All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1037 In response to the accident, I refused to admit it

At this moment, she wanted to switch accounts, but found that——

Can't get on the big one.


At first she thought it was the system stuck, but after trying several times, when it still showed that she could not log in and was frozen and locked, a string in her mind tightened.

Thinking of something, she immediately dialed the communication of Dean Zhu of the Spiritual Healing Department.

Can't get through.

The dean is always in contact 24 hours a day, how could he not be in touch at this time?

Unable to contact Dean Zhu, Professor Mei began to contact Mrs. Zhu, but coincidentally, Mrs. Zhu could not be contacted either.

With his fingers hanging in the air, an unexpected thought suddenly rushed out.

There won't be so many coincidences in this world, why at this time——

Professor Mei immediately got up, put on his clothes, and rushed out of the classroom apartment.

She remembered that Dean Zhu also lived here, stepped on the hoverboard and flew quickly to the door of Dean Zhu's house, knocked on the door, and knocked hard.

The voice seemed to wake up something, and the lights were turned on instantly.

The light relieved Professor Mei's tense mind.

Huh, she was wrong, maybe the dean was tired today and didn't answer the communication.

But after the hope, a projection screen suddenly appeared at the door: [Hello, are you here to find Dean Zhu and Ms. Song Hong? They are out. If you are in a hurry, please call the private communication of the two of them~ For urgent matters in the department, please contact the deputy dean~]

The dean is out.

at this point in time.

Non-stop message to the vice president.

In the dim world, the light from the terminal illuminated Professor Mei's wrinkled facial features.

Still not working! ?

Finally, after a few seconds of waiting, it worked!

The old professor was about to cry with joy.

"Is that the vice president?"

"Professor Mei? It's o'clock, haven't you rested yet? Is there anything?"

"Dean, my college ID suddenly can't be logged in." Yes, every account that has been authenticated by the Federal University is associated with the Federal University, of course, except for the big guys, such as Dean Zhu's level Yes, you don't need the Union Federal University, you put your own name on it, and everyone who has seen it knows it.

Professor Mei had just been a professor before, and she contacted her once when she applied for v. The master account on the college side could control her account.

But at that time, Professor Mei thought it was a trivial matter.

After all, the school is full and idle, so what are you doing with her account?

"That's right, someone reported Professor Mei that you might use this id to damage the school's reputation." The vice dean laughed, "I will temporarily ban you."


"I'm doing something that damages the school's reputation? I don't!"

"Hey, are you just waiting? If someone reports it, it will be reviewed, and it will be released after the review."

"Can you release it now? I have something to do."

"What's up?"

Professor Mei spoke out about the need to support the students.

She thought that the vice dean would also agree. After all, Qiuqiu was a rare high-caliber student in the department. Dean Zhu was there several times. When everyone ate together, Dean Zhu often said that Qiuqiu was in the field of youth spiritual healing. absolute leader.

As a teacher, who doesn't cherish talents?

But the vice-principal's reaction immediately made her fall into an ice cave, "It seems that there is no need to investigate."

? ? ?

"You really want to help students damage the reputation of the school."

"What reputation?"

"I also heard about this. Professor Liu from the Academic Affairs Office reported the matter to me. When did such a vicious thing happen to our school and our department?"

Professor Mei felt that this was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, the vice-principal said: "After verification, the information sent by Kishi Sanatorium is all original documents, and that student has lied."

"Impossible!" Professor Mei lost his voice, "I also checked that day, and what Jiang Qiuqiu sent was also the source file!"

"You read it wrong, Mr. Mei, how do you know to judge this as a teacher?"

"I know." Professor Mei said word by word, "Before I came to Federal University, I was also in the Academic Affairs Office."

What she used to do is what Professor Liu is doing now! !

"Professor Liu can't be wrong anyway."

"He is the most experienced teacher in our school."

Good night, Tweet! ~

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