All Stars Are My Food Fans

#1025 stand firm Mo Sisi

Qiuqiu got into Mosi's car.

Soon, the hover car turned on automatic driving, the front cabin was still lit, and the visor of the rear cabin was put down, and when it was opened, two people sat in a row with their eyes facing each other.

"Who got in your way?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was very firm.

"Apart from the starving ghost who didn't listen to the doctor's orders and scrambled for food with the patients in the ward, who else?" Mo Si took Qiuqiu's hand, "What's going on with this sanatorium, why are there so many arrangements? Weird?"

Jiang Qiuqiu: ...

He couldn't help but help his forehead, "What are you talking about, you're not suitable for this kind of market talk."

Mosi stared at his 24k pure veteran face, saying such words are too fragmented.

"What's inappropriate?"

"I think it's a good fit."

Doesn't that make my wife laugh?

Qiuqiu snorted, "It's still these people, it's just that the harassment has escalated."

She told Mo Si what Police Officer Wang, Yang Nuannuan, Zhao Xun, and the team of the head of the Kishi Sanatorium had said recently.

"I don't want to keep doing it."

First of all, she didn't ask to come here for an internship.

From a certain point of view, it was Qiuqiu's name that was called by the Qishi Sanatorium, and Qiuqiu came here.

Mo Si: "Is this already the case for the strange stone sanatorium?"

His tone was still a little surprised.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Mo Si just felt nostalgic and sighed, "Some things are eternal with the passage of time, but some things..."

After being taken over by a bad person, it is not faded.

The Kistler Nursing Home was built about 70 years ago. It was a small-scale sanatorium in the early stage and was a public welfare sanatorium.

Later, because the owner of the sanatorium continued to rise and became richer, the sanatorium became bigger and bigger, because the founder watched his relatives and friends die from being tortured by radiation because of their poor life.

Therefore, the nursing home has always had a rule: only radiation patients are admitted, and radiation patients are not charged for treatment.

Also because people came out of military camps, they have military blood in their bones, and they are upright and disciplined.

The early strange stone sanatoriums were very regular.

It is a pity that 20 years ago, the founder died and a new person took over the nursing home.

The legal person changed, and gradually, some invisible hands reached out here.

"That Zhao Xun is one of the backers."

After talking about the business, Mo Si sighed again, "It's a pity that you came here to work, I didn't come with you."


"Then you won't need to do it." He could just do it and blow Zhao Xun's hammer.

"How did you know I did it..." Qiuqiu was a little curious.

Mo Si: "When you went out halfway, you deliberately took off your white coat."

The white coat represents the doctor, "Your habits are the same as mine."

When it comes to fighting or resolving private struggles, the first thing to do is to take off the clothing that represents a certain group.

"Speaking of which, I also considered hitting the prince."

"If you hit it, hit it." Mo Si's tone was full of contempt for Zhao Xun, "It's okay."

"He said that he would go to the Federal University to control me to drop out after he was healed, and he would never let me go."

"The school is not a one-word hall. With your talent, if you are not alone, the school is willing to expel you." Mo Si touched Qiuqiu, "Even if you want to drop out, the teacher will not agree."

To put it 10,000 steps back, even if you drop out of Federal University, there are other schools to choose from.

"School is not the problem."

There are so many places to choose from in Qiuqiu.

The only thing to worry about is that Qiuqiu, as a public figure, Zhao Xun may start a war of public opinion.

Moses knew something about him.

Playing invisible 'war' is also one of his most frequently used tricks.

But Qiuqiu said: I am not afraid of this.

She is a public figure, but not a public figure on thin ice.

She stood on the strong city wall, not afraid of people to push, people push, but also can not be pushed down.

Good night, Jiu Mi, everyone is happy at 520, but a single dog is only 520 woo woo

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