All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1013 Greetings to the Second Prince's Family

Ang Lee: ? ? ?

The fragrant ribs were instantly inspected by the two.

Zhao Xun took a deep breath, took out the lunch box he brought, and quickly divided Li An's lunch box into 28-

Eighty percent of it went into his own bowl, and he put the remaining 20 percent back in front of Li An.

Zhao Xun didn't even explain, because he knew that Li An, a marquis, would have no opinion on this.

Ang Lee: I fuck you ****! Two missing princes! Brain full of fat!

No wonder the royal family is going to close down, your father is all this kind of shit!

No childbirth! If you die, you won't be able to eat! !

Of course, Zhao Xun couldn't hear these words.

He has something to do today, and he is not going to meet Jiang Qiuqiu. What Jiang Qiuqiu said yesterday hurt him, so he decided to use some other means to invade this woman's life.

In short, Jiang Qiuqiu must win it.

Not only for the training of the guards, but also for—

Anyway, I won't be in such a hurry to have a meal in the future.

Thinking about it, after a full meal, he came and left.

As soon as he left, Li An immediately greeted his family again.

It's a pity that this meal is at noon, mmp, I must start eating earlier next time, and I have to spit in it, disgusting this kid! ! !


In the afternoon, Qiuqiu repeated the previous schedule and went to the fifth and sixth floors to test his patients.

Although Qiuqiu has excellent mental strength and keeps in mind every change of her patient, she is currently in the process of testing, and she does not know how much the patient will change after eating the food she cooks.

So once there is a change, she can't actually judge whether she has eaten or not eaten the therapeutic meal at noon.

But Ang Lee will tell the truth.

He said that the lunch dishes were eaten.

Jiang Qiuqiu: ?

"Your friend ate your healing meal again?"


"What kind of friend is that?"

Li An did not speak.

"Tell him not to eat it tomorrow."

"I can't call."

"?" Qiu Qiu realized, "Who is he?"

Li An did not speak again.

"Inconvenient to say?"

Li An looked up at Qiuqiu, then nodded frantically.

Jiang Qiuqiu: ...

She wanted to directly ask Li An to go to the office downstairs for a meal, but she thought that his legs were inconvenient, no, no matter how inconvenient, "Then so, I remember that there are wheelchairs on the first floor of this hospital."

"From tomorrow onwards, your share will not be delivered. I will let the robot push the wheelchair up. How about you, Marquis, pack up by yourself, go downstairs to eat and then come back?"

Li An knew that the Second Highness wanted to chase after the girl.

Chasing a girl can't do such an unstyled thing, he nodded, "Will that be too much trouble for you?"

"No, as long as you eat a little faster without affecting my nap."

"I eat fast."

The two initially reached an agreement.

Here, Qiuqiu is actually in a good mood. As long as the patient is new to her, she feels that the external force is not terrible.

On the fifth floor, Officer Wang's physical condition changed slightly, but the change was too subtle.

For a while, Qiuqiu couldn't be sure that her body was depleted too much, and she couldn't make up for the deficiency, or she couldn't make it up, or—

Her daughter went from trying it to eating it again.

So Qiuqiu deliberately asked a question.

At that time, Officer Wang lowered his head and was asked, she was only unnatural for a moment, but because of the angle, Qiuqiu didn't see it, and only heard one sentence: "Fortunately, I ate most of it, I'm full."

Qiuqiu said that he knew, "Then your treatment will take some time."

Treatment deviates from expectations.

At this moment, Qiuqiu never thought that the patient would lie to him.

In her rather simple worldview—

Who is willing to die.

Good night! Chimi~

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