All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1034 Yang Nuan Ends

Nighttime is the time when most people browse news.

At 7 o'clock, everyone who should get off work gets off work.

Everyone loves to surf the web when they're drinking their evening nutrient solution and enjoying their dinner.

Check out the gossip news, chat about hot current affairs, and talk about your favorite entertainment anchor or star, no surprise, a happy day just passed.

But today is an unusual day for Jiu Xingren.

As in the past, go to swipe for food while eating, or go to see the live video posted before tweeting.

You can go and see if you can't afford it.

Otherwise, take a look in the circle, there has always been an interesting gathering place for the stars, and occasionally there are some jokes, and it is enough to make people laugh.

Or go to the popular channel of Xinxing APP - the tag of the cooking class of Jiu Xingren to see the dark dishes made by others, which is also a great fun.

Every Jiu Xingren watched it with relish, but I don't know when, suddenly there were some strange messages in the food circle of Jiu Xingren.

[The doctor is benevolent, are you also worthy of being a doctor? 】

【Do you know what a spiritual healer is? 】

[I heard that when you were in school, you often only took practical classes instead of theoretical classes? Is it because of this that you learned the technique, but didn't you learn the method of being a healer? 】

[Children, it’s not that you have a bit of fame, a bit of status, or a bit of technology, you can be one-of-a-kind! 】

These strange messages made everyone who swiped it stunned.

What's this all about, no head and no tail, but it looks funny and a little more indicative? ?

Just after these things caught everyone's attention, a portal appeared.

[Answering questions and doubts, referring to the Qishi Sanatorium where Dr. Lu Jiang once served, to see the quality of your idols. 】

Click in and see, it is a post reprinted by Lan V of Kistler Sanatorium.

The post was written by a netizen whose ID is Nuan Nuan Feng, and the post is very long——

A detailed introduction to Qiuqiu's 'what he did' in the strange stone sanatorium.

[Dear Jiu Xing people, I really thought about it for a long time, should I send this news...]

[Because posting this news really made me very sad and regretful, I am also a loyal fan of Jiang Qiuqiu, and I have been following Jiang Qiuqiu's account for a long time. 】

Here, Yang Nuannuan also posted his rank in the Jiu Xingren circle and the time he paid attention to in the live broadcast room.

She is indeed a fan of Jiang Qiuqiu.

Who doesn't love five-star coin's cheap gourmet dining?

[My mother is a policeman who was irradiated by ore because she rescued the miners in the mine. Because of the radiation that changed her genes, she was very ill and was in critical condition for a time. 】

[Later, because of fate, I was transferred to the Kishi Sanatorium, and it slowly improved. 】

In order to enhance the credibility, Yang Nuannuan also posted a few diagnosis sheets of Police Officer Wang below.

[Some time ago, I heard that the Qishi Sanatorium was going to transfer several new healers. It happened that my mother’s healer was also transferred. At that time, the nursing home expected to assign this function...]

[I suggested that my mother appointed Jiang Qiuqiu as the new healer, because I am a tweeter, I believe in Qiuqiu's ability, and I also privately want my mother to taste the food she has never tasted before. Who would have thought, I The expected surprise turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare. 】

A touching prelude.

And the lovable identity of the protagonist of the story——

A police officer who suffered from radiation sickness and was weak from treating others was definitely on the moral high ground.

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