to protect Xin'an Lane!"

"I don't even have enough food to eat, how dare I have this idea." Zhou Qing waved his hands repeatedly.

As the saying goes, things are accomplished by secrecy, and words fail by leaking.

He really wants to learn boxing, but before things are done, there is no need to tell others, which will only increase variables.

"Alas," Liang Chao sighed and said nothing more. If it weren't for his father risking his life to catch the treasure fish and selling it for ten taels of silver, he wouldn't have the opportunity to learn boxing to change his fate.

"Let's go." Zhou Qing nodded and walked towards the market.

Liang Chao hurriedly followed.

When the two came to the central square at the intersection of the market, they found that the square was already crowded with people.

Usually, there are not so many people at this time.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing and Liang Chao prepared to go around from behind the crowd.

"Here we go!" The crowd suddenly dispersed from the middle and quickly made way.

"Great Love Immortal Venerable, go to paradise, and the witch god will live forever"

"Great Love Immortal Venerable, go to paradise, and the witch god will live forever"

Four strong men were carrying a Taoist priest in white clothes with white hair and a childlike face, walking in the middle of the crowd, followed by a group of ragged civilians. These people were unkempt, but their eyes were bright and a little scary. They all had a fanatical look on their faces, and they kept chanting in unison.

At this time, two boys and girls in white clothes walked out of the team, holding a basket covered with white cloth in their hands.

The boy and girl lifted the white cloth and took out a handful of copper coins from it and threw them out.

Although it was just broken copper coins, it could still be spent and used to buy food!

The people gathered nearby immediately started to rob, but no one dared to bump into the team in the middle.

Then, after distributing the few copper coins, more boys and girls came out of the team, took out steamed bread and black steamed buns from the basket and threw them out.

"Mine! Mine!"

"Don't squeeze me!"

"Ah! My hand!"

The onlookers started to rob again, with noise and crying.

Suddenly, a black steamed bun was thrown to the back of the crowd with great force.

Zhou Qing subconsciously reached out and caught it.

The people who were about to rob nearby stopped when they saw Liang Chao, who was wearing a training jacket, standing next to Zhou Qing.

Liang Chao pulled Zhou Qing aside and lowered his voice.

"Ah Qing, it's best not to take the things taught by the witch god."

"Is there a problem?" Zhou Qing frowned slightly.

Liang Chao whispered, "I heard that someone disrespected the Dragon King, which caused several villages near the Black Water River in the county to suffer from floods recently.

Many victims who could not survive fled to several nearby towns.

This Wushen Cult took the opportunity to gather a large number of victims, and it must be up to no good.

I heard that these victims followed the Wushen Cult into the mountains and never came back.

The brothers in the martial arts hall said that it is best not to get involved with the Wushen Cult."

"Look!" Liang Chao pointed to the entrance of the alley opposite.

"Even the government office doesn't dare to intervene."

Zhou Qing looked closely and saw a clerk in black clothes hiding at the entrance of the alley with two officers wearing swords.

"Got it." Zhou Qing nodded.

"I saw the brothers in the martial arts hall! I'm leaving first." Liang Chao ran to the right.

Zhou Qing looked down at the black steamed bun in his hand.

"Puff." The green silk Gu responded.

"Poisonous?" Zhou Qing was stunned and walked to the corner, ready to throw the black steamed bun in his hand.

"Puff~" Qingsi Gu said again that there was no need to be afraid, with it here, this little bit of poison was nothing.

"Okay!" Zhou Qing immediately brought the black steamed bun to his mouth and took a big bite.

The black steamed bun was made of sorghum flour, dry and difficult to swallow.

But for Zhou Qing, who was not full yet, anything that could fill his stomach was delicious.

After eating the black steamed bun, Zhou Qing felt a strange feeling in his stomach.

At this time, Qingsi Gu entered his abdomen, and soon the strange feeling disappeared.

At the same time, Qingsi Gu said that this little bit of poison was too little and not satisfying at all.

Zhou Qing walked out of the town and passed by the stream. The old lady was already beating clothes.

When the old lady saw Zhou Qing, she put down the mallet in her hand and handed over a steamed bun.

"Grandma, no need, I've eaten." Zhou Qing quickly refused, and took out a cloth bag from his arms, took out a still hot meat bun and handed it to the old lady.

"Grandma, this is the meat bun I bought yesterday. I left one for you."

"I'm old and can't taste the meat anymore." Grandma shook her head and stuffed the steamed bread into his arms.

"If Grandma doesn't eat it, I'll be embarrassed to ask for more steamed bread." Zhou Qing insisted.

Grandma paused, took the meat bun, then took out another steamed bread and stuffed the two steamed breads into Zhou Qing together.

"Grandma, this." Zhou Qing was stunned.

"Take it. When the silkworms start to spin silk and make cocoons, reeling silk is more tiring than carrying mulberry leaves." Grandma looked kind.

Zhou Qing hesitated and took the steamed bread. Now is the time to grow up, but it's a pity that he hasn't had a full meal in two months since he came to this world.

"Thank you, Grandma."

Zhou Qing carried the basket up the mountain. After solving the most critical survival problem, he will repay those who helped him.

"If Ayu is still alive, he should be this big." Grandma looked at Zhou Qing's back and recalled the past.

The sun sets in the west.

Zhou Qing walked down the mountain with the sunset glow on his face, looking a little bad.

Today's harvest is much worse than yesterday's.

Although he found a lot of poisonous insects, they were all small things, and all went into the stomach of Qingsi Gu.

In his two jars, one contained an unknown poisonous spider the size of a fist, and the other contained a centipede about one foot long.

This was specially left by Qingsi Gu.

Qingsi Gu obviously didn't eat enough today.

The effect of Qi and blood combing was much worse.

Sure enough, it is best to find poisonous insects after the rain.

It's a pity that Zhou Qing can't go to a higher place.

With his current strength, if he encounters a large poisonous insect with a fast speed, Qingsi Gu is not afraid of poison, but he can't stand it.

"One mountain centipede, one poisonous spider, two cents."

At Dafeng Pharmacy, the shopkeeper's eyes lit up when he saw the poisonous spider, but the price he gave was still one cent.

Zhou Qing said nothing, just nodded silently.

The Green Silk Gu confirmed that the poison of the poisonous spider is stronger than that of the centipede, but it is limited.

The shopkeeper must have lowered the price, but he had no choice. No matter how small the mosquito leg is, it is still meat.

He must eat enough, preferably meat, to replenish his qi and blood.

With the blood and qi combing effect of the Green Silk Gu, he can recover his qi and blood as soon as possible to prevent affecting his martial arts practice.

"Brother, walk slowly. Next time you catch a poisonous spider bigger than this, I will give you two cents!"

The shopkeeper saw Zhou Qing pick up two copper coins and leave decisively, and added a rare sentence.


Although Zhou Qing didn't want to pay attention to him, he still responded.

This time, he went home directly, and when he passed by the bun shop, he lowered his head and didn't look at it.

He had eaten meat yesterday, so he would eat it well next time when he had money.

After the silkworms at home spit out silk, if he wanted to sell them at a good price, he had to go to the county town.

He had to prepare the travel expenses in advance.

After returning home, Zhou Qing opened the silkworm room and looked at the silkworms that were still spinning silk. His mood finally improved.

"This time the silk seems to be surprisingly good!"

Zhou Qing felt that the quality of the silk this time was very high just from the appearance.

It should be able to sell for a lot of money.

Originally, more than 10,000 silkworms were lost. The number was insufficient, and the income should have dropped sharply.

But if the silk is of high quality, it can be sold at a high price based on the quality.

In a round trip, it actually made money.

High-quality silk is used to make high-quality silk, which must be affordable for the rich and powerful.

But if it is sold in the town, it will definitely be suppressed to the lowest price, and if it is sold in the county town, it is dozens of miles away. It is dangerous to go there once and it is dangerous to come back again.

These days, people who can't survive either sell themselves as slaves or go into the mountains to become bandits.

Poor people don't make things difficult for poor people?

Just kidding, the poor ghosts are killed.

I heard that there is a Huanglong Mountain near Jiuhua Town next door. There is a Jindao Village on the mountain. The owner of the village likes to eat vegetables.

The most terrifying thing is that the village chief is not desperate and has nothing to eat, but he just likes this.

"It's up to you."

Zhou Qing took out lime powder from the adobe house and sprinkled it in the silkworm room to disinfect and dehumidify.

"The lime powder is almost used up."

Zhou Qing looked at the bottom of the quicklime in the jar and sighed in his heart.

You don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are until you manage the household.

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