All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 374: Battlestar

The troop dispatched by Tang Guo this time is even larger, mainly because the number of cargo ships has increased, a total of three ships, because there are only three cargo ships in the Red Sun base.

As for the spacecraft of Red Coral, Tang Guo left it in the base, so he took it out in a big swing, and if it was seen by people familiar with the spacecraft, it might cause them unnecessary trouble.

After a few space jumps, Fang Yun and Tang Guo returned to the folding space, this time they swaggered into the center, looking for the wreckage of the starship.

Fang Yun and the sea turtle landed behind the team. Although they are far away, they can also communicate with each other through electromagnetic waves. For Fang Yun, this distance is just a space jump away.

"Tang Guo, there is something suspected of the wreckage of a starship in front of you 100,000 kilometers."

Fang Yun keenly discovered that a foreign object appeared in front of Tang Guo and they were probably the wreckage of the starship, so he quickly reminded Tang Guo of them.

Tang Guo, in front of Fang Yun, immediately ordered their fleet to go in the direction specified by Fang Yun. Soon, he saw a starship wreck there.

"It really is the wreckage of the starship."

Tang Guo in the command room was particularly excited. She commanded the manpower. "Send two warplanes immediately and drag the wreckage of the starship."

Through the electromagnetic signal, Fang Yun also knew that Tang Guo was dragging the wreckage of the starship.

"how about it?"

He asked Tang Guo: "Is there anything you need on this starship."


Tang Guo's voice sounded in Fang Yun's mind, "This starship is more complete than the one we found before, and many of the installations are intact."

Her voice sounded particularly joyful.

Fang Yun was also surprised. They didn't expect their luck to be so good. They just got over and got a relatively complete starship wreck.

He has also learned about space combat. The battle between advanced civilizations is dominated by weapons such as supercharged laser cannons and ion cannons, but devices such as traction beams will also be used in space combat.

After this weapon locks the target, if the target wants to get rid of the shackles, it may damage the ship's operating system and some key parts of the starship.

Therefore, ships attacked by traction beams are generally well preserved.

Fang Yun is naturally happy to see that the Blue Star people have enhanced their own strength, which is why he came here.

After Tang Guo captured the wreckage of the starship, the team continued to move forward. Next, under Fang Yun's instructions, Tang Guo and they had gained a lot.

Fang Yun's electromagnetic induction ability can be maximized in space, and it is more sensitive than Tang Guo's instruments on their spacecraft.

Objects like starship wreckage are really too small for an environment like space. Even with a variety of high-tech instruments, Tang Guo can find the starship wreckage to a certain extent, depending on luck.

But with Fang Yun now, the situation is different.

For seven days in a row, Tang Guo and their help obtained Fang Yun's help to obtain the wreckage of three starships, one of which was well preserved, and the other two were broken.

In addition, there are some wreckage of fighter planes, as well as wreckage of space cargo ships.

Especially the wreckage of a space cargo ship. This space cargo ship is 30 kilometers long and is a giant. Tangguo ’s cargo ship can't accommodate this cargo ship at all.

Therefore, it can only be dragged behind the team.

This cargo ship is a large cargo ship from a high civilization. It is extremely huge. After all, it has 30 kilometers. What is this concept? The interior is paved with a closed tramway that connects the various cabins of the trunk.

On this cargo ship, Tang Guo also found many laser guns, supercharged laser guns and so on.

This excites them to the extreme, especially Dr. He, who is following, is about to faint. With so many weapons, they can finally do research with confidence.

And there is some cargo on this cargo ship. This cargo belongs to a grenade. According to Dr. He ’s speculation, this grenade is very powerful, but it is not used for space combat, but for ground combat.

At the same time, there are various high-energy firearms.

Obviously, this is a large cargo ship that transports military supplies. It is only said that the transported materials are all ground combat supplies. It may not be very useful to the Blue Stars, but it may be used.

Like these materials, as well as those weapons, which can be dismantled, Tang Guo delivered them to their cargo ship, and now the giant cargo ship has only one empty shell left.

They are also useful for this cargo ship. Perhaps through their repairs, this cargo ship can be re-swept in space.

Tang Guo's fleet was swimming quietly in the sky. On this day, their instruments sensed the presence of strange objects in front of them.

And when they moved towards that side, they found that other fleets also galloped towards that side.

Tang Guo they were warned, but she did not heed the warnings after discussing with Fang Yun, and resolutely led the team to continue to move forward.

Tang Guo, who has tasted the sweetness, is not willing to give up easily. This time she came to the folding space. Her purpose is to continuously capture the wreckage of the starships and quickly improve the military strength of the Blue Stars.

At least it can pull out a decent team.

Soon, their instruments were able to create a corresponding model of the object in front. From the model point of view, the object on the opposite side was spherical, like a miniature planet.

The maximum diameter is fifty kilometers.

This is not surprising, after all, it is normal to have such a small planet in space, or a larger meteorite. The abnormal thing is this spherical celestial body, which seems to have encountered a super attack ~ ~ As for the surface, there are many giant potholes.

In addition, the analysis of the instrument shows that this spherical celestial body is entirely constructed of some special alloy. This celestial body does not appear to be naturally produced, but is more like artificial manufacturing.

"This is ... Battlestar."

Tang Guo groaned after seeing this model, and suddenly shouted.

Battlestar is the current name for a certain weapon in the galaxy. This weapon is very powerful. The star destroyer can only escape in front of this weapon.

After all, this kind of weapon has reached an extremely terrible level with its own weapons, and at the same time, its own defense is also unimaginable.

This thick-skinned meat, which attacks fierce weapons, can be slaughtered for other weapons.

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