All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 375: Starry sky

"It turned out to be a fortress of space, although it is only a semi-finished product, but if we can capture it, maybe we can repair this epic weapon."

Tang Guo's eyes were hot, and Dr. He in front of him was about to die.

With such a weapon, when facing the high-level civilizations, the Blue Stars can also be regarded as the capital that threatens the other party.

Of course, this level of weapon requires an unimaginable number of energy every time it is used.

At least the current Blue Stars cannot use weapons of this level.

"It's still not enough, but get this weapon first, and then think about the rest."

Tang Guo thought in this way, and even greeted the other two large cargo ships, preparing to pull the fortress together.

Such a huge weapon, if you do not use their own power, just rely on three cargo ships, it is difficult to drag this space fortress.

But Fang Yun in the rear said that Tang Guo and they could drag this space fortress together.

Unexpectedly, when Tang Guo happened to be on the money, a laser shot was directed toward them, and this laser gun was aimed at the space cargo ship where Tang Guo was located.

Fortunately, the staff on the spacecraft responded quickly and propped up the partial guide shield in a timely manner. Otherwise, Tang Guo and their space cargo ship were about to die badly.

A fleet appeared over Tang Guo over them.

"A weapon like Battlestar is not something that a small civilization like you can have."

From that fleet, such a message came, and then, from that fleet, there were two giant spaceships flying out, ready to drag that space fortress.

But then they stopped, because another fleet came here.

The strength of the two newly emerging fleets is good. All the ships in the team are more than thirty. Cargo ships, larger starships, and densely packed interstellar fighters.

In this way, these two new teams are from other large civilizations.

However, the two fleets had not yet discussed how to allocate this space fortress. It was only next to the two fleets that the space was distorted, and then the two giants appeared.

Fang Yun and the big turtle are ready to meddle.

They showed extraordinary muscles to the two fleets, but the two fleets were so interested that they dared to attack Fang Yun and the turtle, trying to capture their two giant creatures.

"What a stupid guy."

Fang Yun swayed his huge head, and his mouth continued to spit laser cannons. The two fleets were united at this time, but they were still not Fang Yun's opponents, and soon collapsed.

The intelligent creatures inside the fleet were conquered by Tang Guo and they might be able to force something out of these guys' mouths.

At the same time, Tang Guo's remaining fighters and cargo ships were taken over by Tang Guo.

Soon, their team expanded.

Originally, their team had a total of three space cargo ships and fifty warplanes, but now their cargo ships have become thirteen.

Eighteen starships.

Of course, the starships here are not star destroyers. Except for the Tianhe civilization, other civilizations are ships without star destroyers.

But even so, this team is extremely huge. Even now, even if Fang Yun is not used, in the face of other fleets, as long as they do not meet the people of Tianhe civilization, Tang Guo and their fleet is basically Invincible.

"Sure enough, in space, only when you are a robber is it a shortcut to strengthen yourself."

Fang Yun couldn't help but sigh. They had been searching so hard for so long, but only found several wreckages of starships, and the weapons above did not know whether they could be used.

But now, a large number of fighter planes have been acquired at once, which has effectively enhanced their strength.

If this group of fighters is brought back to the Red Sun Base, the Red Sun Base can form an army of marauders to specifically rob other civilized resources.

"Okay, now you can return to the base."

Tang Guo was satisfied.

This time the harvest is really too rich, before she did not expect that they would harvest a space fortress, and will also receive two fleets of advanced civilization.

But at this time, Tang Guo suddenly received a message.

The message was released by Tianhe Civilization. They detected that an abnormal energy tide is surging towards this side. The energy tide created by this is probably a giant animal tide.

But because of the energy tide, the internal situation is not understood, so I don't know how big this beast tide is.

The beast tide is going to pass through this area, so the fleet in this space is urgently called.

"Beast tide?"

After Tang Guo was informed of this news, the whole person was shocked. The starry sky beast tide can be very scary. The star beasts occasionally seen on weekdays will gather into groups and then stretch to cover a large area. , Usually calculated in light years.

Of course, they don't stay close together, but even so, it's terrifying.

When an ordinary fleet encounters a tide of beasts, it has no resistance at all. After all, if it is entangled with a star beast, it will immediately emit electromagnetic waves and summon nearby star beasts to come here.

For a while, Tang Guo didn't know what to do.

They have reached deep into the folding space, even if they jumped out of the space to leave here, I am afraid that they will not be able to do it. The animal tide will form an energy tide, and this energy tide will form more scary energy than the gravity of the star.

In the range of energy and tidal radiation, all starships are unable to shuttle through space.

In the end, they reluctantly began to rush towards the assembly, while also thinking about countermeasures.

After thinking for a long time, I didn't think of a good way to come. Under the natural disaster of the animal tide, even the Tianhe civilization did not dare to wait and see, let alone their small fleet.

After all, in the beast tide, it is very likely that the extremely powerful star beast will appear, and there may be pathogens mixed in.

"It's really troublesome this time. I didn't expect to encounter a beast tide."

Tang Guo was chatting with Fang Yun, looking distressed.

I originally thought that this gold rush trip will end with a better ending, and the result is such a start in the end.

"Not necessarily a bad thing."

Fang Yun can see it open ~ ~ As long as you are careful, and with my help, there should not be too many problems. "

"The energy of the star beast is a very precious energy source, and the body tissue is also a very good material."

Unlike Tang Guo, Fang Yun was just excited.

The emergence of a beast tide means that star beasts can be seen everywhere, and he can swallow these powerful creatures with impunity.

He often devoured meteorites, which made him a little unbearable. Now it is time to change his taste.

Tang Guo smiled and shook his head bitterly, but his heart was praying, and the beast tide passed quickly.

And under the rush of Fang Yun, they finally came to the designated gathering area of ​​Tianhe Civilization.

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