All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1038 Pick up the weapon of law to protect yourself

When Professor Mei sent Qiuqiu another message, the spirit of the person was gone.

She was very lost.

Professor May has never been so sad.

She felt that she was really, really bad. The news on the Internet was overwhelming, and so many people were talking about her students... She knew that the students were the right side.

The evidence that proves the innocence of the student is his own hands.



If it weren't for her as a bridge, Jiang Qiuqiu's evidence should be tightly held in his hands, not destroyed like this! !

Is this the Federal University?

Where are the discipline, style of study, and integrity?

Communication was quickly connected.

Qiuqiu was speaking over there.

Professor Mei closed her mouth again. She had a thousand words in her heart, and she had unlimited condemnation of the school, but at this time she couldn't say anything.

Such silence made Qiuqiu's heart drop to the bottom.

"Teacher? Is the source file missing?"

The old lady hummed, "It may have been destroyed."

The worst happened.

"My social account... was also blocked."

"I can't send you a clarification letter today."

That disgusting brown candy, actually put his hand into the school.

"Mr. Mei, don't be sad, it's not your fault."

"No... it's all my fault. It's my fault that I didn't screen you carefully." Professor Mei stood in the dark night, feeling that the lights around him had gone out.

In the darkness, there was only a cluster of light like Jiang Qiuqiu.

"I just came to find the dean, and the dean and his wife are out. Now I don't know where they went."

"The dean is on a business trip?"

The other party is really comprehensive.

"It doesn't matter Professor Mei, I still have a backup here."


"You kept it!" This was the best news I heard tonight, but after a moment of happiness, she reacted again, "But that's not the original..."

Not the source file, Qiuqiu also has its own processing method.

After a few words with Professor Mei, I hung up the communication.

Undoubtedly, things have gotten worse now.

No wonder they dared to send these messages so recklessly. It turned out that she had already predicted that there was nothing in her hand.

After talking to a few people in the company, Wan Xing was stunned: "This is... Federal University?"

Also a student of Federal University, Wan Xing felt that Qiuqiu's department and her department were not the same school at all.

"There is such a teacher!?"

"Yes." Qiuqiu was calm, "This is not the first time the school has been coerced."

Wasn't Dean Zhu coerced once in Q3 before?

Xiao Qian always agreed, "After all, the nobles have been rooted in the planet for too long, and their energy is indeed very large... I just didn't expect them to do things so ugly."

"Don't talk so much, the school should not accompany me to clarify."

"It's not good for us to send messages on the Internet alone." Qiuqiu thought for a while, "Let's wait until tomorrow to respond."

"Qiuqiu has an idea?"

"Well, just go the legal way." Qiuqiu saw clearly, "In this case, we need a more authoritative voice to speak for me."

"And Mr. Qian, please help me find someone to investigate the warm wind and see which fan group she is in."

"See if she has posted on social media recently?" Qiuqiu suspected that there would be a breakthrough in Yang Nuannuan.

Qiuqiu remembered that every day at noon, a lunch box would be placed on the corner of the table beside Officer Wang's bed.

There is the lunch box that does not belong to her, but belongs to her daughter.

Pretend to be taken away by her daughter.

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