All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1024 Sometimes it's great to solve it by hand

He was like a caterpillar with his head held down, struggling desperately on the table.

He started to panic.

Zhao Xun began to feel that he was stupid.

But at this time he still did not give in, "Do you know who I am?"

"If you dare to do anything to me, the Federation will not tolerate you!"

"Your school can't tolerate you either!"

School? Is there anyone in the school too?

"If you can't tolerate it, you can't tolerate it." Jiang Qiuqiu laughed, "Do you think I lack a teacher?"

She has no shortage of teachers to learn from the scriptures. She stayed at the school to fulfill the last wish of the ancestors. It was also because Mo Si went to the polar regions before and had a long spare time, and wanted to find something to do.

I want to experience college life in the future.

But now it's all about the experience.

"Don't let the school expel me after I go out, you are just a dog, do you understand?"

Before Zhao Xun could reply, Qiuqiu's revenge had already begun.

Regardless of the tyrannical mental power of the S-rank, he directly broke through the barrier of his A-rank fall.

Qiuqiu didn't use ordinary mental power, because using this to hurt people would leave trauma, Qiuqiu used another kind of 'punishment' that she discovered inadvertently.

Use the healing spiritual power, and then desperately squeeze into Zhao Xun's spiritual sea.

A healthy, energetic person is squeezed by external forces, what will happen, it will rise, but it will not hurt.

Desperately losing, desperately losing, Zhao Xun soon reached a critical point, his pupils were slack, his mind was so large that he seemed to think about something at random, and he would explode after thinking about it.

He was like a fish on the verge of water, he opened his mouth to breathe, but Qiuqiu didn't like what he wanted and held down his mouth.

The quick short breath was thought to be interrupted, his chest heaving, his face flushed—

It became more and more uncomfortable, and it became more and more unbearable. After reaching a very uncomfortable point, he began to stretch out his hand unconsciously, wanting to break Qiuqiu's grip on his hand.

The power to resist is weak.

"I know you still have some sanity and can still hear what I say."

"I hope you recognize yourself. You are worthless in my eyes. You look so ugly, unruly, and proud of being unruly... disgusting."

"See me in the future, stay away from me, or I will watch you and teach you a lesson."

After she finished speaking, she added another round of delivery.

Zhao Xun, who was already overwhelmed and rolled his eyes, was overwhelmed, collapsed on the table like a pig, and passed out.

Qiuqiu let go.

Suddenly very happy.


After dealing with personal grievances, Qiuqiu was ready to leave.

Before leaving, I said hello to the veteran trio on the sixth floor, although the old grandfathers were surprised that Qiuqiu was in such a hurry to leave.

But here, healers come and go, and they've gotten used to it.

It's not too sad, after all, I already "know the destiny", and the gatherings and dispersal have been bearish.

But...still a little disappointed.

Qiuqiu was also a little reluctant. This internship trip, Qiuqiu liked these old grandpas the most.

So, a few people added the terminal ID Qiuqiu before leaving.

When I walked on crutches, I originally planned to visit Marquis Li An, but after thinking about it, Qiuqiu still didn't go.

never mind.

Although he has a righteous heart, after all, he is still in the same camp as that second prince. He was forced to be a tool person, probably because his status was not high enough, and he was restrained.

Now that she has offended Zhao Xun to death, it is still not over.

so as not to cause trouble.

There was nothing else to say, Qiuqiu immediately returned to the dormitory, took her not much luggage, and went directly to the entrance of the nursing home.

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