All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1035 Well-trained fans: Close the door! Put money away!

Therefore, after affecting other people's emotions, this warm wind began to count down Jiang Qiuqiu's major crimes.

Number one on the list is bad attitude.

According to Yang Nuannuan, although Qiuqiu was very gentle during the live broadcast, she was very serious on the way to see a doctor and had a particularly bad attitude towards her mother.

The second is a reluctance to provide good treatment.

He obviously said that his nutrition could not keep up, so he only made a healing meal once a day.

[Other healers in the sanatorium later told me that it is more appropriate to eat two to three times, but from the beginning to the end, Dr. Jiang only arranged it once. 】

The third sin is to formulate inappropriate rehabilitation training.

According to Yang Nuannuan, Jiang Qiuqiu formulated a set of movement training for Officer Wang...

[But every time, after doing this exercise, my mother's condition will take a sharp turn for the worse. After it has been going on for several times, my mother's condition is already very bad, and Dr. Jiang said that there is no need to do it. 】

The last and most important point, as a public welfare organization, the Kistler Sanatorium does not hire a fixed healer matching the number of patients because it does not charge fees. They cooperate with some federal healer academies every year. Healers who receive internships at different times of the year.

Internship + fixed double class, it is barely able to operate.

And this time, Jiang Qiuqiu left without completing his internship or arriving at the next shift change point at Kishi Sanatorium!

[Leaving directly without saying hello! This caused my mother's condition to worsen because she couldn't find a suitable spiritual healer...]

Also attached is a photo of Yang Nuannuan's mother, Officer Wang, lying on a hospital bed with a pale face and her current medical condition.

Due to weakness, the radiation virus invades the human body, and it is already a short life.

There is even an audio recording of Yang Nuannuan.

In the whimpering of the young girl, she was crying, and I really regret hiring Jiang Qiuqiu.

She didn't say anything about Qiuqiu's bad here, but she kept blaming herself. She didn't know people well, didn't have the ability to judge, and used only a few words on the Internet to characterize a person without real contact.

The more so, the more real.

The post is very long, and the emotion is very real, and Jiu Xingren was in an uproar.

But the uproar turned into an uproar, Jiu Xingren's first thought was still to believe in Chiu Chiu. Although this post was genuine, there was still no evidence.

Fans' love and trust for Chiu Chiu is beyond words.

What kind of person she is, along the way, everyone understands very clearly.

Trust is the strongest bridge between Qiuqiu and fans.

But everyone didn't directly say that the other party's remarks are not true under this post, because it seems too high rank... The people who are already very experienced in black posts choose to take screenshots immediately, and then go crazy in the fan group @万星@小千total.

Let people from the company come out to explain things and solve problems.

After Wanxing received the @, she changed hands and sent the message to Qiuqiu.

This blackout may be the biggest blackout Qiuqiu has encountered since he became the anchor.

Before, it was nothing more than a fight. Who can represent the food of the ancient earth and who is the best cook? These problems that can be solved through cooking are all small problems.

But this time, it was an attack on character.

Character is actually a very illusory thing.

Especially on Xingwang, on a platform, Qiuqiu can't be regarded as a figurative person to those fans who have never seen her.

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