All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1033 Lost source files

Yes, true and false news is normal.

But Professor Liu now says that he is on the cusp of a wave, and now the Kishi Sanatorium says that Jiang Qiuqiu's teacher's moral quality is not good, and Professor Mei insists that the Kishi Sanatorium does not understand the rules.

Bisheng has evidence on both sides, this, this is incomparable.

"I don't know who is real and who is fake. Anyway, one is true and the other is fake."

"I want the source documents from the hospital now, and I'm going to trace the source and check to see if the evidence is forged."

"You see, for the sake of fairness, can you also bring the source files over there?"

Professor Merlin paused, "Then I'll ask the students."

"Let's ask." Lao Liu waved his hand, "When you take it and bring it over, we should be able to come to a conclusion."

"it is good."

It was inconvenient to send messages inside, so after leaving the door, Professor Mei sent a message directly to Qiuqiu.

It just so happened that Qiuqiu was fine and picked up soon.

Professor Mei told Qiuqiu about the other party's forgery of chat records, and made it clear that the chat records born on both sides must be checked for authenticity.

Now that the other party has provided the source files, they hope that Qiuqiu can also take out the source files of these chat records.

Professor Mei's voice was soft, "The results will be available in about two days."

"Okay, then, teacher, are you in the Academic Affairs Office? Should I send it to you directly through the terminal, or to the Academic Affairs Office?"

"You can send it to me directly." Professor Mei felt that he was a teacher, and Chengdu, which is valued by the Academic Affairs Office, should be higher than Qiuqiu.

The processing time for her may be faster.

Qiuqiu snorted, and just wanted to send all the source files, but this is different from the source files in the 21st century. After the 21st century, they will be sent. Anyway, they still have the bottom line.

But here, sending the source file means that a certain message stored in the terminal is directly stripped, and a file can only be sent to the source file once.

Perhaps due to caution, before posting, Qiuqiu still recorded these things and left some photos, which can be regarded as a bottom line.

She sent a folder to Teacher Mei.

Teacher Mei deliberately returned to the Academic Affairs Office and sent the message to the person in charge, asking him to verify it quickly.

Professor Liu received these things with a smile.

He said happily: The problem will be solved in two days.

This made Professor Mei a little happy too.

But what she didn't know was that just after she left the door of the Academic Affairs Office, the simple and honest chief person in charge, Professor Liu, quietly closed the door of the office.

There are people in the video chat.

Professor Liu's voice almost changed the degree and feeling.

"Get it."

"Get it? Are you sure it's the source file?"

"I got it through her teacher's hand." Professor Liu smiled, "I just checked and checked it at random. It's the source file."

The person opposite heard this and laughed.


Zhao Xun's eyes flew up again.

He didn't speak before, and this is what he was waiting for.

All source files are gone.

That means that Jiang Qiuqiu has no strong evidence in his hands.

Even if she doesn't take compliments, what if she smashes everything out?

Who knows if this is fake news?

Who knows, is this fake news sent by Jiang Qiuqiu to cover up bigger facts and bigger scandals?

same afternoon.

Just an hour after I got Jiang Qiuqiu's source file here.

The series of 'earthquakes' that Zhao Xun prepared for Jiang Qiuqiu finally started vigorously.

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