All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1012 I can't see you better than me

But two years ago, my wife in the next bed passed away.


The son was also transferred to work and had to go to another planet. In order to prevent the family from being separated, the daughter-in-law also followed.

The distance is nearly 10,000 light-years, and it takes time to travel. Everyone is an ordinary family and can't afford the ticket.

Gradually, less and less came from there.

I occasionally post videos, it is said that the younger generation is also busy, and then the videos are less and less.

Officer Wang felt heartache for the old lady in the bed next door. His wife and son went to have a cup of tea, and his son went away from home. Slowly, they dispersed.

This has become a lonely ward again, but in the loneliness of the room, she has a secret satisfaction.

Reassuringly, her daughter has begun to visit her.

Although they don't come much, they do come once a month.

Thinking of this, a few gleams appeared in Officer Wang's dull eyes.

The old lady didn't want to talk too much. After all, about other people's family affairs, what are strangers interfering with, but these few times...

She couldn't stand it anymore.

"Big girl, you can grow your heart."

"Don't be a daughter and daughter every day. Look at yourself. Your daughter is a big living person with therapeutic meals. She is very healthy. I'm here to give you most of the time. I don't understand you at all."

"Open your mouth and shut up about money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, not for money, doesn't your daughter work in a construction unit? Just eat and drink in this unit, and you can't starve to death if you work as a low-level worker. I support you and give it all. She doesn't have enough money?"

"Where is the daughter of a small family, someone who pretends to be a spring will go to heaven."

The aunt is also not spit and unpleasant, don't say it, she can't help it.

"And the attitude of your little girl, you know that you are your mother, and what you don't know she is your mother, that tone, plus it's a flying rocket, looking at people's ass, no respect at all, I can hear it. It's hot."

"You don't care if this girl is going to fly!"

Officer Wang's expression suddenly froze.

"No, my daughter is just young and ignorant."

"You're still young in your thirties or forties?"

"She doesn't have any bad intentions..."

"She's not bad enough to scare people to death!"

Based on the current facts, Officer Wang couldn't say enough about the old lady. She felt that she had lost her share, and finally said quietly, "I understand, I know, these are all my business, and you don't understand the old lady..."

Off topic, just stay out of your business.

The old lady snorted, feeling that she was really busy.

never mind.

"Okay, okay, I'm talking too much, and I'll make up for it for you."

After saying that, she lay down stiffly.

Thinking about the next time the dean came to ask her, she would have to say that she felt uncomfortable in this ward and wanted to leave.

Listening to the drama next door, she clenched her fists and wanted to hit someone right away.


On the other side, in the ward on the sixth floor.

Duke Li An got up on the bed, holding the meal in the robot's hand, and his heart was full.

Not to mention, the food the little girl cooks is really delicious.

Fairy Sai, I want to invite a few children in the family to eat.

His thoughts flashed, and before he could open the lunch box, the door of the room opened. He looked up and saw that it was the Second Highness.

Oh, the second highness who was plagued by plague is here again, and he also chooses meals from all sides.

Inner madness squirts, but on the surface, Li An is silent, like a middle-aged man who has lost his fighting spirit tormented by illness, his face is expressionless.

Zhao Xun was also used to his expressionless expression.

Also, if he had disabled legs like him, and lay on the bed every day, what kind of expression would he have.

So he didn't say a word, took Li An's lunch box as it should, and opened it by himself.

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